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Letters to the Editor

Democracy allows us to express our political views

I respect Mr. Riney’s right to disagree with me, even though he does it without dignity. For starters, I am a capitalist, a retired businessman with a very comfortable lifestyle. I receive no government pension. I do receive Social Security, not a government benefit because it is funded by employees and the firms that employed us. For most of my life I was a staunch Republican, but like many former Republicans, I felt that I could not respect myself and remain in the Republican Party, so I left it.

Some on the right have stated they have fears of the government taking their guns. I simply stated in my article that I was a Democrat and had no fear whatsoever of the Democrats or the government coming to take my guns. I also mentioned that assault weapons were not necessary for home protection; that “a 12-gauge shotgun was capable of cutting an unwanted intruder in half.” I did hear President Biden, I admit I can’t exactly remember when, state that the problem of teenagers possessing guns is a very serious problem because they are killing each other plus innocent people. Does anyone, right or left, really believe this is not a very serious problem? Further, shouldn’t we attempt to deal with the problem instead of being paranoid and falsely claim “this is another attempt by big government to take our guns from us?”*

I am very proud that I voted for Biden. He has years of experience in government, compared to none with Trump when he was elected. Yes, Trump did have high employment, but many of the jobs were chicken pluckers and flipping hamburgers, paying something like $ 9.00 per hour, not enough for a family to survive. Mr. Riney may not know it because he writes like all he watches is Fox News, But our economy has had the greatest improvement under Biden for the past 40 years. For proof, look no further than the stock market. Moreover, under the infrastructure law, soon to be implemented, workers under Biden will make $ 40.00 and higher per hour. Will a blue-collared Republican take a Trump job for $ 9.00 per hour or a Biden job for $ 40.00 per hour?

I agree with Mr. Riney that Fox News is very popular. It seems like every truck stop in America has it on. But popular does not mean it is always truthful and without bias. For example, their former anchor, Shepard Smith was with its founding in 1996. In 2020 he truthfully reported that the polls favored Trump being impeached and removed from office. Naturally, Trump did not approve of that truthful news and contacted Rupert Murdock, owner of Fox News, asking Murdock to intervene on Trump’s behalf. Shortly thereafter Shepard Smith left Fox News, and since then has created his own news network.

Mr. Riney wrote, “I am one of the dying breeds of a Democrat.” I am one who left the Republican Party because it lost its principles for democracy. But, Riney said, “God bless everyone and God bless America.” I do agree with him on wanting the best for America.

Jim Ferrell

Reader leery of government and expanded police power

You can keep your head in the sand and risk peril, or demand answers. If anyone doubts the ever-expanding size and power of our central government, here’s one of the latest examples that are not widely known and almost non-existent in the news or high-tech platforms.

It seems the Washington, D.C. Capital Police are opening up offices in different parts of the country, with the excuse of “protecting the U.S. representatives”. They have nearly an unlimited budget, have been accumulating the latest surveillance and tracking equipment, and receiving training by other government departments, like the FBI and U.S. military that use this very advanced elaborate equipment. Some may argue “it’s justifiable”, but one needs to understand, they fall under the legislative branch, not the executive branch, which exempts them from FISA obligations, also the Freedom of Information Act, and only answer to the U.S. House of Representatives, in particular the speaker of the House.

Bob Woodward is credited with the saying, “Democracy dies in darkness” is kind of strange. I haven’t heard a word about any of these things from him or any other of his “journalist” allies. Could it be because those now in power taking these actions wear the same team jersey? There are numerous examples in history that are similar, to steps taken to make freedom a memory. It doesn’t start with a tyrant, it starts with rules, laws, and actions few pay attention to.

Edwin Black has written many books, as well as articles. One such article that could make someone look at today’s happenings. It’s called “Steps Working Toward Genocide.” It sparked my interest because I’ve always been fascinated with history and the way things happened, for example, I wondered how could an advanced, well-educated country like Germany in the 1920s and 1930s put a twisted tyrant in power and obey him? In “Steps Working Toward Genocide” the ten steps give some insight. 1. Classification - Groups in power designate people into groups. 2. Symbolization - Find ways to identify these groups. 3. Discrimination - Assign negative propaganda to deny rights to targeted groups, legally if possible, socially if not. 4. Dehumanization - Dehumanized targeted groups never make human connections to them. 5. Organizations - Have official enforcement from groups such as military or law enforcement enforce rules and laws against targeted groups, if possible, or encourage unofficial groups to do so or at least threaten to do so. 6. Polarization - Highlight the difference between “us and them” insinuating “we’re good and they’re evil”. 7. Separation - Identify targeted groups and separate as much as possible. 8. Persecute - Legally when possible. Control narrative to keep negative ‘public opinion’ of these groups. 9. Extermination - Making their voices silent until actual extermination is feasible. 10. Denial - When confronted with the above actions, always deny. Looking at our world here today, how many of these steps have we already taken?

David Jaronik

Just because news show is popular doesn’t make it honest

Today I opened the Friday paper and was hit head on with total, as I call it, idiocracy. Stacy Riney, again, has proved to all of us what Fox does to your brain. This is a person who claims to be a Democrat since 1955, but hasn’t voted for a Democrat since Kennedy and that he gets all his political news from Fox. Just because you are registered as a Democrat doesn’t make you one. You are a Trump Republican through and through. Just like the wolf in sheep’s clothing, the wolf is still a wolf, not a sheep. I guess he feels saying he is a Democrat will give him more legitimacy than saying he’s a Trump Republican.

Just because Fox is the most watched doesn’t mean they are the most honest or moral. You are right that Fox does not stir up hate on the left – they stir it up on the right. Their audience is the right and that’s who they aim their hate at: hate for the vaccine, hate for Mexicans, hate for Biden, hate for, well, you name it. A study showed that Fox “is up to five times more likely to use the word “hate” in its programming than its main competitors” – notice I don’t use the word “News.” The study analyzed 1,088 program transcripts from Fox and MSNBC. It found that Fox used hate words five times more often than MSNBC. “Hate” appeared 647 times on Fox, compared to 118 on MSNBC. Try watching Fox and MSNBC with the sound off. You’ll find the moderators on Fox are clearly ranting and raving when those on MSNBC are talking in a normal, professional way.

I’m pretty fed up with people like Raney telling people to leave the country or go to another country if they like it there, instead of staying here. That is the one of the most childish things you all seem to like to say. Just because someone likes something about another country doesn’t mean they need to move there. Maybe I should say “if you don’t like Biden then go live somewhere else.”

Stacy, we don’t need to go down and file charges against Trump – the Justice Department and attorneys general are doing that for us. Filings and investigations against Trump and/or his associates, so far, include several cases of defamation, fraud, conspiracy, several scams, misuse of 2017 inauguration funds, violation of the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act, that the Trump organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities, the Scottish government’s investigation of Trump’s purchase of his golf course in Scotland, charges against the Trump organization and its chief financial officer for an alleged 15-year-long tax fraud scheme and more….on and on and on are all public knowledge and have been fact checked. But, since you watch Fox, you wouldn’t know that – they are notorious for leaving out anything that doesn’t work to their advantage. They should be called Fox Half-of-the-News.

As you said, you should stop writing letters to the PVT – you are a complete embarrassment and making a fool of yourself. And, in your own words: “Please research stuff before you try to put it in the paper, so it doesn’t make you look so stupid.”

Your words again: “if I want any truth at all I have to go to Fox News” where Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham have all stated that Ivermectin will cure Covid-19. So, don’t forget to head out to the local Pahrump feed store and get your daily dose. If you can’t afford it, I’ll be happy pay for it.

CJ Stevens

Letter writer tallies up administration’s bungling

In just seven short months the moron in the oval office has managed to make America dependent on foreign oil again, by shutting down a pipeline that was 95% complete. At the same time he gave his buddies, the Russians, the go-ahead to finish their pipeline into Europe where they will make Europe dependent and squeeze as much money from them as they possibly can. Wow! Almost makes you wonder if Biden or someone in his family owed the Russians some kind of favor.

Next, he shuts down all exploration and drilling, causing us to be even MORE dependent on foreign oil. Finally, to complete making the U.S. the laughingstock of the world, he asks OPEC to pump more oil so the price they charge us will go down, thus decreasing the rising costs of not only our gas at the pumps, but everything else in the country. Iraq and Venezuela must be laughing their asses off at this one. Oh, and this isn’t a tax increase, it’s just inflation.

But that’s not all. President Trump tried to close our borders to all air traffic at about the time the first case of Covid-19 was reported in the Northwest. DemocRAT politicians fought him and forced him to keep the borders open and the pandemic began. Remember, DemocRAT politicians forced President Trump to keep the borders open. A month or so after he assumed office, the moron in the oval office claimed that HE made the vaccine for Covid-19 available to Americans when he had NOTHING at all to do with making the vaccine ready for Americans. And now these know-it-all socialist DemocRAT politicians and the one in the White House, who has done nothing at all in his previous 47 years in office, are quietly training Americans to do what they’re told. Wear your mask. Close your doors and stay inside. Do not send your children to school. No parties. Wear that mask. Get a vaccine shot. Wear your mask. Get a booster shot. Wear your mask because even if you have your shots you can get the flu again. Wear your mask.

Americans have a very short attention span and with enough propaganda, soon will be following their master’s commands religiously. Remember to wear your mask. You must have your vaxx papers to cross our borders. (Unless you’re an illegal alien, then come on in.) Wear your mask. Show me your papers or you can’t eat in a restaurant or go to the gym. Wear your mask. Many highly intelligent people have already fallen for this. Wear your mask.

And then there’s the southern border. I’m very sure that enemies of the United States saw a way to create this chaos while President Trump was in office. The socialist DemocRATs were already rioting and creating havoc in the streets of America just because they didn’t like President Trump. So I think our enemies took advantage of that and sent operatives to every South American country and many other third world sh*t holes around the world and spread the word that they could have a much better life in America. That all they had to do was cross the border and claim asylum and America would take care of them. Or just send your children. America will take care of them and you’ll be able to join them later. America will give you free medical care, free schooling for your kids, even free money. And they came. Boy did they come. But President Trump had that almost under control. And DemocRAT politicians fought him tooth and nail to prevent it. Then the idiot now in office just opened our borders to anyone and everyone who wanted to come in for the free stuff. Come on in! Make yourselves at home! People from over 100 countries are pouring across the border. (A federal judge has now told Biden to reinstate a Trump policy of illegals staying in Mexico until they can be properly vetted.) Of course he hasn’t complied with the order yet.

Have any of you ever wondered even for a second if there might be terrorists crossing the border along with all the drugs flooding our streets now. What a bonus that is for the cartels and the enemies of the United States. The border patrol is so busy directing and housing over a million people from third world sh*t holes that they don’t have time to police the farther edges of the border. What’s next? Restaurant and nightclub bombings? Maybe a football stadium or a WWE wrestling event? Or maybe a new version of the flu?

Have you ever wondered why China, with a population of over 1.4 BILLION people has only reported 106,615 cases of Covid-19 and has ONLY had 4,848 deaths from it? Probably not. Many of you were too busy hating President Trump to even think about it, and you still haven’t, even though we now have a moron in office. Think for a second, could the Chinese have so few reported deaths because they KNEW about Covid-19 BEFORE it “got loose”. And forced their population, (they are a communist country and can make their population do as they are told or else), to get vaccinated without telling them why or for what reason. Is it even remotely possible? Of course it is.

Let’s see, the idiot in charge has also rescinded tariff agreements with China that were to America’s benefit. That’s probably payback for all the money his family received though. Only fair, right? Gotta pay the favor back somehow. Who cares if Americans pay more for Chinese products and receive less for the products sold TO China. What little there is of that. At least Biden’s family has reaped the benefits of it.

Only someone who, in his whole life has never held a real job, never run a real business and just coasted through 47 years in political office, could make such a MESS of pulling the troops and other Americans and Afghanis out of Afghanistan. Carter’s, (another DemocRAT politician) little helicopter debacle in Iraq doesn’t hold a candle flame in the wind to this! From what we can tell from almost all news channels reporting, Biden seems to have decided to, “Go Now, Just do it! Come on man.” There had to be someone telling him it wouldn’t be as simple as he is. That there needed to be some prior planning. That there is a much bigger and more easily aircraft-accessible airport just a few miles away from Kabul, which I understand is a real bitch to fly into and protect while people are loading into the aircraft. Now Biden has HIS Vietnam. “No,” he told us, “There will be no people falling from helicopters flying from the rooftops”. Instead Biden has people falling from great heights as they fall off the C-17 flying away from Kabul. Thousands of Americans and thousands of panicked Afghans left behind after hundreds packed into those C-17s. Was there time to vett any of those people? Are there any Taliban, Isis or Al-Qa’ida (Death to America), in that group of people who may be off-loaded in Wisconsin, or Texas. Not sure why Wisconsin is being punished, I can understand it for Texas though, red state.

And just as he’s done over the last 48 years, Biden is blaming anyone and everyone else for his blunders. He has even blamed President Trump for the mess he made in Afghanistan!

Hope my Democrat friends noticed that I wrote Democrat POLITICIANS. That is my distinction between those who are controlling and those who are the controlled. Yesterday I was reading about all of the medical personnel who were being fired because they chose not to get vaccinated. And some were being fired even though, for medical reasons, they’ve been told not to be vaccinated. Our local politicians are trying out their control too. It’s not funny that the people who were lauded as heroic for putting their lives on the line to save others during the pandemic are now being demonized and fired for still doing the same thing. Remember. Get your shots! Wear that mask! You don’t get to choose! Wear it, or else. You VILL show me der vaxx papers!

Robert Dole

Reader gives an explanation of recent UFO sightings

I witnessed with a work colleague, a UFO hovering over a chemical plant in Manchester at 5.50 a.m. one clear July morning in 1999. I was going to work in Trafford Park on my pushbike when I heard the sound of the nearby chemical plant’s emergency hooter going off. When I looked over from the road, there was this craft hovering over the chemical pipelines. I was quickly joined by a colleague, who was also cycling to work. It was very quiet at that time and the only noise was that of the hooter, there was no noise from the craft. It was as if they had parked mid-air and put the hand brake on.

It was not of this world; it made us both late for our 6 a.m. shift in the factory where I was temping at the time.

So I became a believer that we were being visited by extraterrestrials. I had gone to a talk in 1994 about the Suffolk UFO, given by the Col. Charles Holt, the former deputy base commander of the U.S. military facility there and watched a few programs on the subject previously. It was only as a Christian catholic believer that in February 2016 I came across the fact that Jesus and Mary and some of the saints had appeared to the visionary Veronica at Bayside USA (1970-94).

Among other things they told her about what would happen in the end times we are now living through, that it was Satan and his cohorts who were flying these various craft around the world in order to trick mankind into believing we were being visited by alien races that don’t exist. When the Christian Rapture takes place, which I believe will be some time this decade, the news media will report to those left behind that a mass alien abduction has occurred in order to mask the divine event (more fake news). This will herald in the 7-year tribulation period, when Jesus releases the four horsemen, - the war will be started by the combined forces of Russia/China, and New York is hit by a comet. For more on this, go to the shrine website http://www.tldm.org and look under ‘Directives’ for the subject. Their appearances at Bayside were authenticated by the many miracles performed there, although the church will never officially recognize it, they did say there that Satan had entered the church now at its highest level as part of the ongoing spiritual war.

When the UFO &Consciousness show came to Manchester in 2017 it took place across the road from where I had witnessed the UFO in 1999. Given my own faith journey, I don’t believe this was a coincidence. They promote the idea at the show that we are being visited by alien races and some of the conspiracy theories surrounding this. There are and have been many documentaries on the TV on the subject, which also promotes this idea.

I had a letter published in the local secular press on the subject in 2018 on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

So that was my mystery explained. Satan and his cohorts are supernatural beings. That’s why the Bible tells us we are not up against mere flesh and blood, but powers and principalities. That’s why the Christian has prayer/fasting, etc. in their spiritual armory, which is effective against his activities.

John Deegan

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.

EDITORIAL: The blue state blues

If blue states want to stop losing residents to red states, they should adopt red state policies.