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Oil company may buy 200 acres of public land near Tonopah

The oil refinery has leased its land since the ’80s. The project is fueling some concerns about how the burning of fossil fuels is warming the planet.

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‘Here we go’: Tonopah coach gets ready for next year

TONOPAH — A retired Nye County Sheriff’s sergeant who traveled the nation has parked his RV in Tonopah once again to coach the Muckers baseball team.

JIM BUTLER DAYS: Horseshoes group honors Tonopah founder

Six competitive horseshoe pitchers met in a Nevada town with roughly 2,000 residents and home of the Clown Motel, which is next to a cemetery that dates back to 1901 in Tonopah.

Groundbreaking set for new Tonopah elementary school

A ground-breaking ceremony is set for the construction of the new $25 million Tonopah Elementary School beginning at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 29

Community Narcan dispensers saving lives

More than 80,000 people died in 2021 of an opioid overdose nationwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control, including prescription opioids, heroin and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. To help counter this trend, Michael Quattrocchi, grant manager at NyECC, and his team have placed four Naloxone dispensers, which look like newspaper vending machines, in Nye County over the past five months.

Tonopah to be home to experimental hypersonic testing facility

Ambitious. It’s an apt word to describe Michael Grace’s vision for the future of his company, Longshot Space Technology Corporation, which, if all goes to plan, will build what he calls the world’s largest potato gun.

Tonopah justice named judge of the year

Tonopah Judge Jennifer Klapper is this year’s recipient of the Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction’s “Judge of the Year” award.

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