Pahrump man remains at-large after 3-hour standoff with SWAT team

Authorities surrounded the residence of Anthony Bell, 27, Wednesday night and sheriff’s office deputies, detectives and SWAT team members evacuated neighbors from nearby homes.

Duckwater School likely to close as enrollment drops

Nye County Assistant Superintendent Kyle Lindberg told the Pahrump Valley Times, only five kids are currently enrolled there. Enrollment could fall to just two students for the 2023-24 academic year, according to district projections, and most agree that keeping the school open hardly makes sense.

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | Share your stories of ‘progress through perseverance’

In fewer than 350 words, we invite you to tell us about an initiative or project that you or your organization have successfully executed since the pandemic. Describe the problems you faced, and explain how you solved them. Tell us about the people behind the project who propelled it foward. Lastly, share a bit on how others in the community benefited from your progress. We will publish excerpts from the best stories, along with photos that celebrate PROGRESS through perseverance in an upcoming special section.

Nye commissioners allocate $286k for new NCSO radar units

In February, the Nye County Commission allocated $268,200 in revenue collected from a Public Safety Sales Tax to purchase new radar units for the department’s entire patrol fleet.

March 2023
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