Immunization clinics
No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Wednesday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $26 million.
No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Wednesday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $25 million.
Support Meetings
The rule of thumb for anyone shopping for a home is buyer beware.
Shows for the adults, a movie for the kids and a special event for teens, everyone is covered this weekend for choices in entertainment.
If you’re lucky, your tomato plants are producing like crazy right now. If you’re even luckier, you have lots of friends whose tomato plants are going nuts and you’re sharing in their abundance.
George and Judith Brooks-Strickland moved to Pahrump in 2001 and put their combined talents to use providing literary, cultural and artistic programs for the community. For them, this was the second chapter of their lives. The first chapter is a story of two divergent tales.
hose who experienced the crash of the 2008 housing market found themselves upside down in their homes. Foreclosures loomed over the financial futures of homeowners and one in every four homes in Pahrump Valley was empty. The population decreased as residents walked away from mortgages. Businesses closed, jobs dwindled and the unemployment figures were number one in the nation.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I am a technophobe.
No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Wednesday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $23 million.