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Vegas to Reno off-highway race arrives

The Best in the Desert is holding its annual Las Vegas to Reno desert off-highway vehicle race beginning early today near the town of Beatty, Nevada with the final participants finishing near the town of Dayton, Nevada around 11 a.m., on Saturday, Aug 18.

Details were announced by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

The event will be held on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management within the Tonopah, Stillwater and Sierra Front field offices.

“The public is cautioned to be aware participants may be using roads that the public uses to access public lands both August 17 and 18, so please plan accordingly,” the BLM said in a statement Thursday.

“In order to provide for public safety, (Best in the Desert) race officials will be controlling traffic along the race route and several access roads until the last race vehicle has passed,” the statement added.

Participating vehicles include dirt bikes, quads, utility terrain vehicles and trucks.

Purple Sage public meeting held

Public comment is sought on the solar generation facility proposal.

Nevada dairy farm could become solar facility

An agreement has been signed to turn the 3,000-acre dairy farm into a solar energy facility.