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Letter to the Editor

Are we better off today than we were after the last election?

To my friends, neighbors and constituents in Pahrump and Nye County: We are at the beginning of the election cycle again. Nye County has been publishing which political positions are up for re-election in 2014. Many politicians and would-be politicians will be putting their best foot forward to get you to vote for them. Some will articulate new ideas and some will be middle-of-the-road and not commit either way. Some will try to explain why they either did or did not do something while they were in office. We have many of these bottomless promises in the past. We have also had studies in the past that offered to learn what would make life better in Pahrump and Nye County with the inference that something would be done to actually make the quality of life better.

Some of you may recall The Sage Commission (check it out online) that offered some 42 items to make life better in Nevada – go check on the status of those recommendations – disheartening at best! Much closer to home, many of you may recall about 1 ½ years ago the Town of Pahrump and Nye County paid for a study and community workshop to determine what was needed to make life better in the town and county. This was an unprecedented joint and very collegial effort. The workshop occurred in the Nugget casino and was attended by politicians, business people and residents. It was a positive time and attendees were actually communicating. I attended and actually enjoyed the sharing of experiences and potential ideas to actually make life better.

Six items (themes) were identified from this effort (not in any priority order): 1) economic development; 2) education; 3) governance; 4) infrastructure; 5) image and communications; 6) quality of life.

The reason I surface this event is to pose the three following questions as they are relative to the upcoming elections.

1) Do you feel that your elected officials (politicians) at any level addressed these themes?

2) Did your elected officials do what you expected them to do?

3) Are you and your family better off today than you were when those running for re-election were elected?

If the answer is no then perhaps it’s time to replace these politicians and get new blood. My only advice on who gets your vote is simply this: “Do your homework/research on the individual before you make your voting decision.”

Walt Grudzinski

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This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.