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Letters to editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Air ambulance issue sparks more reaction in Pahrump

The recent story and letters about air ambulance costs missed several points.

First, newcomers to Pahrump are never told that the band-aid station that is our so-called hospital sends most of the emergencies over the pass one way or another. If in doubt, please read the Desert View Hospital’s annual report. Everyone who lives in Pahrump needs to understand this.

Second, the band-aid folks may mean well, but face it, top-notch medical professionals DO NOT live and work here. Why would they? The days of the all-knowing altruistic country doctor are long gone. Didn’t you notice when Southwest Medical bought up all the medical practices in town and then sold the group to a bigger business out of town? Medicine is now big money business and let’s face it, the only way to get rich in this town is to overcharge.

But misdiagnosed health issues can cause DVH to send you by air to Vegas. The lack of good health care professionals could make a mockery of the informed consent idea as well. I had a severe respiratory infection, fainted and had a bookcase fall on me. DVH informed my family by phone that I had had a major stroke and was dying.

You can guess what happened, but it took five months (Nevada hospitals are rated the worst in the country and the most expensive by the NIH) and a two-day visit to the largest teaching research hospital in the world (NOT in California) to get the true diagnosis. I had a severe concussion. I was lucky to have survived the treatment I received here. But my family agreed to the air transport based on A MISDIAGNOSIS.

Third, we are lucky if our county commissioners have a high school diploma and have never been arrested. Nye County government has a long history of mismanagement and corruption. Pahrump is a town where people come to escape, many of them to escape scrutiny and to be a big fish in a little pond. That doesn’t qualify them for running a business or government. If in doubt, just read the PVT archives for proof. The commissioners are never going to “fix” the air ambulance cost or health care problems. The county cannot even get a bid request and acceptance handled correctly, (see the recent shelter bid articles).

To be blunt, the commissioners cannot care about issues that could destroy the town. There is not enough money in Nye County to handle the regular ambulance service, let alone an air service. The regular service always has a deficit, and for proof, read the budget.

Then there are the Californians and Republicans. Most of these newcomers move here for the lower cost of living as well as the lack of regulations. This sort isn’t going to support higher taxes or more rules until they personally get the airfare bill.

The bottom line? No one is going to warn you about the issues of living in Nevada before you move to Pahrump. And no one will fix them once you do.

Would anyone want to purchase my properties? I am getting out of Pahrump while I am still alive.

Belinda Hendrickson

Brothel food-donation sparks reaction

I am writing in regard to the article entitled “Sheri’s Ranch donates to Pahrump food pantry.”

As a service to our community, the Pahrump Community Church (PCC) Food Pantry has been providing for the needy of Pahrump for 25 years. We rely solely on the generous contributions of our church family and donations from local merchants as well as from the community at large. Some contributions are financial and many are donations of groceries.

We receive no funds from any government agencies and we have no “partnerships” with any agency, business, organization or ministry outside of Pahrump Community Church. We are grateful for all donations and we accept these with no strings attached since the goods will be distributed directly back into the hands of the needy in our town.

Although we will take what is given and use it to help others, this in no way indicates that we condone or are in agreement with the spiritual/moral/ethical beliefs and practices of those making donations.

We believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God and the final authority for faith and practice. Accordingly, we urge everyone to recognize that all are sinners in need of God’s forgiveness and that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. As those who have received the grace of God, we believe Christians are “to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works” (Titus 2:12–14).

We are grateful for the generosity of all of our donors (including Sheri’s Ranch), but we stand in opposition to the inherent immorality of the entire sex-trade business, and we plead with those who are involved either as “clients” or “workers” to repent, turn to Jesus and find forgiveness. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:16–17). Jesus Himself commanded the one guilty of sexual immorality: “Go, and from now on sin no more” (John 8:11).

We will continue to serve our community and we will continue to accept donations from others. Even as we intentionally aim to provide physical food to the hungry, we also aim to provide spiritual food to “those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” (Matthew 5:6).

We invite any seeking to know God better to contact us so we can “explain… the way of God more accurately” (Acts 18:26).

Pastor D. Keith Walker

American citizens need to vote for change

It appears our socialist politicians are slowly winning the battle of the uninformed and illiterate, brainwashing our kids and the socialist higher educated students.

I have lived up and down the West Coast for much of my life and have seen the transformation of Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Long beach and the worst – San Francisco – into basically “slum cities” from good, clean, well-kept cities. It’s sad.

You would think taxpaying citizens of all political parties would want change and not vote for the same old speeches and no change for the better, and vote their wants for a better living environment for themselves and their young. But I guess anyone who allows organizations like unions, cliques, companies, and especially rich socialites, famous actors and such to tell them who to vote for deserve the slum cities to live in.

When we as citizens don’t vote for change for the betterment, per our very relevant Constitution and written rights of our republic, we get exactly what the elite want, a ruling class and the rest of us pay for it. It’s time to actually vote for ourselves.

Henry Hurlbut

Most people still fear the word ‘radioactivity’

Living in Beatty, Nevada, for over 50 years, I have learned a lot regarding various subjects.

One of the most interesting things I have learned is how people deal within themselves regarding the word “radioactivity.” The word radioactivity speaks for itself, and in more ways in which people are afraid to admit within themselves, much less to each other. Please let me explain.

Radioactivity is “here” basically for all eternity as it has been since long before mankind, namely, the Sun. It isn’t something we can get rid of, so now we, as a people, have to deal with it. Now the question is: How do we deal with it? That is a good question.

Basically, and simply put, radioactivity is nothing else but a flow of particles, neutrons, etc., which is controlled by radioactive absorbing rods to maintain the desired level of energy contained within radioactive reactors. Yes, sometimes things go wrong and we have emergency situations develop such as Three Mile Island, for example. There has been reactor problems within Russia and Japan as well. Now the question is: How many people died from these reactor failures?

We, including people worldwide, went through the same thing about 130 years ago. It was called electricity. People were afraid of electricity because they didn’t fully understand it. All they “knew” were the hazards of which they heard from other people. Since then electricity is very widely accepted and virtually used in every way of today’s life.

Electricity is nothing else than a controlled flow of electrons that goes house to house, and all businesses throughout the world. Without it, where would we be? What would our world have been like without electricity? The list of questions go on forever, but, at the beginning of the development of electricity, people were equally as scared then about electricity and the problems resulting from it just as we are now presently afraid of radioactivity.

The only problem with radioactivity vs. electricity means we have used radioactive rock to deal with. And now this brings issues to bear in mind. What do we do with the used sources of nuclear fuel? Presently we have numerous used fuel sources scattered all over the world. And what about the present monitoring of these used fuel sources? Are they as adequate as our technology within the United States? What will be done in time when the containers become corroded to such an extent they are no longer able to safely contain the radioactive fuel sources within? There are ways to deal with this I would like to address.

1) Right now we have a site in Nye County, Nevada, known as Yucca Mountain Repository Site, which is also attached to the Mercury Test Site, which is known to be a testing center for above ground and below ground nuclear weapons. Because of these nuclear tests, scientists developed ways to monitor radioactivity.

2) Because of the nuclear weapon testing mentioned in part 1, the grounds surrounding the actual test sites are basically known to be condemned for hundreds of thousands of years. Why can’t the land in the same proximity for testing be used for Yucca Mountain? We have the scientific know-how to monitor the storage and the best way to address situations as they become apparent. Why contaminate other lands basically being used for the same purpose as Yucca Mountain?

3) Instead of using Yucca Mountain as a high-yielding nuclear burial site, I would like to propose Yucca Mountain be used as a radioactive incinerator, in other words, burn the used fuel source to such an extent there are only ashes to deal with, and then store those remaining ashes within Yucca Mountain. It would greatly minimize the ever-pressing need to build more storage containers and would make people realize there is not really anything to be so greatly concerned about. Right now the main thing Yucca Mountain Repository Site is being used for is nothing else but a political football. It is an item being used by political hopefuls to gain votes. The game is over, now, let’s deal with the issues. I am led to believe the repository site has already been finished and awaiting a train bed to be built to access Yucca Mountain.

In closing, I would like to ask a very simple question: How many people have died worldwide because of nuclear issues such as Three Mile Island, Russia, and Japan’s nuclear reactor problems and how many people died last year in the wildfire in Paradise, California, and not counting so many other people who died due to wildfires in California and throughout the entire world?

What was the cause of the Paradise fire? A faulty electrical wire falling to the ground sparking the fire. Interesting? Are we going to outlaw electricity now?

I, as a private citizen, would welcome any and all future development of Yucca Mountain and to explore the incineration concept I presented, and in hopes this email will generate favorable support from all political representatives regarding Yucca Mountain, including and not limited to, public support, Nye County commissioners, Nevada state legislators, United States legislators, and the president of the United States of America.


Perry A. Forsyth

Letters to the Editor

President Johnson previously held the record for pardons, with about 7,000. Joe Biden broke that record with over 8,000 pardons.

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.