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Letters to the Editor

Updated January 18, 2022 - 4:51 pm

Library trustee meeting attendee shocked by others’ behavior

On Jan. 10th I attended the library district’s trustee meeting at the Pahrump Library as I had a set of new Tuttle Twins books to donate to the children’s section of the library.

When I arrived I was pleased to see roughly three dozen people in attendance. What transpired, however, was a calamity — not by the trustees, but rather by a core group of negative dissenters constantly collaborating, disrupting and attempting to derail the meeting and the business of the library trustees.

What a horrible, horrible display by one CJ Stevens, absolutely void of decorum, courtesy and common decency, literally of any kind. Absolutely no positivity, zero help, praise or guidance offered in any manner.

However regular disruption, nonsensical and inappropriate ramblings, coupled with tirades toward other in attendance, merely for just being in attendance. And add to that personal attacks on trustees both during the meeting, at the break, and at the conclusion.

I’ve witnessed very few other such horrendous, shameful and embarrassing personal displays at public meetings in my lifetime. And all of this while regularly clamoring for decorum and following both the law and Robert’s Rules of Order, none of which she followed at virtually any time. Truly self-ashaming and embarrassing to herself and the others in attendance.

Additional dissenters, such as Carolene Logue, who regularly read from regurgitated prepared notes in a mundane and repetitive manner, regardless of the agenda topic at hand, droned on almost endlessly.

Logue herself regularly assailed the trustees with such lofty comparisons of responsibility it would seem as though the library trustees must be the Executive Board of the United Nations.

All in all the trustees made it through their two dozen items in just about three hours. Had the collaborative efforts of the group of dissenters not engaged the meeting would have lasted about 45 minutes.

This is a great learning tool for everyone when attending various public meetings as you should be prepared to offer obtainable and reasonable solutions to your reasonable and justifiable concerns.

The dissenters had zero reasonable or justifiable concerns yet they successfully wasted more than two hours of time of roughly three dozen people is a completely unproductive, senseless and shameful manner.

Suffice it to say that the negative, sophomoric and simply childish letters to the editor which are regularly submitted by CJ Stevens regarding the library trustees are completely empty of any substance or notable facts.

That these dissenters are merely a mass of like-minded busybodies with little else to focus on than attempting to exact some form of revenge for the former library director, to whom the dissenters are steadfastly aligned and unhinged over her retirement plans being pushed ahead by 12 days from the library trustees.

Simply a negative group-think waste of effort by the dissenters as the library trustees still managed to accomplish everything on their agenda while having to regularly pause their business to address violations of conduct and breaches of decorum from the dissenters during the meeting.

Imagine, if you will, a group of bad girls in the back of the bus, taunting the driver while vying for the attention of everyone else on the bus merely because they were trying to impress themselves to everyone else’s annoyance. Now see those girls as senior citizens and place them at the library trustees’ meeting. Enough said on that.

If you love liberty, freedom and the original intent of the founders of this great nation and want the children in your life to learn more about these great founding principles please bring them to the Pahrump Library and look at the Tuttle Twins book set. It’s prominently displayed in the children’s section of the library and consists of a set of 12 books.

Bill Carns

Reader says vaccines, booster are all part of the government scam

After two years, calmer, more sensible folks are bucking up against the coronavirus scam. This scam has followed the same orchestrated presentation as the NSL 55 mph, back on Oct. 1, 1973. It was fraught with lies, propaganda and extortion. The oil wells did not dry up in two years. We did not reduce our oil consumption by 20 percent. We did not become independent of OPEC, 35 percent oil supply.

Question: I asked in October 1973, if we reduce our consumption by 20 percent how will that render us independent of Middle East oil supplies? What happened to the other 15 percent? No one would answer that, because it does not fit. That was not the only lie we faced for 22 years, three months.

Along comes Biden and Fauci (principals) to concoct a scam, the magnitude is hard to comprehend. The virus scam has been one lie after another. I’ll give Biden and Fauci this, they have some folks convinced.

But unlike lemmings headed to the sea, a cliff and death, the leaders, Biden and Fauci, are losing their followers.

The public is retreating and moving away from compliance. Abraham Lincoln stated, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.”

That applied to the NSL 55 and the virus scam, which it turns out, has not been the killer that we have been advised. The fatality rate stands at 0.2 percent for 2020 and 2021. I have not been fooled all of the time.

I have seen vaccines come and falter. If U.S. citizens comply with the shot, the endless booster shots, we shall never see a day when the virus is conquered.

We shall never, under any circumstances have a virus-free atmosphere.

Wayne Brotherton Sr.

Resident appreciates our public library and former director

I have been living in Pahrump for approximately five years. During that time, the library has been one of the few bright spots in Pahrump, for me anyway. It is a beautiful building and the people who work there have always been competent and helpful for the entire five years. All of them.

I could be biased on this because I am a lover of books and libraries in general.

So I would like to say a big, hearty thank you for your wonderful service to the library and the community to Susan Wonderly. Best wishes to Susan for the new year and her future plans.

Mark Cochran

A never-ending supply of challenges exists in today’s world

The red flag has begun to wave again in Russia. Putin, the president and new czar, as he is known in some circles, is an old hand from the days of the KGB. He knows how to play the game with spies, wet work and political one-upmanship. According to some observers, the tension and uncertainty of the old cold war is reemerging with Ukraine as the principle trouble spot.

Putin and many of his contemporaries will never forget a time when mother Russia’s western border was shielded by their satellite countries. Now, the Kremlin sees NATO’S growing influence in Eastern Europe as an unacceptable encroachment. No surprise that a pro-Russian faction in Ukraine has raised the bar and received military support from the Putin regime.

So, with diplomacy at a delicate stage, we can only hope those seated at the table can come up with solutions that keep the bubble from bursting. And this one is unaware that even in the most favorable circumstances, international agreements are frequently difficult to negotiate because every country involved seeks an advantage.

With Islamic fanatics and terrorism still very active, the nightmare of a pandemic, plus what’s going on along the eastern front, there is an unending supply of challenges and complications. Regardless, the wider world is compelled to maintain productive commerce, address environmental issues, and deter conflict between nations as much as possible.

With all that’s going on you’d think it doesn’t leave much time for pettiness in our nation’s capital. But given the nature of politics and its practitioners, we can be assured they’ll find ways to keep us guessing — and wishing.

You don’t hear it expressed so much these days, but years ago an acronym became well known among the super powers. MAD — or Mutually Assured Destruction — has kept planet Earth from being destroyed. If sanity, and common sense prevail that do-not-cross line will be maintained. And perhaps our great-grandchildren’s grandchildren will look back from a calmer, much happier place to shake their heads at the absurdity of past human behavior.

Ralph Bazan

A different take on the recent library trustee meeting

Open Meeting Laws [violations] are misdemeanors, not guidelines as many stated. The statute of limitation is from one to two years depending on the type, not six months as a Mr. Carns kept repeating at the meeting.

The trustees are claiming these items were rescinded because they were not properly listed on the agenda, which is true. But what they did do in the closed meeting was illegal.

They put Ms. Wonderly, the beloved, longtime library director on administrative leave. The illegal activities that we claim they broke are: (1) they took away her legal right to be told they were going to talk about her in the closed meeting (NRS 241.033), (2) they took away her legal right to be present (NRS 241.033a), (3) they took away her legal right to have a representative or attorney present (NRS 241.033b), (4) they took away her legal right to present her side (NRS 241.033c), (5) they took away her right to make it an “open” meeting (NRS 241.030-2a), (6) actions cannot be taken in a closed meeting but they voted to put her on administrative leave, an action (NRS 241.030-1) - NOT to take a “vacation” as Mr. Ochenreider claimed, in an attempt to cover up the truth. At that meeting they claimed Ms. Wonderly had broken NRS codes, and that was the reason they gave to her when they told her she was put on leave. They NEVER told her it was a “vacation” to “honor” her for her service. This was a blatant attempt by Trustee Ochenreider, just this last Monday, to cover up the truth. We expect more from a trustee.

Recordings of the board’s discussions are subject to the OMLs (NRS 241), whether in an open or a closed session. Mr. Mitchell may regret what they did, but he was not even a trustee at that time. We ALL regret what they did! And it was NOT “procedural discrepancies” that we are complaining about.

We’re complaining about what those three men (Mr. Shewalter, Mr. Shoemake and Mr. Ochenreider) did to Ms. Wonderly: stripped her of her legal and inalienable rights! Mr. Mitchell also stated that they “weren’t malicious” but, again, he wasn’t there so can’t know that.

Mr. Shoemake’s saying it was a “great opportunity to correct something” says nothing about the total disrespect and emotional harm they inflicted on Ms. Wonderly. He NEVER states how sorry he is for what he did to her; none of them have. Shame on you Mr. Shoemake. Shame on you Mr. Ochenreider. Shame on you Mr. Shewalter.

We were not only calling on them to resign for their lack of transparency, but for their total lack of remorse, lack of ethics, lack of obeying the law, then AND now. More OML violations have been filed with the attorney general, including several broken at the meeting on Monday. These men are the gift that just keeps giving. The time limit on those and more current violations have not expired. Neither has the law that states violations of the OMLs can carry fines of up to $2,500 for each offense. THAT’S how seriously the state takes it when someone breaks OML laws (NRS 241.040).

As for the board’s lack of ability to hire a new director, Ms. Wonderly announced her retirement over nine months ago and this group of trustees has been unable to find a new one, mostly because they have been operating under the wrong set of rules, given to them by Mr. Shewalter. I nicely emailed all of them Monday to let them know the correct way of doing it. Only Mr. Shewalter responded and he, as usual, claimed I was wrong. Oh well, I tried. Apparently, Mr. Shewalter, the one racking up all these OML violations, knows more than lil’ ole me.

One last thing for the readers: When the letters start coming in bashing me, remember that the 40-50 men brought into this meeting on Jan. 10, to rally against us, had never been to a library trustees meeting before so had no idea what these trustees were up to. Only two spoke up to say they had been at one or two meetings in the past. They called us nasty names, made obscene gestures at us, interrupted us, even moved their chairs to block us to and from the podium. It came to be minds over matter: our minds and their gray matter. But we prevailed and didn’t give up. These were not men; they were your typical schoolyard bullies out to stop us about something they didn’t know anything about.

Shame on them.

CJ Stevens

Information on water redirection hard to get, says reader

Lord, oh, lord, I tried to find out what the guidelines for requesting water redirecting were. After being redirected myself to sites that had nothing to do with my request, I was directed to a series of water resource maps. More than half didn’t even list Pahrump, but they had Beatty and Amargosa and Johnnie.

And trying to contact our state water engineer, well good luck. As far as I can tell, they have changed the rules again.

First request - first served? If you have water rights they can be given away by any entity that has requested water diversion for say, a new housing development or agriculture. That is, if you have not made clear how you are using the water that is part of your property.

Sound impossible? Well, there have been four requests for water diversion from a point 4 miles west of downtown Pahrump! And after hearing for many years about the misuse of water by all these private well owners, they have closed several municipal wells on the south side and the north side and opened a massive grow facility that has two wells, plus utility access water and two utility companies’ wells that were recently drilled (at night). The maps that show water resources for the Pahrump basin show nothing about the water diversion canals and underground storage systems!

There are no concrete codes, I mean ordinances, that remotely address the water rights that were paid for by the property owners who had their wells drilled long before these rules were amended during the time of coronavirus, meetings with no public involved! And why are all utilities either closing their offices or using their offices for payment only?

Ted Johnson

Reader says vaccines, booster are all part of the scam

After two years, calmer, more sensible folks are bucking up against the coronavirus scam. This scam has followed the same orchestrated presentation as the NSL 55 mph, back on Oct. 1, 1973. It was fraught with lies, propaganda and extortion. The oil wells did not dry up in two years. We did not reduce our oil consumption by 20 percent. We did not become independent of OPEC, 35 percent oil supply.

Question: I asked in October 1973, if we reduce our consumption by 20 percent how will that render us independent of Middle East oil supplies? What happened to the other 15 percent? No one would answer that, because it does not fit. That was not the only lie we faced for 22 years, three months.

Along comes Biden and Fauci (principals) to concoct a scam, the magnitude is hard to comprehend. The virus scam has been one lie after another. I’ll give Biden and Fauci this, they have some folks convinced. But unlike lemmings headed to the sea, a cliff and death, the leaders, Biden and Fauci, are losing their followers.

The public is retreating and moving away from compliance. Abraham Lincoln stated, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.”

That applied to the NSL 55 and the virus scam, which it turns out, has not been the killer that we have been advised. The fatality rate stands at 0.2 percent for 2020 and 2021. I have not been fooled all of the time.

I have seen vaccines come and falter. If U.S. citizens comply with the shot, the endless booster shots , we shall never see a day when the virus is conquered. We shall never, under any circumstances have a virus-free atmosphere.

Wayne Brotherton Sr.

Reader thanks senior center manager, staff for holiday events

Thank you to Anne Blankenship-Harris, who is the site manager and runs the Pahrump Senior Center and the great staff.

The seniors had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas meal and entertainment. On New Year’s Eve Day we had a wonderful meal along with hats, noisemakers, and even a toast of sparkling cider. We called it our “Noon Year’s Eve Toast” and sang “Auld Lang Syne.” We also had a moment of silence for our friends lost during 2021.

Thank you Pahrump Senior Center for making our holidays great for all the seniors!

Sandra Jones

Senior reader thanks veterinarian for saving his service dog’s life

Thank you, thank you Pahrump Animal Care! Dr. Wallace you are my hero! My large rescue dog Diesel became despondent and sick. On a Saturday we called to see if we could get him an emergency appointment and were told yes, bring him right in. We did so and after leaving him for examination went home. Shortly after we got a call about our dog. Get him to a Las Vegas hospital for animals NOW was the message. My partner and I are quite handicapped and could never be able to do it and asked if there was a transport service – nope.

Then Dr. Wallace told us it was serious but he has done the required surgery before – we said please do it. He gave us an estimate of three hours before Diesel would die. He had twisted his innards and cut off blood supplies.

Dr. Wallace completed the required surgery and fixed Diesel’s innards so it should never happen again. The surgery was a life-or-death deal and Diesel was on his way to living with us for more precious years. He is still recuperating at the veterinarian’s to assure there are no complications.

If we had taken Diesel to Las Vegas he would not have survived due to time getting there and then having to check him in and probably prepayment of approximately $14,000 up front, which we don’t have as retirees.

Again, Dr. Wallace and all at Pahrump Animal Care Center, you are all our heroes! Thank you!

Sylvia and Henry Hurlbut

Reader agrees with letter about learning better behavior from animals

I just read the comment from Henry Hurlbut in the Jan 7 PV Times, and can’t agree more. I’ve always felt that even though everyone in the whole entire world is different, there is no reason why we can’t get along together.

After all, we are all human, I think. We all eat, sleep and breathe. We all bleed the same color; red, not yellow, blue, pink or whatever. Each person is entitled to their own opinion and should be allowed to voice that opinion without offending another person, even if that other person doesn’t necessarily agree. We are ALL individuals. No one is perfect.

Not only should we watch how separate species of animals interact with each other, we should also watch the very young children who all play together. The small children accept each other as friends, until they get old enough to be influenced by the bias of their parents and other influences. I am very non-confrontational, but neither do I let someone push me around. If I don’t like what someone is saying, I walk away. Easy. Nowadays everyone seems to want to “get in someone’s face” about almost everything. Life is way too short to be miserable. Listen to your neighbor, or a stranger at a store. You never know when you might learn something new, or find a new friend.

Gloria Adkins

‘Keyboard warriors’ thrive on controversy and attention

I am 79 years old with a long, successful career in the military, law enforcement, and politics, I normally just consider the source when it comes to dealing with habitual busybodies and “keyboard warriors” as it has been my observation over many years that they all have the same things in common.

First and foremost, they are incapable of ever being wrong. They feel guilty for being an underachiever, thus spend their time denouncing successful citizens, including unpaid volunteers. They severely lack intelligence and common sense, thus use Google to counter anyone or views to make themselves look and feel omniscient, i.e., “Keyboard Warriors”.

When all else fails they resort to name calling as is the case of CJ Stevens. Some of her Socialist/Marxist diatribes are “Mr. Dole is a ranting old man with proof of hysteria” — “Karen, how hypocritical and self-serving.” In my case “Mr. Fisher, you are an idiot and a jerk.”

How sad when you must respond with slander, besmirchment and childlike name calling to get your point across. Last December she wrote a desperate whining letter to the PVT complaining that they have printed 15 of her socialist tirades but did not print her latest letter. Hopefully someone on the PVT staff will realize her claim to fame is criticizing and slandering their readers — including local volunteers — and stop giving her a platform.

Her rant over masks is a prime example; it is not hard to find examples for and against them. One thing she did not mention was the N95 mask filters to .3 and the COVID virus is .002. One would have to have the intelligence of plankton to not see that you can’t screen mosquitoes with a chainlink fence, no matter how many countries buy into masks and Marxist mandates. I bet she also believes the world will end in 12 years over climate change.

Gene Fisher, USN Retired

Resident concerned Pahrump being bamboozled by builders’ claims

I urge all of you to completely read page A16 of the Friday, Jan. 7 PV Times. These are NOT single-family residences. They are nothing more than two-story condos or two-story ugly duplexes on no land at all! Thirteen of these things equals 26 units on one acre! And gee, low cost of $200k per half! Is this what the people and families want for Pahrump? Traffic like Vegas and crime will abound too.

They refer to us as NIOBY’s (Not In Our Back Yards). Let’s make sure we don’t allow Pahrump’s nice, friendly town to become that next bedroom community. What say you?

Diane Urbanik

Measures are needed to prevent more burro deaths

I was saddened to read of yet another burro killed on Highway 160 on Dec. 20. Maybe our town council would consider making the speed limit lower to 45 from dusk to dawn from Irene to Leslie or beyond. This is done in Cody, Wyoming because of deer on town streets at night.

Also a few solar lights on poles along the roadway would be a wise move. It’s very dark on most of that stretch and if the burros are standing sideways it’s almost impossible to see them.

I think it’s time the council made some safety moves on this. We love our burros and mustangs and it’s very upsetting to see them injured or killed due to speed and unlit roadways at night.

On behalf of animal lovers,

H. Carter

America should not give up inspirational, successful system since it works

Those in my age bracket — 80ish — know too well that since we joined society, much has changed in America and throughout the world. Certainly there have been marvelous advances on the tech side, even though upgrades are sorely needed in many areas. And yet I often find myself perplexed by the attitudes and actions of people. Though gifted with imagination and creativity, so many are driven by illogical and destructive tendencies. Is this what it means to be human? To some extent I suppose it is.

As I struggle with a swirl of thoughts I’m reminded that the late President Franklin Roosevelt focused on a particular date that “will live in infamy.” Of course he was referring to the attack on Pearl Harbor. But throughout our nation’s history infamous dates abound. Most recently Americans experienced the unprecedented events of Jan. 6, 2021. Unlike anything else we’ve known, what occurred on that day shook the foundations of what we the people have believed in for more than two centuries..

We assumed that our institution of government, our seat of democracy, was inviolate. We have learned that is not the case. And what does this mean for the future? That is a question which I imagine will occupy the thoughts of political leaders and scholars for some time to come.

More security around the nation’s capital? Be more alert and suspicious of everyone and everything? Has it come down to that and nothing more? I can’t accept that.

Have we learned things about ourselves that will change us for the better? I want to believe we have. We can never allow doubt and distrust to fragment or permanently damage a system that has been so wonderfully successful, and an inspiration to the world.

Another year has begun and troubled as we are with a deadly virus, along with an assortment of other issues, I’m also convinced that Americans are not only known for their love of freedom, but their stubborn refusal to give up. We’ll never let the voices of defeat or hate dominate us.. Among the keys to a better future is choosing our leaders based on character, not charisma.

Good luck, friends and neighbors. And here’s hoping for a happier New Year!

Ralph Bazan

Jan. 6 ‘insurrection’ not comparable to 9/11, Civil War

Really? “A moment sheared in our memories, like Dec. 7, 1941, Sept. 11, 2001, that you remember where you were and what you were doing when Jan. 6, 2021 occurred.”

Sorry madam VP, I don’t remember Dec. 7, 1941, I wasn’t born yet, I do remember 9/11 vividly and some other things that were monumental to me but I can’t recall even the day of the week of Jan 6, 2021. Can’t even remember if I heard about the riot on the day it occurred.

This is not to say I condone any illegal act that took place on that day and believe all that did commit anything should receive a “justifiable” punishment (that should also include rioters in 2020 and the ‘smash and grabbers of 2021, in the cities that caused a great deal more damage, injury and death comparatively).

To date, I haven’t heard of one person involved that is being charged with “insurrection, treason, murder, attempted murder, or even possession of a firearm. Apparently, there were some weapons charges related to clubs, pepper spray, and things like armor, which is at best a questionable offensive weapon. Most charges are things like trespassing, damage charges, and things that in nearly all other cases would be finable misdemeanors (some places no punishment at all). If this indeed was an “insurrection” any casual observer would have to agree it was poorly planned, organized, and directed. One would think if your plan is to “take over a government, you’d at least bring some real good guns and it seems only one side had any of them and at least in one case, used it irresponsibly, which if one cares to look at that person’s personal record, this wasn’t the first time.

Also there seem to be some “hiding the ball” going on like not releasing all correspondence and video of all people involved with responsibility for security, as well as why certain people caught and tape being what most would consider insightful and agitating and never charged with anything, not even questioned by those “seeking the facts” in this matter.

Sorry, this has become little more than a political cudgel. We should demand letting the sunlight shine on all aspects if we’re going to conflate this to something as big and serious as the Civil War, because there seem to be some pushing for something very similar.

David Jaronik

Reader agrees with letter on learning from animals

I just read the comment from Henry Hurlbut in the Jan. 7 Pahrump Valley Times, and can’t agree more. I’ve always felt that even though everyone in the whole entire world is different, there is no reason why we can’t get along together.

After all, we are all human, I think.

We all eat, sleep and breathe. We all bleed the same color; red, not yellow, blue, pink or whatever. Each person is entitled to their own opinion and should be allowed to voice that opinion without offending another person, even if that other person doesn’t necessarily agree. We are ALL individuals. No one is perfect.

Not only should we watch how separate species of animals interact with each other, we should also watch the very young children who all play together. The small children accept each other as friends, until they get old enough to be influenced by the bias of their parents and other influences. I am very non-confrontational, but neither do I let someone push me around. If I don’t like what someone is saying, I walk away. Easy. Nowadays everyone seems to want to “get in someone’s face” about almost everything. Life is way too short to be miserable. Listen to your neighbor, or a stranger at a store. You never know when you might learn something new, or find a new friend.

Gloria Adkins

Our present America from a Black man’s point of view

Whose America is it anyway?

Before 1492 and after 1619, the newcomers came and established their rules and laws having no regard for those who were already here. The newcomers referred to them as less than human and savages. That is how you can set up shop, telling another group as the enemy.

All down history this has been an agenda of the newcomers. Once the newcomers set up shop, he claimed God for himself. Killed, destroyed in the name of God.

Fast-forward to nowadays: the ruling class say there is no God; another group says there is a God. The ruling class says it is OK to kill; another group says you should not kill. The ruling group says one needs an education; another group says there is no need for an education. Ruling class says this is the greatest country on earth; another group says it isn’t. Another group says the mask is not needed and the virus is a fake; but the media goes along with it even though it is all a lie. The media has never been a friend of people of color, especially Black and first people. The media has always slighted us as a people.

Let’s look at Pahrump and its make-up. Every area of government is controlled by the ruling class. The school board, county commissioners, the top brass of the sheriff’s department. Is it fair? Like they say, “out of sight, out of the mind.” All other boards and organizations are controlled by the ruling class but the media has blinders on. Yes, racism is alive and here in Pahrump and America it is not dead.

There should be many Latinos on these boards. Why are they not welcome? Only a few Blacks here, yet out of sight out of mind. Where are the patriots? Where are the veterans, where are they? Too many died for our country to be the way it is. Where are the proud Americans, where are they? Where are the ones who care?

Many have paid the ultimate price and this is the best we can do? Rise up my countrymen, your country needs you. None but the faithful. Where are God’s people, where are they?

All I can say is God bless America. The media is not our friend people of God. We must stand up for God and country. It is dwindling away, and fast. I pray God blesses America. Here we have some say they are the true church. So where does this leave the rest of the world God’s people? We are all God’s children and have a chance to make it in. Yet this is the ruling class again. We need a gathering of the saints to come together and pray for our country and the world. Yet that will not be done. Pray my people, pray – America needs you. Thank you Mr. Trump for doing your best for America. God bless America!

Arthur Hodge Sr.

Maybe we should take behavior lessons from the animals, says reader

Ever watched the birds at and dogs at dog parks or cats? Most always, they all get along without supervision even when they aren’t the same species. Yes, occasionally there is a squabble, but mostly friendly to no interaction.

Yet in the human element it used to be similar until politics became so important. Now it is anti this and anti that, everyone but the “elected” is wrong and needs to be silenced in one way or another.

Don’t think so – just look at the money people – Soros, Blumberg, etc., and all they promote, like Antifa, BLM, anti-police.

And what can we do about this? How about treat others as we would like to be treated?

Where would you be if not born in America today? African Americans – is there any better place in Africa? Mexican Americans – is there any safer or better in Mexico? Oriental Americans – are there any better places in Asia? German, French, Italian Americans – how about your areas? Russian, Irish, English – would you be better off there? Why would you rather be in another country when the native people there are wanting to come here?

Seems to me we all should be thankful we live and thrive here, rather than be worried about being shot by terrorists, grabbed and thrown in prison for speaking out against the government or put in relocation camps and forced to work in sweat shops to stay alive elsewhere.

Yes, we as a people and a nation have our wants but at least we are free to try to correct and eliminate them peacefully. When all is reviewed, I say what we have here in the USA is pretty damned good.

Henry Hurlbut

Reader criticizes some inconsiderate ‘happy’ dog owners

They say dog owners are happy people? Well then why do dog owners let their dog do their business in other people’s yards and don’t clean up after their “children”?

Up and down Fort Churchill Street you will find dog poop. We now watch on cameras, we know who you are.

Do you let them relieve themselves on your property?

Heidi Coonan

Only 2 things in Dr. Fauci’s bag: masks, endless boosters

In the ‘50s there was a TV program called “You Asked For It” in which people wrote in to see various things, sometimes it was silly, sometimes it was educational, but most times it was interesting.

Mr. Tom Armbruster’s Dec. 29 PVT letter indirectly asked me to justify one of my earlier letters, so in this very limited space, I will attempt to answer his challenge.

First, Dr. Fauci is a well-paid government technocrat who controls many government funds in the form of government grants. He is also very influential in creating government policies and directives and considered the leader in these areas.

Going back to January, February, and much of March 2020, when the COVID-19 virus was revealed, Dr. Fauci stated travel bans are ineffective and masks are ineffective too. These two statements are somewhat true even today and could be attributed to not understanding this virus, but in his position as such an influential virologist, there was little depth to his advice or there was deceptive intent.

First, the travel ban did buy time to learn more about the virus from others and many masks are very ineffective but some are reasonably good (which were in short supply here because of our past of relying on places like China for such things and seem to have reverted back to that policy).

Then there was the “flatten the curve and herd immunity” that Fauci said were the keys, which are now historical relics never mentioned. Having searched out other virologists for other ideas became difficult because opposing views became taboo, even the origination of the virus.

Today Dr. Fauci seems to have just a few things in his doctor bag: first the vaccine with endless boosters for everyone; masks everywhere, with few exceptions and no suggestion of what kind; isolation, which gives power to stifle child development, education, as well as things like substance abuse, physical abuse, and loneliness for children, as well as many adults, which may be more severe in the long run.

But maybe his biggest transgression is his involvement in the “gain of function” research which, he chooses to play word semantics with his answers, but even if one can justify some value to such things, who in their right mind would scientifically and financially support such a project that was, in the big picture, controlled by maybe our biggest adversary, that little doubt holds different goals we may have?

Oh, and by the way, at this time on earth gravity is slightly greater at each pole. In other words, you would weigh about .05 percent more at either pole at this time. Ever wonder why that might be?

David Jaronik

Reader comes down hard on writer of recent PVT letter

Shame on you Gene Fisher for thinking you can lie about me in your letter of Dec. 31, then bash me with your lies. But thank you for embarrassing yourself to all the readers of the PVT. Now, to clear up your utterly ridiculous caricature of me….

I NEVER condemned our Bill of Rights. I stated that there was no place in the library for the Pro2A Sanctuary Bill of Rights which is NOT in our Constitution and is nothing more than right-wing rhetoric. Our Bill of Rights that IS in the Constitution is the one that should be hanging on the walls of the library. I totally support the Second Amendment (I am a gun owner and have a CCW permit) and our Constitution. I should attack you for your misguided and blundering use of the First Amendment, but it does allow idiots to voice their opinions so not much I can do about that. But I will say it’s jerks like you who use your last remaining brain cells to make an ass out of yourself so, by all means, continue to use your constitutional rights which my brother died for as an Army CWO helicopter pilot.

It is a FACT that three of the trustees on the library board did NOT have library cards when they applied for their seats on that board. Yes, they have them now but DID NOT have them when they applied. Also, as you claim, they do NOT have years of leadership and management experience. Look at their resumes online. You can find them under the agendas of the Nye County commissioners’ website for the meetings dated May 4 (Item 24) and June 15 (Item 45). Click on the “For Possible Action” link and you will find their resumes. Only one lists a job (website design - with a business address of his home). The other two only tout themselves and do not list any jobs. Which one of them put you up to writing your baseless letter? Next time try doing a little fact checking instead of relying on the words of a biased friend.

So, let’s get this straight, Mr. Fisher: I don’t and have NEVER condemned the Second Amendment or our Constitution and I am NOT a Bernie Sanders lover. In fact, I don’t like him and never have.

Let’s also get this straight, Mr. Fisher: You are an idiot who needs a lot of lessons on how to read. Save those remaining brain cells and check out “Fun with Dick and Jane” at the Pahrump Community Library. That is, of course, if you have a library card.

CJ Stevens

Writer clarifies intent of letter for responding reader

I have just had the pleasure of reading a response to a letter to the editor that I sent. First of all, the response was at best not close to what I said. My opinion was in support of our parks and the recreational benefits they generate.

My submission was about how these lands were not close to what the properties were intended for. The person who responded I am sure meant well. But my opinion was in support of these lands and how their use was not consistent with the general population.

I have no dog in this fight. My issue is with the monopolizing of these recreational assets for a certain portion of the populace. Check the maps in the phone books, there are certain neighborhoods that have no surface streets that connect to them. I believe, very humbly, that the silent majority pin their hopes on our leaders to do the right thing on their behalf. That’s not happening. It is a free-for-all that is restructuring real estate values and subsequent infrastructure improvements to benefit the few insiders who have invested heavily in certain areas.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just do not take liberties with others’ opinions. I believe that my position is representative of the original founding populace and hope that someone wakes the heck up!

Ted Johnson

Letters to the Editor

President Johnson previously held the record for pardons, with about 7,000. Joe Biden broke that record with over 8,000 pardons.

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.