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Letters to the Editor

Additional information on dog poisonings

Personally I am the parent of several "fur babies." Professionally I am the office manager for the Comstock Park Homeowners Association (CPHOA).

The purpose of this letter is to correct the misinformation that was reported in the November 25, 2015 edition of the Pahrump Valley Times regarding the poisoning of the dogs in the community.

There have been three (3) separate incidents of poisonings that have been reported to me.

The first occurrence was approximately a year ago and the owner of the animal poisoned filed a report with Nye County Sheriff's Office and posted notices herself on the bulletin boards.

The second incident reported was this past July. Because access into the community is via public (county owned) roads and the crimes occurred on private property, it falls under the jurisdiction of NCSO.

I recommended that a report be filed (by them) with that office and I PERSONALLY posted notices on the bulletin boards with the information I had been given and suggested that residents check their yards prior to letting their dogs out and to stay outside with them if possible.

In the most recent incident, Ms. Miers and her granddaughter came into my office on November 16th to let me know what was going on. Ms. Miers informed me that she had contacted the Sheriff's Office and she herself would be posting notices on the bulletin boards.

There are approximately 668 properties in the Comstock Park community that are all privately owned - if you are the legal owner of one of these properties, you are a member of the of the association.

If Selwyn would have contacted the office I would have been more than happy to share this information so it could have been included in the article.

Misty L. Ingram

Commission to hold meeting for domestic well owners

Another attempt at hijacking Pahrump's groundwater is being perpetuated. Two commissioners promised to hold town hall meetings on Dec. 18 and Jan. 9 allowing domestic well owners time to have input on the groundwater management plan before it was approved.

However, we were recently informed that approval of all or part of the plan will be on the BoCC agenda Tuesday, Dec. 15, 10 a.m. One commissioner assures us that only "conservation and relinquishment of water rights for new development" will be discussed. This sounds innocuous but both items are key to the implementation of the entire plan.

Warning – if any part of this awful plan is approved by the BoCC, that part of the plan will be off the table and the town hall attendees will be unable to address those items. Since almost every goal is listed under "conservation" no significant changes to this plan will be possible later.

Contact your commissioner by phone, then email and write a formal letter asking them to table or reject this plan until you, the domestic well owner, can present your ideas in an open, equitable forum. It is paramount that you and your neighbors attend this meeting on Dec. 15.

Dave Caudle

Government policies not reflecting real inflation

From what I hear on the news and read, those of us on fixed incomes who receive Social Security payments will not be getting a COLA (cost of living adjustment) this coming year, along with the military and those on disability.

The main reason I hear and read online is because the price of fuel has gone down so there is no inflation.

I find that very interesting because in 2010 and 2011 when we got no increases and the cost of fuel went up 50 percent and 49 percent for those years, and if I remember correctly, they said there was no inflation then because the cost of housing went down. So, housing goes down but fuel goes up, no inflation. Now, because fuel went down 45 percent but housing costs went up, no inflation.

So what is counted toward inflation? According to the government, food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services are the categories.

Now I do not know about anyone else, but some of these things I see have consistently gone up but the government evidently does not see it. Food – up and if the price is not up the size is reduced, which to me is inflation; housing cost – up; apparel – up; transportation (fuel – down, new car – up, insurance – up, auto registration – up, the rest - ?); medical care – up; recreation (TV and cable – up, sports tickets – up; education and communication (tuition – up, postage – up, phone services - ?); and other goods and services (tobacco – up, personal services - ?, utilities – up, others -?). Of the ones I see listed I see more up than down or staying the same.

Now the real proof of no inflation will be if government employees and elected officials do not get a raise of any kind.

Bruce Kline

A tribute to a great town and travel buddy

Just like towns, our lives are boom and bust, and this holiday season I’m just thankful for the time that we had together.

Letters to the Editor

Dr. Waters does not speak for the majority of military veterans when he disparages Donald Trump.

Letters to the Editor

It seems the narrative is, “if you can afford solar power you must be rich, so you can pay more too.”

EDITORIAL: Convicted Pahrump JP still wants her paycheck

Michele Fiore is upset that the taxpayers are no longer paying her not to work as a Pahrump justice of the peace. She has only herself to blame.

Letters to the Editor

The most dangerous lies are the lies we tell ourselves and all the ways we look to justify them.

Letters to the Editor

I am happy that the election campaigning is over, but most of all the absence of political ads from both parties, blatantly lying about their opponents.

Letters to the Editor

As a resident of Pahrump, I have deep concerns about bringing homeless people here with the intent of reintroducing them into society.