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Letters to the editor

Repealing gas tax would be penny wise and dollar foolish

Recently our commissioners unanimously agreed to raise taxes five cents per gallon for diesel and gas, increasing the total Nye County road tax to nine cents per gallon. Since then there has been a movement to repeal the tax by placing the measure on the ballot in the forthcoming election this fall. The following will demonstrate that repealing the gas law would be penny wise and dollar foolish.

A little over two years ago I called my commissioner and asked if he could arrange to have the potholes filled on my street. He informed me that there were almost no funds left to maintain the streets, but he would do the best he could. Shortly thereafter, about four potholes were filled. About a year later some more were filled. There are still several unfilled potholes. The street has not had a topping, probably since the asphalt was originally put down and now it has deteriorated to the point that in many places it is no longer holding together. I understand this is because the county has not had the funds to properly maintain our streets.

It doesn’t take a road engineer to understand some basic facts about asphalt roads. We know that over time potholes will appear. If the potholes are not immediately filled as they occur, rainwater will get underneath the asphalt immediately surrounding the hole and cause the pavement to break up. We also know that the asphalt can be preserved much longer if a topping is applied before weather and travel have caused unrepairable deterioration. As Ben Franklin said, “A stitch in time will save nine.”

It is incumbent on those pushing for the tax repeal to prove to the citizens of Nye County in no uncertain terms where we are going to get the funds to maintain our streets if the gas tax is repealed. Some say we should tax water rights because they are considered to be real estate. For one thing, it appears there are more water rights than water. The commissioners have all said there aren’t enough funds to properly maintain the streets. Some running for office say they will cut staff in certain departments. Where? Are you going to take money from the DA’s office? The courts? Law enforcement” Tax assessor? More importantly, has any feasibility study been done to show that any department can take a cut without causing said department to reduce productivity?

The gas tax costs me a little less than $2 per month, less than the tip I leave when eating out. I would much rather pay $2 a month, even as much as $5 to drive on well-maintained roads and avoid hitting potholes which could cost me as much as $80 to put the front end of my car in realignment. Being penny wise and dollar foolish is not a good way to run a government.

Jim Ferrell


Animal shelter decline in last decade sad to see

I have been reading about the decline of the Pahrump Animal Shelter and Nye County Animal Control for the last decade. My father, Clark Wheeler, was a special Nye County Sheriff’s Deputy under then-Sheriff Wade Lieseke all through the 90’s until my father’s death in April of 2003. “Wheeler” as he was called, was responsible for animal control and the shelter operations in Pahrump Valley and most of Nye County.

The Nye County Animal Control department was well maintained and funded solely due to my father and his activism. Sheriff Wade was always there to back my father and the beloved animals of Nye County! It is a sad state of affairs when the sheriff’s department and the community at large keeps turning their backs on the animals that depend on them to keep them healthy and safe.

My father Clark Wheeler is shedding many tears from his golf cart on the 18th green right next to Rainbow Bridge as he looks down from heaven and watches what is happening to his beloved Nye County Animal Shelter.

Doug Wheeler


New resident finds Pahrump very ‘different’

My name is Ralphel Vaccaro. I’ve recently moved here from Battle Creek, Michigan. First time living in Nevada. Pahrump is a little bit different… What I can’t believe are all the abandoned homes. What happened to those people?

Also, lots of junk here and there doesn’t seem to be regulated much. Also, they are trying to get something here good for the economy, water park, new stores, town cleanup. Seems like lots of homeless, unemployment is high. I’m looking for employment myself – limitations.

I appreciate any input or help.

Ralphel Vaccaro

Letters to the Editor

President Johnson previously held the record for pardons, with about 7,000. Joe Biden broke that record with over 8,000 pardons.

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.