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Letters to the Editor

Nearly died laughing?

As I was reading the Wednesday, Pahrump Valley Times, I nearly died laughing. The byline read, “Dolan announces bid for commission seat.”

Who is he kidding? Does he really expect to get elected to a Commissioner’s seat. Mr. Dolan goes on to state that he is a, “As a self-described “fiscally conservative Bob Dole Republican.” Again, who is he kidding?

The voters should ask Mr. Dolan a question. If he is a Republican, why was his campaign sign set up in the Progressive Democrat’s tent? This was in 2010 election cycle at the Fall Festival.

Something else made me have pains in my side with the above statement. A Fiscal Conservation, WOW, does he think we are stupid as he is? Mr. Dolan has voted to spend our tax money on every crazy agenda item. He has voted to spend money on furthering the study on Harley World.

He voted to raise the property tax rate to cover up the deficit spending that has caused the town budget to be in the red. They tell you it balanced but do a little research and you will find that’s a lie.

He also calls us spectators at the town meetings, “Peanut Gallery.” Also tells seniors citizens to buy hearing aids.

He also voted for the current Town Manager who made no bones about pushing incorporation down our throats. Mr. Dolan will also vote for that.

I could go on and on. But we do not need another RINO in the Nye County Board of Commissioners. Do your research before you vote for an imposter.

Raymond Smith


Rotary Club thank you

The Rotary Club of Pahrump Valley would like to thank the Pahrump community for their support in making the 2013 $10,000 Cash Giveaway a success.

This annual fundraising event helps the Rotary Club members support our community through service projects during the following year.

Thank you to each individual who purchased a ticket, thank you to each business or individual who provided a certificate or gift for our raffle or silent auction, thank you to all who attended. Each of you helps us spread our Rotarian motto of “Service Above Self.”

Dina Williamson-Erdag

Chairperson $10,000 Cash Giveaway

Letters to the editor

I rarely write a letter to the PVT but there’s a matter that I feel must be addressed.

Review-Journal endorsement: Nevada’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Steven Horsford, a Democrat, has held Nevada’s 4th Congressional District seat since 2018. Former state lawmaker and North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee hopes to flip the seat for Republicans.

Letters to the editor

The Utah Republican Party recently squealed like a stuck pig about the possibility of foreign influence infecting Utah’s sacred populist initiative process.

Letters to the Editor

Many of my neighbors are asking for us to walk a signed petition and send it to the attorney general’s office for help.

EDITORIAL: Lithium fires a major roadway hazard

A fire that didn’t burn out was once considered a miracle. Now it’s a hazard faced by Nevada motorists.

Letters to the Editor

Nevada’s State Ballot Question 3 would establish a ranked-choice general election system.

EDITORIAL: Abortion rights are already protected in Nevada

Abortion rights are already codified in state law, thanks to overwhelming voter approval in 1990 of a referendum that legalized abortion through the first two trimesters.

Letters to the Editor

Voter worries about who is really running the country