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Letters to the Editor

Get your facts straight before complaining

The letter from Ms. Gaul last Wednesday, Sept. 10 2014, had a ring to it that sounded like it was written by an uneducated person.

The part of her letter which pertained to the Pahrump General Aviation Airport was particularly shrill in its tone.

For her information, the airport is not going to be built anywhere near Gamebird and Blagg, an area where there are “a lot of homes.” And those homes will not have “airplanes flying over your house at all hours.”

The plan is for the airport to be built well south of Gamebird, off the west ends of both Thousandaire and Kellogg. It is planned to be smack up against the California state line, and the runway will be parallel to the state line. The runway will initially be only 5,000 feet long and the airplane traffic pattern will be parallel to the runway, over California, which will not be “flying over your house at all hours.” There are NO houses within two miles of the proposed location of the new airport. It will not be usable by large, commercial airliners, but only small, light twin-engine and single-engine planes.

The airport will attract a lot of business, including airplane tiedowns, hangar rentals, fuel sales, mechanic service, airplane sales and probably a snack facility, all of which will pay taxes locally.

The airport will not be relegated to local Pahrump pilots only, but will attract many airplane owners from Greater Las Vegas who are being charged exorbitant rents and fees for parking and servicing their airplanes in open tiedowns, shade hangars (like carports) and enclosed hangars. They will welcome an airport within commuting distance, where they can get similar services for a much more reasonable cost. Additionally, the area around the airport will eventually attract light, industrial businesses, which will provide jobs for local people. These businesses, and their employees, will pay taxes to the Town of Pahrump.

Tonopah, Beatty and Gabbs, all towns in Nye County, have airports. It’s time that the largest town in Nye County have a public access general aviation airport.

Please, if anyone wants to complain about a Pahrump General Aviation Airport in the future, get your facts straight.

Stan Davis

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