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Letters to the editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Don’t forget your weapon

Last Monday the Las Vegas Review-Journal had an article in it about the current Nye County sheriff forgetting her weapon in the ladies restroom at the Saddle West. The weapon was turned into the management by an employee of the casino. The current sheriff, upon returning to the cafe, finally realized she did not have her weapon on her. The outstanding security of the Saddle West stopped her and asked if she was missing her weapon. The sheriff, feeling embarrassed, had her weapon returned to her.

I want to thank the staff and security of Saddle West for recovering her weapon.

She went on record an interview with the Review-Journal, stating everybody makes mistakes and she is only human, asking for this county’s forgiveness.

What would have happened if that weapon fell into the wrong hands? What would happen if it was one of us civilian who carry firearms? From my understanding, we as a society hold law enforcement to a higher standard when it comes to firearms. Especially, the top law enforcement individual of our county.

I understand that they are only human, but to me that sounds like an excuse. Being a veteran of 24-year service, not once can I remember one of my fellow soldiers, including myself, forgetting where our weapon was. A mistake like that can have very serious consequences. Sometimes we as humans can make the same mistake twice. That is one thought that worries me.

So, if the sheriff is re-elected to office, I propose that she invest in a type of locating device for her firearm. That way if this does happen again it will take less time to find and maybe circumvent any serious consequences for her misplacing her weapon again.

Being somewhat of a problem solver, I will donate the locating device that I have for my laptop at no charge.

Timothy Brian Smeltzer

MSG, U.S. Army (Retired)

Economy improving

America is currently experiencing the second-longest economic expansion in American history. It’s been 107 months since the Great Recession ended, and even though it has taken longer than most would have hoped, the U.S. economy is thriving under President Trump.

The unemployment rate has fallen to 4.1 percent, the lowest it’s been in 17 years, and economists predict that number could keep dropping. In April alone, the U.S. economy added 204,000 jobs, marking the sixth straight month of employment growth over 200,000 jobs. Adu Yildirmaz, vice president of ADP Research Institute, recently said, “The labor market continues to maintain a steady pace of strong job growth with little sign of a slowdown.”

The Trump administration’s tax and regulatory agenda has only helped, paving the way for job creators to reward their employees.

Let’s celebrate the good times, and hope they last for years to come.

Jim Wheeler

Minority Leader

Nevada State Assembly, Douglas County, Nevada

PAC Vice President and Art and Sol event coordinator

Anticipating tragedy in our schools

A story in the PVT from Friday, June 1st, continues to reveal the incompetence of local government. As usual, the budget is always a challenging issue. I find it appalling in this day and age that a board of commissioners would decline funding for School Resource Officers in the wake of school shootings around the country, led by Commissioner Donna Cox, who took issue with approving the funding due to the cost and the liability involved with having county-employed officers on campus. “I don’t see why we should take on somebody else’s responsibility,” Mrs. Cox declared.

True to form, the other commissioners folded and eliminated the two positions from the budget. So who is responsible for the protection of children while they are in school? The sheriff’s office, who by their own admission, is 40-plus positions down? The local school board? Where is that in their budget?

So the issue really becomes, what is the life of a child worth? I continue to say this is not a gun issue, there is a mental health issue and a breakdown of values in society. But this is compounded by concerns over costs and liability. That is all our elected officials, who allegedly represent us, care about.

Disgraceful isn’t it? This story has come out in the midst of early voting. Maybe it should have been printed earlier so the voters could have read about this, surely it would have changed some people’s minds, maybe they all should go. If you have not voted, vote wisely.

Tom Mazzola

Editor lambasted for political ad

How in good conscience can you publish such an appallingly disgusting political ad on today’s front page? I can only determine that “Money Talks Loudly” to your paper. When I heard you were our new editor and read of your qualifications I was hopeful we would have a true journalist. Today I know I was wrong.

I am a person who rarely writes comments, but I can no longer take or tolerate the meanness perpetuated in the name of “Free Speech.”

The power of the press should not be used to spread disunity in such a way, but report fair and unbiased especially when it is the only newspaper in a community. This may sometimes require decisions to consider if the dollars are worth the compromise.

Frances V. Rust

Editor’s note: The Pahrump Valley Times editor plays no role advertising content.

Thanks to community for magazine donations

I wanted to say thank you to the citizens of Pahrump who are making our magazine delivery to the ill and shut-in a success. I collected over 100 magazines in May from generous donations.

If you drop them off at the library front desk, rest assured I will receive them. You do not have to cut out your name and address, as I put a Friend of the Library sticker on top of your confidential information.

I am sure that the patients and residents of Pahrump Valley Health and Rehab, Desert View Hospital, Honey Bee and Inspirations are grateful!

Helene Campton, former secretary

Friends of the Library

Regarding the high school shootings

It seems to me that most, if not all, of these shooters have been on anti-depressant drugs prescribed by doctors. Readers can go to www.psychdrugshooters.com to see research of this problem. Also, a Danish researcher, Doctor Gotzsche, has reviewed many trials and records and found evidence these drugs actually cause violent behavior when used over a period of time.

However, you do not see any mention of this in the news – why? Could it be that certain groups don’t want these facts to be presented? Maybe the NRA and other pro-gun organizations can get this info out for the public to see.

Henry Hurlbutt

A big Art and Sol thank you

I would like to acknowledge and thank the PAC Art and Sol committee who dedicatedly met with me months in advance to plan this event. The artists and volunteers greatly contributed to the success of this event.

First of all I would like to acknowledge our past president Loretta Lindell, who actually founded Art and Sol many years ago. She has been the primary PAC grant writer for many years and has successfully secured funding for PAC’s many cultural events and productions. She was of tremendous help and an invaluable consultant to our committee.

I would also like to thank Cheryl Tocco, the Calvada Booth Site Coordinator, along with assistant Sherry Princen. Thanks to the volunteers who manned the PAC booth, including Lillian LaRue, Karen and Ernie Fuller and Gary and Brenda Kostick, as well as PAC visual artist curator Geniel White, who was instrumental in the flyer, letterhead and computer graphics for our committee.

Other committee members who worked on leads, referrals, signage and PR were artists Bruce Horvath, Julia Elwell and Richman Tidewell, who tirelessly assisted in unloading, erecting PAC canopies and distributing parking signs at the Calvada Eye.

Special thanks also to artist Jess Deverse, who assisted Cheryl, her husband Tony Tocco, myself and Sherry in laying down numbered stakes the night before the event.

I would also like to thank my husband Deric D. Melton for PAC loading, unloading, canopy erection, as well as building the Art and Sol signs.

Special thanks to our PAC President Wayne Walker for presiding as master of ceremonies and organizing the line-up of performers, which included the High Desert Chorale, with president Ginger Forbes, Desert Squares dancers with caller Wayne Walker, pianist/vocalist Fred Boatright, hip-hop group Monique Rodriguez and companion.

Esperansa Luna

Review-Journal endorsement: Nevada’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Steven Horsford, a Democrat, has held Nevada’s 4th Congressional District seat since 2018. Former state lawmaker and North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee hopes to flip the seat for Republicans.

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Many of my neighbors are asking for us to walk a signed petition and send it to the attorney general’s office for help.

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Nevada’s State Ballot Question 3 would establish a ranked-choice general election system.

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