Management of resources could help prevent fires
The coronavirus debate is about much more than masks.
With his no-drama demeanor during the vice presidential debate Wednesday, Pence showed America how Trump would look if he acted like a politician: like a president.
Red Hatters thank gentleman who bought breakfast
As I was binge watching the last season of “The Blacklist”, I was surprised it only had 19 episodes. What was stranger was a few minutes into the 19th episode they cut in with cast and crew telling us that they were in the middle of filming when COVID-19 restrictions kicked in. After making sure to tell us to be safe and other platitudes, they then went back to the show, but half of it was cartoon and the other half live action.
The expansion of Highway 160 over the Mountain Springs summit is just about complete. The increase from two to four lanes will smooth the flow of traffic traveling between Las Vegas and Pahrump.
Waiting in DMV lines hard for handicapped and seniors
If Joe Biden really believed Catholic teaching, the left would tear him apart. Just look at how they’re attacking Amy Coney Barrett.
President Donald Trump shouldn’t have to face a defamation lawsuit filed against him by a woman who accuses him of rape until after he leaves office.
The Senate was wrong in 2016 to ignore a legitimate Supreme Court nomination made by President Obama, and it would be just as wrong this year to ignore a nomination made by President Trump.
Electoral College is an undemocratic, outdated relic in modern world