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Letters to the Editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Get information on masks from the professionals

Hey folks – this is a short tutorial on the healthy advantages of wearing masks during COVID-19. Here’s a maybe not-so-popular but perhaps a SMART idea: Before you decide to be safe and wear a mask, ask a professional of your choice about their opinion. Your doctor, pharmacist, dentist or your vet. With their information, you’ll be better able to make an informed, educated decision. Better to trust medical folks than to rely on anything you hear or see on TV, the Internet or Twitter. Health is their business, not politics!

Believe me, if you’ve had anyone you love die from Covid, you would be giving the question of “to wear or not to wear a mask”, a very serious second or third thought. God bless America!

Jerome Doud

Fears are expressed for future of grandchildren

Having taken the ‘Red Pill’ a very long time ago, I shudder when thinking what life will be like for my grandkids in the years to come. I also shudder when reading some of the comments in the letters here, so many people don’t think for themselves and instead champion their party line, whatever the media talking heads demand they believe and slick advertisers propose.

I swear, people have lost their ability to think and use logic in considering what to believe or reject as nonsense. Like most others, I fumble in my pocket untangling my single-use mask from my keys, flop it over my face as I enter a business. I would throw it away if I could, but alas I need that gallon of milk or new underwear. We never had masks when the measles rambled through my grade school, or a flu virus … or God forbid, a cold virus. Within a few weeks all was back to normal and the classroom seats filled back up, life went on and we wondered what was playing in the double feature matinee on Saturday, or anticipating the upcoming sports season and our tryouts.

And I could only imagine the reaction our teachers would have as most of us would have lost, had pulled it from our faces, or plain forgotten it, along with our lunch money at home. I now see where a local grade school is closed due to COVID-19. I will wager $1,000 that not a single child will be lost to the virus.

Being Neo in 2020 Pahrump is amusing and frustrating. OK, my two cents worth - never abandon the Electoral College or get used to being a fly-over state, ignored even more than we now are by the federal government.

When Obamacare (that promised we could retain both our doctor and insurance, and our premiums would be lower) was being negotiated in Congress, not a single U.S. senator advocated abandoning people with pre-existing conditions. We had three major whoppers that have since been ignored and we now have another being told to those who took the blue pill. Poor Aunt Marjorie will suffer and die if Obamacare ends. Ends for who? Few can afford the premiums. Beam me up Scotty, oops, wrong movie.

Dwight Lilly

What can we do about where country is headed?

It’s sad that some facts about human nature blind us to some things and find ways to justify other things. Things like revenge are pleasing, even if only temporary, while gratitude is a burden (a debt to be repaid), which stems from two powerful human traits - emotion and reason (or logic), with emotion being the dominant one, many times contorting reason to justify the emotion. The question before us today is the place we find ourselves in, where are we going and what can we do about it?

In 2016 I was disgusted with the ‘Orange man’s’ boorish behavior so much so I voted for the third party. I was also disgusted with much of the media who, during the primaries gave enormous coverage of him, either neutral or favorable most of the time, thinking he would be the easiest one to beat. After his nomination, it turned 180 degrees to negative coverage, but due to a multitude of mistakes by the Hillary campaign, including self-inflicted wounds, she failed what many considered a coronation.

Today many of these same people feel cheated, which enrages them more and has them plotting and scheming ever since to undermine the Orange man and everything he everything did.

A now-deceased wise man said of the previous administration, “don’t pay attention to what he says, but pay close attention to what he does”. And I believe he’d say something about the current administration. Comparing the results of actions benefiting citizens looks quite lopsided. Just a few examples: unemployment rates for ‘all’ groups, real spending income, reduction of welfare rolls, ending what seems like endless wars that spend our blood and treasure while only benefiting what was called by former President Eisenhower the “military-industrial complex”, which has only expanded since his time.

I realize we are all flawed and emotions are attached to charismatic personalities, those that can speak eloquently and are capable of telling us outright lies and either making us feel good about those lies or just ignoring them, while those we consider crude and abrasive, we’re unable to look at things that may be of substantive value to us. Sadly too many of us retreat to our team (or tribe), willing to overlook glaring and destructive flaws while rejecting every aspect of the other team, that has much more to do with feeling than objective reasoning.

Two quotes from the past are worth remembering by all of us. George Washington said: “Government is not reason, Government is not eloquent. It is force and like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” Ben Franklin gave us a warning: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need for masters.” The question is how close are we to that need, for there has always been a ready supply of those that desire being masters.

P.S. In my published letter in the PVT, 10/14, the word “adult” should have been “assault”, which could have been my error or someplace else along the way to the final printing.

David Jaronik

Reader gives helpful info on Electoral College

It could be helpful to understand how the Electoral College came to be. In the late 1700s, when the founding fathers were trying to establish our country and a constitution to govern it, it was agreed that all of the existing states had to ratify the Constitution. ALL of them, no exceptions.

At the time, many decisions were decided by popular vote. The less-populated states had a big problem with that because just a few of the heavily-populated states would always have their way. The less-populated states would never have a voice. Thus the Electoral College, a brilliant concept, was created. Each state would have two electoral votes (one for each senator) and an additional electoral vote for each House member. Obviously, a minimum of three.

Currently, based upon the Electoral College concept, Nevada gets six electoral votes. It isn’t perfect but when all the states are added up, it’s much more balanced and the less-populated states have a say.

(As an aside, Ms. Moran stated in her letter that Nevada’s two senators and four House members are our electors. Here are the names of our 2016 electors: Dayananda Prabhu Rachakonda, Larry Jackson, Joetta Brown, Paul James Catha II, Greg Gardella and Teresa Benitez-Thompson. None of these are Nevada senators or House members.)

Based upon the data from July, 2019, there are 10 states that make up more than half the population of the U.S.: California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, and Michigan. That’s 20% of the states that make up more than half the total national head-count.

I would like to ask just three questions of those who want to eliminate the Electoral College. Their easy and a simple “yes” or “no” answer will do. 1) Would you still want to eliminate the Electoral College if the ten states mentioned above were red? 2) Are you fine with ten states (give or take) making every decision and bossing the rest of us around? 3) Is it OK with you if Nevada never gets a say?

Linda DeLaMare

The real devastation caused by the coronavirus

In Mountain West states like Utah and several others, government, business, and media seem to have entered into a conspiracy of silence about the real human devastation of the coronavirus. These agencies have not led out like elsewhere in memorializing the lives of specific individuals who have suffered and died. These untimely deaths deprive citizens and their relatives of years of crucial family experience.

Public personalities hang their hat on privacy to justify the silence. But all our leaders need to do is ask affected families for permission to publish brief biographies of these amazing lives now gone. If they did this, they would soon see how much better their neighbors would behave.


Kimball Shinkoskey

Past protests focus on social injustices in society

So, Stacy Riney thinks Joe Biden is a communist. Really? The man who helped rescue us from the 2008 economic collapse and wants to give you health care is a communist? Good grief!

Meanwhile, Henry Hurlbut doesn’t believe our FBI director or the Department of Homeland Security that “right-wing white supremacy” groups are the greatest threat to our national security. Maybe Fox News didn’t report the recent plot by these extremists to kidnap and assassinate the governor of Michigan. I guess it’s easier to blame Black Lives Matter for everything wrong in this country.

If you were a student in one of my American History classes you would understand that protests are part of the American heritage. The Boston Tea Party and subsequent revolution, the Abolitionist Movement, Women’s Suffrage and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s/1960s are just a few of the protests that focused on injustice. Sometimes violence ensued, but would you deny these events made us a better country?

Sharon Kingdon Moran’s beautiful article on why the Electoral College is a relic of the past left nothing more to say on the subject. Sadly, we remain the only democracy in the world that does not guarantee that the person with the most votes in an election is the victor.

Finally, Henry questions why I live in this country. Apparently anyone who disagrees with his absurd ideas must be banished. Spoken like a true fascist Henry. Thomas Jefferson said “America’s greatness depends on the free dissemination of ideas”. Henry, that means different ideas should be proposed, discussed and debated. I guess you believe that opinions that differ from yours are dangerous. What a sad and pitiful concept!

Dennis Crooks

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.

EDITORIAL: The blue state blues

If blue states want to stop losing residents to red states, they should adopt red state policies.