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Letter: Reader skeptical of article about VEA sale

Reader skeptical of PVT article about VEA sale

The article in the Pahrump Valley Times about the sale is just that. It is not a contract and based on previously made statements by the director of VEA, I would be very skeptical.

First of all, when we moved to Pahrump in the early 2000’s, the price of electricity was one of the reasons we decided to build here and not in Mesquite, Nevada.

The co-op has ventured into building power lines, extra power for sale, solar power, high-speed internet and a continuous increase in the management salaries and benefits, while reducing or virtually not sharing of income with the owners that is in excess of costs. I guess if you have a board that receives salary increases, if you vote yes for increases for the boss, who builds new office buildings, rebuilding the old office structure and expanding the co-op without the consent of the members by vote is not challenged, it will continue.

If you really want to compare the salary of 2004 and now, including a retirement plan and future medical benefits, while the majority of the members who are on fixed incomes haven’t had an increase in years except for an Obama failure for their medical needs. I would want to have a physical contract that ensures we the owners are or will have a say in any future investments or obligations by VEA. The salary of our VEA co-op exceeds the president of the United States and many larger businesses.

If you really want to have a stroke, ask how much debt VEA accumulated by its board and management decisions.

Warner Owens

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