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Community briefs

Shadow Mountain Players needs a few good men

Casting call for the Shadow Mountain Community Players production of “The Importance of Being Earnest.”

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at the Pahrump Senior Center. We are most interested in men 18-40 years old to play the male leads of “Jack” or “Algernon.” Also needed are stage hands to move scenery. For more information call Gayle at 775-727-6145.

Open House

The site of some alternative building methods in Charleston View will be the location of a hands-on open house from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., March 23.

It will be a constructions day for Earth bag domes and bottle walls.

Bring a picnic, hat, gloves, water and wear suitable clothing to participate. Spectators are welcome. There will be munchies and chai tea.

From Highway 160 south of Pahrump, take the Tecopa Road turnoff and follow the signs to Charleston View.

Call Jann Ricquoi, 857-389-5183 for more information.

Friendship Club

Friendship Club activities planned for the month of March are:

March 26 – Irene’s Casino, 5 p.m.;

April 5 – Potluck and monthly meeting at Comstock Park.

For information call 727-3816 or 727-7384.

Organ concert

The annual Scotty’s Castle organ concert is scheduled for June 13 and 14 in the music room at the castle.

Tickets sell out quickly and are available now.

The shows will be at 5 p.m. June 13 and at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. June 14.

Tickets are $45 per person and are available by calling 800-478-8564, ext. 10.

Free concert

Tickets are now available for a free concert sponsored by the Pahrump Arts Council is scheduled for March 28 at the PVHS auditorium. The U.S. Air Force Wild West Winds Clarinet Quartet will perform at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m.

The concert is free but tickets are required and are available at the PAC office on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon or at the Library.

For additional information contact the PAC office at 751-6776.

Cabaret fundraiser

“Come to the Cabaret”, a fundraiser to benefit the Pahrump Arts Council (PAC) Youth Arts Programs, including art scholarships, is scheduled for March 28 at the Saddle West..

A limited number of tickets will be sold. The $50 ticket price includes a dinner buffet and show, headlined by Dondino, and featuring the Liz Liberman Ovation Dancers, and fun and surprises. Doors open at 5 p.m.

Call the PAC office at 751-6776 to reserve tickets.

Play games/read books

Come play modern Bridge once or twice a week. Light snack included.

Play Scrabble for fun.

Interested in joining a book club or a reading-out-loud club?

For more information, call 513-2488.

Classical music

A classical music group, for the purpose of playing together, is being formed in Pahrump.

For additional information contact George Roberts at 775-910-9678.

Gunfighters wanted

Pahrump Gunfighters, an award-winning local group, who perform gunfights and skits at events in Pahrump, is looking for new members.

All interested gents or ladies are welcome to join.

For additional information, call Pat at 702-237-9499.

Pahrump Justice Court has a new substitute judge

As Michele Fiore, a suspended Pahrump justice of the peace, has yet to return to the courtroom after being convicted by a federal grand jury, the county has been out a judge. But after a Board of County Commissioners meeting the board appointed an experienced judge to fill in for now.

Pahrump Community Library closes for renovations

The renovation bill was raised before an emergency board meeting for the Pahrump Community Library to fix up the 24-year old building.

Pahrump Model Railroad Club brings smiles to many faces

A small club in Pahrump is bringing local kids and adults smiles with their model trains, making the countless horus of work worth it for the participats.

Pahrump Holiday Task Force hosts free holiday meal for all

Each year the task force puts on a large-scale holiday event that draws hundreds and the next Community Christmas Dinner is expected to be just as lively as ever.

Nye County election results: Red

A record number of Nye County voters cast their ballots this year, most sent by mail. The pickaxe shaped county had a 78 percent turnout, breaking the previous record of 74 percent.

Unable to vote early? Here’s why

Nye County experienced an issue with a new voter check-in system that delayed voting for an hour and a half.