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In Brief

Friday Fish Fry

A Friday Fish Fry will be held at Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church, located at 781 E. Gamebird Road, on Oct. 2, from 4 to 7 p.m. in the church hall.

The menu will offer fried or baked fish dinners with cole slaw and French fries, and fish taco dinners. Homemade New England clam chowder is also available as well as desserts and beverages.


Foster parent training

The Division of Child and Family Services will hold foster/adoptive parent training on Oct. 2, from noon to 8 p.m., and on Oct. 3 and 4, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Training sessions will be held at the DCFS Pahrump District office, 1780 E. Basin Ave., Suite 2.


Ancient Wisdom Axiom

The Wisdom and Meditation Center, a non-denominational community honoring all paths of truth, extends an open invitation to a series of lessons exploring the Ancient Wisdom Axiom, "As Above, As Below" with the first lesson beginning Sunday morning, Oct. 4, at 10 a.m.

The lesson will follow meditation and end with a group discussion.

The center is located in the second building on Carlton Street, downhill from the intersection with Loop Road.


Fundraising yard sale

The Pahrump Valley Lions Club and Walk the Rock, a nonprofit that provides assistance with travel expenses for cancer patients in rural Nevada who must travel for treatment, will hold a joint fundraising yard sale on Friday, Oct. 9 and Saturday, Oct. 10, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at 3140 Unicorn St.

Items for sale include new toys and games, lots of home goods, high-quality used clothing, shoes and accessories, and miscellaneous antiques and books.

All proceeds from the yard sale will benefit the two charities.


Church rummage sale

Saved by Grace Lutheran Church will have its annual rummage sale Friday, Oct. 9 and Saturday, Oct. 10, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The location of the sale is 3050 Cortina, near the corner of Winery Road and Highway 160.


Blood drive at library

A United Blood Services blood drive will be held on Friday, Oct. 9, from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Pahrump Community Library.

To schedule your appointment go to www.unitedbloodservices.org (enter code PAHRUMPLIBRARY) or call 702-233-9620.


Hollis to speak at museum

Gary Hollis, a former Nye County commissioner, town board member and liaison to the Nuclear Waste Project Program, will be the speaker Saturday, Oct. 10, at 1 p.m., at the Pahrump Valley Museum on Basin Road.

Mr. Hollis will speak on the history and the value of the Yucca Mountain Repository. He and a panel of experts will be answering questions and presenting information on the viability of the repository.


Democrat meeting

The Democrat Central Committee will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m., at its headquarters, located at 1231 E. Basin, Suite 12.

There will be a door prize and the food bank drive is still ongoing.


Artesia craft fair

The Annual Artesia Craft Fair and Bake Sale will be held on Oct. 16 and 17, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Artesia Community Center, located at 6601 Fox Ave., off Kellogg Road.

Shop early for Christmas from the beautiful hand-made crafts. Just follow the signs.



Our Lady of the Valley Knights of Columbus will hold an Oktoberfest event in the Church Hall on Saturday, Oct. 17, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Brats, German potato salad, sauerkraut, desserts and coffee or water will be available for $10 per person. Hot dog and chips will be served to kids for $3. Soft drinks or alcoholic beverages will be sold separately.

No tickets will be sold at the door. For ticket information call Bill Retig at 727-9759 or Pahrump Party Supply at 727-1167.


Rotarian Cash Extravaganza

The Rotary Club of Pahrump is selling raffle tickets for their annual Cash Extravaganza fundraiser to be held on Oct. 18, at the Mountain Falls Grill Room, at which the lucky raffle winner receives $10,000.

Raffle tickets are $75 each and admit two adults to the event plus other prizes. Winners need not be present to win. Only 400 tickets will be sold so the winning odds are the best in town.

Also available for presale are tickets for the optional Prime Rib Buffet dinner the night of the drawing. Tickets for the dinner are $20 per person, limited to two per raffle ticket.

For more information call Roy Mankins at 727-5222 or Barbara Thompson at 764-0681.


St. Therese dedication

On Oct. 25, the St. Therese Mission on the Tecopa highway will be celebrating the culminating of 'A Year of Mission' through its pinnacle event, the Mass of Dedication of an Altar and Transfer of Title of the St. Therese Mission Chapel to the Diocese of Fresno to be presided over by the Most Rev. Armando X. Ochoa, D.D.

The event starts at 10 a.m.


At the library

Free computer instruction is available at the library. Computer classes for beginning-level computer users are offered Wednesdays at 1 p.m.

Signup is available at the library (no sign-ups by phone).

The Genealogy class meets every Tuesday at 2 p.m. Genealogy guidance and help using Ancestry.com and HeritageQuest.com are provided. No sign-up is necessary. Call the library prior to attending to confirm time.

For all who like to knit and/or crochet, the Knit Wits meet every Wednesday, at 1 p.m.

Bring your current project and come join others who love yarn crafting. Free fun for all ages.

Free Family Craft Day will be held on Saturday, Oct. 10, between 11 a.m. and noon. This month come make a cute candy corn magnet. All materials are provided. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month until June of next year.

The Favorite Authors Book Club will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 1:30 p.m. This month's author is Jodi Picoult. Read anything by her and then come enjoy a lively discussion. New members always welcome.

Nevada Aging & Disability Services will hold a special event at the library on Oct. 28, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All older adults, disabled persons, caregivers and advocates are invited to attend to learn how the Aging & Disability Resource Center can help in our community. It includes a free lunch and raffle prizes. RSVP by Oct. 21 by calling 702-364-2273 or email to adrc@nevadaseniorservices.org.

All Library events are alcohol, tobacco and drug free.


Support group at Inspirations

ProCare Hospice and Inspirations Senior Living will host an "Achieving Peace and Comfort" support group at Inspirations, located at 1554 S. Java Ave., on the third Thursday of each month at 4 p.m.

The group is open to all those currently caring for a terminally ill friend or family member as well as those who have lost someone. This support group seeks to provide members with coping skills and stress management tips to help through one of life's most difficult journeys.

RSVP to save your seat by calling 751-2300.


Soft shoe and sassparilla

The Soft-Shoe and Sassparilla Society (SASS) is now forming for light soft-shoe dancing, sipping sassparilla and just plain ol' fun. No experience is necessary.

Call Pat at 751-8382 for more details.


Democratic open forum

The Nye County Democratic Party will hold open forum meetings to discuss politics in a positive way every Wednesday from noon to 3 p.m., at their office, located at 1231 E. Basin, #12.

Everyone is welcome to participate.


Desert Square Dancers

The Desert Square Dancers meet at 5 p.m., on Thursdays, at Pahrump Methodist Church, located at 1300 E. Highway 372.

For further information contact Wayne Walker at 702-403-2146.

The Desert Square Dance Club is sponsored by the Pahrump Arts Council. Call 751-6776 for more information.


Fiber artists and quilters

Pahrump Valley Fiber Artists and Quilters, a PAC affiliate, meet every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Bob Ruud Community Center on Basin and Highway 160.


VFW breakfast

VFW Post 10054, located at 4651 Homestead Road, would like to invite you to join them for breakfast on Sunday morning from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m., and then come down to join the Ladies Auxiliary on Friday nights for dinner from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

They also have great karaoke every Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to ???

For additional information call 727-6072.


First Friday senior network

First Friday Senior Network, hosted by Inspirations Senior Living on the first Friday of every month, gives all businesses working in the senior market an opportunity to share what they do, share information about ongoing or upcoming activities and work together to make sure the needs of all seniors in the community are being met.

If you work in the senior market, you are invited to the next group meeting at Inspirations Senior Living, located at 1554 Java Ave.

For more information call Tonya at 702-845-4748 or 751-2300, ext. 406.


DAV and DAVA meetings

The general meetings for the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Chapter 15 and the Auxiliary (DAVA) are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m., at the NyECC main building on the corner of Wilson and West streets.

All veterans, family members and other interested parties are invited to attend these meetings.


Foster parents needed

In Nevada's rural communities, many children, including teens and sibling groups are in need of a safe and nurturing home. Foster parents provide a temporary home so these children can heal and feel supported.

Foster parents can be single or married, male or female. They can be working or stay-at-home parents, or retired with grown children.

To learn more on how you can become a licensed foster parent with the state of Nevada call 888-423-2659 or go to www.dcfs.state.nv.us.


VFW Riders

VFW Post 100054, located on Homestead Road has assigned a new captain for Central Nevada, Paull Engs, of the VFW Riders, a veterans' motorcycle riding organization.

They are looking for new members. There are 3 levels of riders: veterans, associates and supporters. They are planning to ride in the 4th of July parade and the Rose Parade in Pasadena this year.

If interested in joining, contact Commander Tom Vicks of Post 100054, or Paull Engs at 513-7301.


Cancer Resource Center

The American Cancer Society's "cancer closet" is now known as the Cancer Resource Center and is moving to At Your Fingertips Nail Salon at 1141 S. Highway 160, #6, which is actually on Postal Road.

Wigs, hats, gloves, liquid supplements and informational materials will be available to cancer patients.

For further information call Laurie Wall at 775-209-0385.


RSVP needs drivers

RSVP in Pahrump is in need of drivers and is able to offer mileage reimbursement to volunteer drivers 25 years old and older.

All volunteers must pass a background check.

If you are interested, call Jan Lindsay at 751-5282 and forms will be sent to you, after which a follow-up interview will be scheduled.


Retired nurses meetings

Retired Nurses of Pahrump meet on the first Friday of each month at 1 p.m., for lunch.

Call 751-2840 for information.


Volunteers needed

The Nye County Sheriff's Office is looking for volunteers for the Sheriff's Auxiliary Unit.

If you are retired, like people and can volunteer a minimum of 15 hours a month, this may be for you.

You must pass an FBI check and be available for daytime classroom training.

Call Larry Snow, coordinator at 751-4231 or pick up an application at the Sheriff's Office.


Art Guild meetings

The Spring Mountain Art Guild (SMART) will be meeting every second Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Pahrump Museum on Basin Road.

New members are always welcomed. Drop in, observe the meeting, and see what they are about.

For more information contact George at 751-4735 or Wilhelmina at 513-8033.


Tappers accepting students

The Nevada Silver Tappers, the official ambassadors for Pahrump, who participate in fundraising for many local charities, are now accepting new students for fall classes.

No tap experience is necessary, but you must be at least 50 years young.

For additional information, contact Ione DeSantis at 775-910-1408 or B.J. Irwin at 727-7011.


Serenity Behavioral Health services

Serenity Behavioral Health (formerly Stepping Stones), in partnerships with local community resources, strives to provide all youth and families with the tools to achieve a higher level of functioning for a better tomorrow.

They offer services to help with anger management, depression, anxiety/fear, parenting, stress management, behavior management and interpersonal and family relationships.

They are located at 990 E. Calvada. For more information, call 751-5211.


West Star Ranch in need of donations

West Star Ranch Animal Rescue and Thrift Store is in need of donations to sell. If you need your donations picked up, please call 727-9273.

They also have many dogs and cats ready to go home with you.

They are a 501C3 no kill shelter. Boarding is also available.

The thrift store is open Wednesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and is located at 780 Manse Road.


Support for parents of sexually abused kids

A support group for parents of sexually abused children meets at 5 p.m. at the Nevada Outreach Training Organization (No To Abuse) located at 621 S. Blagg.

Call Winona Davies at 751-1119 for more information and to sign up. You must call before attending the group for the first time.


Standing briefs

Tails of Nye County

Tails of Nye County, Inc. was formed in March 2012, to provide low-cost spay-neuter assistance to pet owners in Nye County, where there was previously a deficiency in services.

There is also no type of low-cost spay and neuter assistance for pot-bellied pigs, which are very popular pets in Nye County.

As a result of these deficiencies, the Nye County Animal Shelter is forced to accept large numbers of unwanted cats, dogs and pigs.

Spaying and neutering is crucial in order to minimize the shelter's burden and work towards reducing and someday completely eliminating the euthanasia of unwanted animals.

Tails of Nye County offers assistance to dog, cat and male pig owners by subsidizing spay-neuter procedures, and issuing discount coupons accepted by local vets. The pet owner pays for a portion of the procedure and Tails of Nye County pays the amount authorized on the coupon issued to that pet owner.

For more information, call 917-699-5572 or on their website at http://www.tailsofnyecounty.com/.

Tails of Nye County Inc. is a 501(c)3 charity. Please help them continue their work by making a tax deductible donation.


Trench Rats meet

The National Order of Trench Rats (Dugout 615) meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m., at Wulfy's RV Park clubhouse.

Any DAV (Disabled American Veteran) member is invited to join their group; they are veterans helping veterans.

For more information contact Victoria Brazzle at 751-9033.


Veterans Services

A Veterans Service Officer will be located at the Pahrump County Veterans Services Office, located at 1981 E. Calvada, on Tuesdays and Fridays.

The office is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and closed from noon to 1 p.m. for lunch.

Pre-scheduled appointments are suggested although walk-ins are welcome but can only be seen as time permits.

To schedule an appointment contact Pamela at 775-688-1653, ext. 6 or Barbara at 775-321-4880.

Vets are advised to bring a copy of their DD-214 discharge document and/or current VA paperwork. If the claim involves dependents, veterans should bring marriage and/or birth certificates as well as social security numbers of their dependents.


Prostate Cancer support

The local prostate cancer support and information group meets on the fourth Thursday of the month, at 6 p.m., at Desert Springs Hospital.

Get directions at the main entrance of the hospital.

Please support their efforts to share information. For additional information contact James Gregory at 727-7482.


Help with Medicare

The State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) can help answer questions when Medicare becomes confusing.

Representatives can address questions such as "do I need Part D," "how can I afford my medications" and "what is covered under Medicare."

All services are free and unbiased.

Call 702-486-3478 for additional information.


Family to Family

Family to Family Connection offers classes on the following schedule:

Mondays — 1 to 3 p.m., nurturing prenatal parenting;

Tuesdays — 1 to 3 p.m., nurturing parenting, Spanish;

Wednesdays — 1 to 3 p.m., nurturing parenting, English.

The Amargosa food banks will be open from 1 to 3 p.m., at the Amargosa Senior Center.

The lending library in Pahrump is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday to check out helpful VHS videos, books and DVDs designed to help parents be better parents.

Family to Family Connection is located at 621 S. Blagg Road. Call 751-1118 for more information.


Student exchange program volunteers

ASSE International Student Exchange Programs is seeking volunteers to serve as area representatives to help with academic and semester exchange programs for high school students from around the world.

Students are from 15 to 18 years of age, have passed a series of academic and character requirements and are on a waiting list for the program.

Representatives will recruit and screen prospective host families, interview students to study abroad and supervise the students in the community. Representatives are compensated according to the number of students being supervised.

Call 800-733-2773 or email asseusawest@asse.com for more information.


Fast Track program

The Nye County adult education program is offering GED testing and courses.

The GED test can be used to waive English, math, science and social studies electives depending on test scores.

Nevada High School Proficiency Exams with passing scores are a prerequisite, and the adult education offers those classes as well.

For more information, stop by the office, 484 S. West Street, Building D, or call 751-6822, ext. 266.


Pahrump Rotary Club

The Rotary Club of Pahrump Valley meets at noon every Wednesday in the Pahrump Nugget banquet hall.

Rotary members are a dedicated group of people serving in the community.

For more information about the Rotary Club and its projects, call 727-8399.


Foundation volunteers

The Amanda Faye Brown Nevada Chapter of Melanoma Education Foundation is currently recruiting volunteers to get the word out on melanoma and skin cancer awareness.

Anyone interested in helping deliver amandasmessage.com to area schools and churches please contact Michael, 702-743-1346, or Marie, 209-5088.


Volunteer Homeland Reserve Unit

VHRU is an organized group of retired and former law enforcement officers with the mission of providing trained and experienced resources to public safety agencies in Nevada and, potentially, to surrounding areas.

VHRU maintains a web- site describing the mission and providing information regarding the organization, leadership, and on-going activities.

The website also contains an application form that can be downloaded by any former law enforcement officer who wants to become a part of the organization.

For more information log on to: www.vhru.com or call 702-610-8000.


VA van

A van is available to veterans needing transportation to the Veterans Administration Clinic in Pahrump.

The van operates 8-1 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Call Bob, 751-6126 or Kyler, 727-9752 to be a volunteer driver or for more information.


Free drug tests

Teen Care provides free drug tests for the children of concerned parents and guardians.

The test detects marijuana, cocaine, meth, opiates, amphetamines and more. All services are free and confidential. Teen Care provides Christian help for teens involved with drugs or alcohol.

Appointments are available Monday through Saturday. Call 727-9911 for more information.


Volunteer for SCORE

All active or retired business people are encouraged to share their knowledge and experience by being a volunteer SCORE counselor.

Sponsored by the Small Business Administration, SCORE provides free consultations to all who want to start a business. SCORE will provide training for volunteers.

Call Sally at the Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce, 727-5800 or SCORE, 727-9471 to volunteer.


Safe Place youth program

Safe Place is an organization in Pahrump that provides immediate help and support to youth in crisis. The location sites are the Terrible Herbst convenience stores on Highway 160 and at Lakeside on Homestead Road.

Call 775-291-3554 or 1-866-U-ARE-SAFE for more information.


Power wheelchairs

Miracle on Wheels makes available electric power wheelchairs to non-ambulatory senior citizens 65 and older and the permanently disabled of any age, if they qualify.

Electric wheelchairs are provided to those who cannot walk and also cannot operate a manual wheelchair sufficiently or safely enough to care for themselves in their residence.

Call 1-800-749-8778 or visit www.laspanmedical.com for more information.


Power wheelchairs

Wishes on Wheels makes available electric power wheelchairs to non-ambulatory senior citizens 65 and older and the permanently disabled of any age, if they qualify.

Electric wheelchairs are provided to those who cannot walk and also cannot operate a manual wheelchair sufficiently or safely enough to care for themselves in their residence.

Call 1-800-823-5220 or visit www.threewishes2.com for more information.

Pahrump Justice Court has a new substitute judge

As Michele Fiore, a suspended Pahrump justice of the peace, has yet to return to the courtroom after being convicted by a federal grand jury, the county has been out a judge. But after a Board of County Commissioners meeting the board appointed an experienced judge to fill in for now.

Pahrump Community Library closes for renovations

The renovation bill was raised before an emergency board meeting for the Pahrump Community Library to fix up the 24-year old building.

Pahrump Model Railroad Club brings smiles to many faces

A small club in Pahrump is bringing local kids and adults smiles with their model trains, making the countless horus of work worth it for the participats.

Pahrump Holiday Task Force hosts free holiday meal for all

Each year the task force puts on a large-scale holiday event that draws hundreds and the next Community Christmas Dinner is expected to be just as lively as ever.

Nye County election results: Red

A record number of Nye County voters cast their ballots this year, most sent by mail. The pickaxe shaped county had a 78 percent turnout, breaking the previous record of 74 percent.

Unable to vote early? Here’s why

Nye County experienced an issue with a new voter check-in system that delayed voting for an hour and a half.