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BLM seeks public comment on oil and gas lease sales

A Decision of National Environmental Policy Act Adequacy for the March 2021 oil and gas lease sale of six parcels in the Battle Mountain District was posted Thursday, initiating a 30-day public comment period ending Dec. 19.

Revenues from onshore oil and gas production on federal lands directly fund the U.S. Treasury and state budgets and support public education, infrastructure improvements and other state-determined priorities. Approximately 48% of lease sale revenue goes to the state, while the rest goes to the U.S. Treasury.

The state also receives half of the revenue from royalties if oil and gas are developed on the lease.

“Responsible energy development includes thoughtful consideration of parcels nominated for leasing as well as potential resource impacts of decisions to lease,” said Jon Sherve, Mount Lewis Field Office manager.

The state also receives half of the revenue from royalties if oil and gas are developed on the lease.

The oil and gas industry on public lands in Nevada contributed $3.1 million in total economic output in fiscal year 2019.

The DNA is available and can be viewed on the bureau’s ePlanning website at https://go.usa.gov/x7d38.

Written comments will be accepted until Dec. 19 and can be submitted online at the NEPA Register site; mailed to the BLM Mount Lewis Field Office at 50 Bastian Road, Battle Mountain, NV 89820; or emailed to BMDO_TFO_NonRenewable@blm.gov. Please put “March 2021 Oil and Gas Lease Sale” in the subject line.

The BLM’s lease sales represent parcels that have been through environmental review and public comment. The BLM issues both competitive and noncompetitive leases for a 10-year period.

A lease is a contract to explore and develop any potential oil and gas. A lease may earn an extension if the lessee establishes production; otherwise the lessee pays an annual rental fee.

To participate in the March lease sale, visit www.energynet.com

Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to leave a message or questions.

The FRS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Replies are provided during normal business hours.

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