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California Lottery

No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Wednesday’s drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $16 million.

The winning numbers were:

03 04 16 01 39 (19)

Drawings are held on Wednesday and Saturday. Odds of matching all five winning numbers and the mega number are one in 41,416,353. Overall odds of winning are 1 in 23.

Learn to engage with lawmakers

Learn ‘How to Be an Effective Citizen Lobbyist’ at this free upcoming workshop.

Letters to the Editor

At a time when many print papers are stopping printing, our PVT is alive and well, thanks to its great staff and community support.

A fabulous night in black and white

The chamber of commerce hosted its annual installation and awards gala this month.

Heidi Fleiss talks to PVT about LA wildfires

“I grew up in the Hollywood Hills so I’m very familiar with wildfires because they always seem to be in the hills,” she said.

Have a tipsy time at the Shamrock Walk

Get your tickets now for this popular ‘pub-crawl’ style event.

Get ready for some rodeo!

The Pahrump Jr. and High School Rodeo Club is hosting its annual event Feb. 14-16.