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Chamber of Commerce set for changes

Big changes are about to take place at the Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce with a new chief executive officer and two new members to the board of directors set to be named in the coming weeks.

Former CEO Salli Kerr left the chamber to become the executive director of Nevada Outreach Training Organization and the chamber has been accepting candidates ever since.

The deadline for interested applicants is today and interviews for the position will take place the first week of December.

An election mixer for the two open board of director seats takes place at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Bob Ruud Community Center, where dinner will be served to attendees who pay the $10 fee.

There are seven candidates to fill the vacant spots on the board who include: Kerr of Nevada Outreach Training Organization, Michael Erwin of Mastertech Computers, Susan Holecheck of Nathan Adelson Hospice, Sue Bai of Meadows Bank, Anthony Dood of Pahrump Valley Auto Mall, Douglas Dubin of Pahrump Valley Auto Mall and Doris Ahrens of Pahrump Life Magazine.

Kerr said that she would still work closely with the chamber after her departure as CEO last month and she is among the list of seven candidates vying for one of two empty spots on the board of directors.

With her over one year as CEO of the chamber of commerce, Kerr said that she is sure that her previous workings with the organization will enable her to carry out the tasks as well as anyone.

"I am confident I will bring insight and experience to the board," Kerr said. "I would like to continue to be part of bringing quality events to chamber membership and believe offering stability and continuity in its programs and events will serve the membership and community well."

Erwin, who has lived in Pahrump since 2003, is an Air Force veteran who specialized in electronics, working in various roles in the technology industry and parlayed that into a career after finishing college when his military career came to an end. Erwin is a former member of the Pahrump Economic Development Board and was a deacon at Pahrump Community Church for 12 years.

He hopes to use his dealings as a small business owner in the valley to better the relations between existing businesses and the chamber as well as attracting new businesses to town.

Holecheck is a former councilwoman and mayor of Mesquite, former town manager of Pahrump and currently is the community outreach manager for Nathan Adelson Hospice. Holecheck hopes to utilize what she's learned from her past positions to the chamber if appointed to one of the available seats.

"I believe economic development is vital to the well-being and growth of every community and I would love the opportunity to be on the Pahrump Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors to assist and advocate for current and future businesses."


Bai is an incumbent candidate and is hoping to continue her three-year run on the board, where she's served as the board secretary. Bai explained that she is going for a second term for various reasons.

"Currently we have a very cohesive board," Bai said. "Stability is important going forward to continue the positive progress the chamber has taken in the community. I believe I still have much to contribute toward that end and I truly enjoy representing all of you in and out of the board room."

Dood has been a member of the chamber since 2004 and hopes to use the relationships he's made over those years to better the organization.

"I have had business and political connections for 50 years and helped Dr. Bady get the Pahrump Medical Center open when no hospital was here," Dood said. "I look forward to being on the board for change and development opportunities for the community and to making the chamber a strong voice for business."

Ahrens was born and raised in Georgia, finished college at age 39 with a marketing degree and went to work for Delta Air Lines Inc. in Atlanta, where she worked for 21 years. During that time she joined the chamber of commerce in Atlanta for Delta Air Lines.

Ahrens moved to Pahrump in 2012 after marrying her husband and joined the Senior Ladies of Nye County, to which she was chosen as Ms. Senior Congeniality and Ms. Senior Nye County first runner-up for 2014-2015.

Dubin has a master's degree in organizational communication and has been a small business owner throughout his life, beginning with running two paper routes as a child.

Aside from his work ethic, Dubin has been heavily into volunteering his time to various organizations and efforts.

"Volunteerism has always been an important aspect of my life," Dubin said. "I have headed up half-million dollar Cystic Fibrosis events, started the Vinojazz event and this year was the top corporate sponsor of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life in Pahrump."

Dubin said that among his current plans he plans to focus on bringing a new dining option to Pahrump in 2016.

To reserve your tickets ahead of the election mixer call 775-727-5800 or email info@pahrumpchamber.com

Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. Find him on Twitter: @mickakers

Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.