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Chance of precipitation moves into town this weekend

After enjoying an extended time of pleasant weather in the valley, changes are in store for town this weekend with precipitation chances included.

The National Weather Service said that temperatures will remain mild today and Saturday, with highs of 74 degrees and 72 degrees respectively, with a drop in temps and a shot at rain moving in at the tail end of the weekend.

A weather system moving in from the west will bring two days of rain chances, according to the NWS.

“We have a storm moving in from California,” said Chris Outler, National Weather Service meteorologist. “Sunday there is a 50-percent chance of rain, off and on throughout the day. Then Monday again there’s a 50-percent chance of rain showers.”

Outler said that rain should be moderate, with no major weather event expected, with higher elevations seeing stronger downpours. Overall, he said it would be a “fairly gentle rain.”

As quick as the storm moves in, it will exit the area, bringing more stable conditions heading into midweek.

“Dryer air moves in for Tuesday and Wednesday, with partly cloudy conditions and highs in the low 60s,” Outler said.

Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. Follow @mickakers on Twitter.

Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.