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Community news briefs from Pahrump region

Town Christmas Tree Decorating

Parents - bring the kids to the Pahrump Nugget parking lot on the corner of Nevada Highways 160 and 372 on Saturday, Nov. 30 and help to decorate the town Christmas tree. The fun starts at 10 a.m.

The official lighting ceremony will be held that evening at 6 p.m.

Carolers from the Pahrump Community Choir will be there to add to the festive occasion and other surprises. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served. The community is invited to attend.

Letters to Santa Program

The 18th annual Lions Club Letter to Santa program has begun. Kids should write a letter to Santa with their wish list and take it to the big decorated mailbox in front of the main post office on Postal Road or at the Beatty Post Office by Dec. 14. Be sure to include name, age, boy or girl, home address and a contact number. No postage is necessary.

Moms and dads with questions may call 775-727-9016.

Friday fish fry

Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church will hold a Friday fish fry from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Dec. 6 in the church hall.

They will be serving baked or fried fish dinners and fish tacos. New England clam chowder will also be available as well as drinks and desserts.

Pesticide certification workshop

There will be a Pesticide Applicators Certification training (via Video Link) from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Dec. 10 at the Pahrump Cooperative Extension at 1651 E. Calvada Blvd.

The workshop will provide six Continuing Education Units (2 Law CEU’s and 4 General CEU’s). The cost is $30 and includes light refreshments. Lunch on your own. Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is Friday, December 6. Please register at https://12-10-19pesticideapplicatorceuworkshop.eventbrite.com and pay by credit card. Any questions please contact Melody Hefner at 775-336-0247 or hefnerm@unce.unr.edu

Book Extravaganza

All Pahrump authors will have an opportunity to present their books to the public, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Dec. 21, at the Pahrump Community Library. Local authors should call Pat at 751-8382 to reserve your free space.

Books make wonderful gifts. Everyone is invited to do some last-minute Christmas shopping at the library.

Peanut brittle for sale

Peanut brittle season is now open at the Church of the Pentacost.

Call 775-727-6681 for a little taste of heaven.

Ministry starting in Pahrump

Eagles Landing Ministries is set to meet in Pahrump at 921 S. Nevada Highway 160, Suite 401, organizers announced.

This is a nondenominational ministry.

The co-pastors are Scott and Linda Mitre.

Bible studies are planned during the week at times to be announced.

For questions and times for the services, call 702-595-9125.

Beatty Library District

The Beatty Library District has applied for and received a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in the amount of $5,250 for fiscal year 2020.

This grant will greatly assist the library in providing beneficial programs to Beatty.

Cactus permit season opens

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is selling Joshua tree and cactus permits, at the BLM’s Tonopah Field Office, which is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Permits are for personal use only. Plants collected under these permits cannot be sold, resold, bartered, traded, or utilized in any way for monetary gain. Joshua Trees can only be collected in one location in the Battle Mountain District, near Tonopah. the season runs from Oct. 15 to March 15, 2020.

Remember to have your permit on you, make sure that you are following all recommended procedures/stipulations to prevent wildfires. “Also please stay on existing roads, and consult your maps to make sure you are on BLM land. Please report any permit violations with as much information as possible (e.g. date, license plate number, detailed location, and directions to area) to the Battle Mountain District Office or to the Tonopah Field Office,” the BLM said in a statement.

For questions or comments, call the Battle Mountain District Office at 775-635-4000 or the Tonopah Field Office at 775-482-7800.

Beading Hearts

Join local beaders at 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m., Mondays at the Pahrump Senior Center.

This fun group has been meeting for more than 10 years. They do projects selected and taught by other beaders or you can work on your own project. all levels of experience are welcome.

Friends Day Out

RSVP is offering “Friends Day Out/Java Music Club at the Pahrump Senior Center on the first, third and fourth Friday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., for lunch, music, conversation and fun.

For more information call Jan Lindsay at 775-253-5791 or Kristie Hanson at 760-220-9876.

Yoga class at the library

The Pahrump Community Library, in conjunction with Nye Communities Coalition, is offering “Qigong with Tamalyn” on Thursdays, from 11 a.m.-noon. The class is free.

This class focuses on creating a strong body-mind connection through gentle movements, emphasizing the whole body, as well as meditation and visualization techniques. Qigong may be helpful in managing stress dealing with chronic pain. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Farmers Market

The Farmers Market, which is held in at the Tractor Supply Store along Highway 372, has changed to its winter hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., on Saturdays.

They have local honey, eggs, jams, jellies, lots of fresh locally-grown produce, cottage food products and handmade crafts by local artists and craftsmen.

TOPS programs

TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter #117 meets on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. at the Trinity Assembly of God Church, 750 S. Big Five Road. For information call 775-513-1581.

Chapter #116 meets on Wednesdays at 5 p.m., at Desert Greens, 350 Wilson Road. For information on this TOPS chapter call 775-537-1091.

Chapter #151 meets on Fridays at the Pahrump Senior Center, 1370 W. Basin Ave. Weigh-in is from 7-8 a.m. and the meeting is directly after, from 8-9 a.m. For more information or questions call Debbie at 775-910-9970.

Come have fun with a great group of people while losing weight, the group said in its announcement.

Arts and crafts for seniors

RSVP hosts a twice-monthly arts and crafts class for seniors.

Classes are held from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., on the first and third Thursday of the month at the NyE Community Coalition campus, room 32, at 1020 E. Wilson Road.

The cost of the class is a $10 donation to RSVP. For more information or to register, call Jan Lindsey at 775-727-9970.

Rural areas focus of effort

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the launch of the Centers of Community Prosperity, designed to increase the capacity of rural and underserved communities across the country.

The program is administered by the USDA Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement, the USDA announced.

The Centers of Community Prosperity will convene stakeholders including local, state, federal and tribal partners, land-grant universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, tribal colleges and universities, historically black colleges and universities, national development organizations, non-profit organizations, faith leaders, veterans, and youth organizations.

“USDA is committed to customer-focused outreach,” Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement Director Mike Beatty said. “That means developing quality mechanisms for rural and underserved communities to address and offer solutions to their communal challenges, while USDA connects them to resources and tools.”

For more, go to usda.gov

Pahrump Obedience Club

The Pahrump Valley Obedience Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., at the Bob Ruud Community Center. They are dedicated to strengthening the bond between owners and their dogs.

The meetings are short informational lectures by members or local professionals. They also have informal weekend training and participate in annual competitions.

For more information visit pvobedienceclub.com or call 702-469-3013 or 775-990-3860.

Healing service at New Hope

A healing service will be held on the first Sunday of each month at 6 p.m., at New Hope Fellowship, 781 West St.

If you are sick or in pain, attend and receive your healing. You can also stop by on Wednesday from 9-11 a.m., at the healing rooms.

Pahrump Trikers

The Pahrump Trikers, a chapter of Brothers of the Third Wheel, meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Holiday Inn Express. The meetings start at 6 p.m. All trikers are welcome to come and talk trikes.

For information call Tim Mattoon at 907-229-3227.

Pahrump Gunfighters

The Pahrump Gunfighters meet the first Saturday of the month at the Bob Ruud Community Center.

The local organization performs western skits and gunfights for the public’s enjoyment throughout the year.

They are looking for new members. Anyone interested in joining the group is welcome to attend. For more information call “Gambler Dan” at 775-751-3458.

DAV van drivers needed

Chapter 15 of the Disabled American Veterans currently needs volunteer drivers to drive veterans to medical appointments in Pahrump and Las Vegas.

To volunteer or for more information contact Steven Chase, DAV transportation coordinator, at 702-283-6073 or online at wagonmaster61@yahoo.com.

At the library

Free computer instruction is available at the library. Computer Classes for beginning-level computer users are offered Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Sign-ups are available at the library (no sign-ups by phone).

The Genealogy Class meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 2 p.m. Genealogy guidance and help using Ancestry.com and HeritageQuest.com are provided. No sign-up is necessary. Please call library prior to attending to confirm class time.

All library events are alcohol, tobacco and drug-free.

Grief support

A faith-based grief support group, to help those who have lost loved ones will meet on Saturdays from 1-3 p.m., at Central Valley Baptist Church, located at 3170 S. Blagg Road.

For more information call the church at 775-209-2535.

Elk Foundation

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is an organization seeking to ensure the future of elk and other wildlife, their habitat and the hunting heritage.

A group of devoted members is revitalizing the Pahrump Chapter. They meet on the second Saturday of the month at 2 p.m. at the China Wok Buffet.

For more information contact Bill Austin at 775-910-9848.

American Legion meets

American Legion Post 22 meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m., at the VFW Post, located at 4651 S. Homestead Road.

All veterans are invited to attend the meeting.

For more information call 775-990-6481.

Chorale needs singers

If you love to sing, the High Desert Chorale, under the direction of Ginger Forbes, has issued a call for singers to join the Chorale.

Sponsored by the Pahrump Arts Council, the Chorale performs two concerts annually, in the winter and the spring, with rehearsals conducted throughout the year. Rehearsals will be conducted weekly at 6:30 p.m. in the LDS church meeting rooms at the corner of Wilson Road and West Street.

Flea Market

The VFW Post at 4651 S. Homestead Road holds a flea market most Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

There is a good selection of vendors. For more information contact the VFW at 727-6072.

Toastmasters Club

The Toastmasters is a group dedicated to improving speaking and leadership skills and can help overcome the fear of public speaking, and overcoming nervousness.

They are seeking new members and guests are always welcome at the meetings. They meet at 7 p.m., on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at the Comstock Park Clubhouse.

For more information call Leo Blundo at 702-595-2269 or Jim McMurray at 775-751-1480.

Alzheimer’s support group

Alzheimer’s Support Group for caregivers meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the NyE Communities Coalition campus. Meetings are from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

For more information contact Barbara Payne at 775-537-2082 or Vince Hedges at 775-727-7944.

Free Italian classes

The Pahrump Community Library is sponsoring free beginning classes to learn to read, speak and write in Italian, and about the Italian culture.

The classes will be held every Wednesday, from 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Contact the instructor, Mr. Marchetti at leom702@gmail.com for information or questions.

Shadow Mountain Quilters

The Shadow Mountain Quilters, who are 21-years strong, meet every Thursday at the Bob Ruud Community Center, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

For more information call Sally at 425-359-5512.

Outreach needs volunteers

Nevada Outreach Training is looking for volunteers to work at their office, the shelter, clothing shields, housekeeping, front desk, with victims and during events. They are also looking for people who are interested in helping pick up and deliver donations.

For more information or to volunteer contact Program Manager DJ Mills at 775-751-1118.

Weight Watchers meet

Join Weight Watchers in Pahrump.

They meet at the NyE Communities Coalition, in room 32, on Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m., and on Wednesdays at 5 p.m.

Fiber artists, quilters meet

Pahrump Valley Fiber Artist and Quilters meets every Wednesday, 9 a.m. to noon, at the Bob Ruud Community Center.

All fiber artists are welcome to join.

For additional information call Susan at 751-4707.

DAV meeting

The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Chapter 15 meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m., at the NyECC activities building on the corner of Wilson and West streets.

For additional information contact them at 537-5051 or at www.dav15nv.org

VFW breakfast

VFW Post 10054 at 4651 Homestead Road, would like to invite you to join them for breakfast on Sunday morning from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m., and then come down to join the Ladies Auxiliary on Friday nights for dinner from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

They also have great karaoke every Wednesday starting at 5 p.m.

For additional information call 727-6072.

Foster parents needed

In Nevada’s rural communities, many children, including teens and sibling groups are in need of a safe and nurturing home. Foster parents provide a temporary home so these children can heal and feel supported.

Foster parents can be single or married, male or female. They can be working or stay-at-home parents, or retired with grown children.

To learn more on how you can become a licensed foster parent with the state of Nevada call 888-423-2659 or go to www.dcfs.state.nv.us.

RSVP needs drivers

RSVP in Pahrump is in need of drivers and is able to offer mileage reimbursement to volunteer drivers 25 years old and older.

All volunteers must pass a background check.

If you are interested, call Jan Lindsay at 751-5282 and forms will be sent to you, after which a follow-up interview will be scheduled.

West Star Ranch in need of donations

West Star Ranch Animal Rescue and Thrift Store is in need of donations to sell. If you need your donations picked up, please call 727-9273.

They also have many dogs and cats ready to go home with you.

They are a 501C3 no-kill shelter. Boarding is also available.

The thrift store is open Wednesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and is at 780 Manse Road.

Nye still a “non-sanctuary” county

The commission has reaffirmed its stance on illegal immigration enforcement.

Lady Trojans bats stay red hot against Democracy Prep

After defeating the Blue Knights 15-0 on Monday, the Lady Trojans improved to 3-3 overall on the season and now have recorded back-to-back shutout pitching performances.

Letters to the Editor

As I stated in my first “Where is Our Government” letter, wake up, get involved, and save our town.