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Community Thanksgiving Dinner returns to Pahrump

As incredible as it may sound, there is a hot Thanksgiving Day meal guaranteed for anyone and everyone residing in the Pahrump Valley, come next Thursday, Nov. 23.

The kind, thoughtful gesture is courtesy of officials with Pahrump’s Holiday Task Force, who are now preparing for the annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the NyE Communities Coalition Activities Center from noon to 3 p.m.

The coalition is located at 1020 E. Wilson Road, directly across from the Nye County School District complex.

Come one, come all

Officials urge families to take part, as the dinner is open to the entire community.

Each year, the Holiday Task Force feeds hundreds of local residents at the coalition’s activities center.

Additionally, Pahrump residents without transportation on Thanksgiving Day need not worry about not attending the event, as free rides will be provided both to and from the coalition campus.

The Pahrump Senior Center and Pahrump’s VETrans organization will once again provide transportation for this year’s community dinner.

Local veterans may call to make a reservation for transportation to and from the dinner.

That number is 775-572-8387.

Area senior citizens in the community requiring transportation may call the Pahrump Senior Center at 775-727-5008, or 775-751-6860.

Both agencies must have all of the reservations in no later than Nov. 22, by 3 p.m., to arrange for transportation needs.

Home deliveries

Special considerations were also made for Pahrump’s homebound residents who can literally dial up a Thanksgiving Day meal to be delivered to their front doorstep at no cost.

To request a meal, call 775-209-4683, no later than noon Nov. 23.

The scope of organizing the event certainly bears mentioning, as the community dinner would not be possible without the assistance from area volunteers, who are also being sought by the coalition.

Some of the positions include food servers and those who will oversee the dessert table.

Those who wish to volunteer may call the coalition at 775-727-9970, extension 236.

Donations welcomed

Aside from the crucial, altruistic assistance from the team of volunteers, funding is at the heart of how the Holiday Task Force is able to provide the annual Community Thanksgiving Day meal.

Monetary donations in the form of grocery store gift cards and/or checks can be sent directly to the Holiday Task Force.

Just make checks payable to the NyE Communities Coalition, while noting “Holiday Task Force” on the memo line.

Contact reporter Selwyn Harris at sharris@pvtimes.com. Follow @sharrispvt on Twitter

Former officials weigh interest in town board

Pahrump voters approved the proposal to disband the town board by a 7,294 to 7,063 margin in 2012.

Letters to the Editor

It is possible that many residents have forgotten why we no longer have an elected town board. Let me refresh your collective memories.