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Crime Corner

Pahrump man arrested after search allegedly turns up possession of guns, drugs

A Pahrump man was arrested last week after a search warrant served on his residence turned up drugs and firearms.

Anthony Gray was taken into custody in a joint effort by the Nevada Department of Public Safety and the Nye County Sheriff’s Office March 3, after officers found several weapons, narcotics and weapon accessories at his home.

Gray’s wife called the department of public safety stating that her husband was at their home and was under the influence of narcotics and in possession of firearms, according to police.

Upon arriving at the home on the 500 block of E. Tioga Circle, officers found Gray outside near a vehicle and placed him in handcuffs.

Law enforcement officers then searched Gray’s home and found a .22 caliber scoped rifle with a silencer on it, a handgun with a threaded barrel and no serial number, a double-barreled shotgun with no serial number, a .22 caliber firearm, seven silencers in different stages of construction, .72 grams of methamphetamine, several hypodermic needles, a knife and ammunition.

Gray is a felon out of Wisconsin on charges including armed robbery and isn’t allowed to have firearms.

Gray was arrested and transported to the Nye County Detention Center and charged with violating conditions of his parole.

Thirty minutes after being in custody at the detention center, Gray began to bang his head against a wall and fell. Gray was then transported to Desert View Hospital to be medically assessed.

While at the hospital Gray stated that he wanted to “end it,” and that he would commit suicide the first chance he got, according to police.

When questioned about the firearms he had in his possession, Gray said he had them to protect himself from people who wanted to harm him. He would not give any specifics about those he claimed to be trying to hurt him, stating he was not a snitch, police said.

When asked about the methamphetamine, Gray said he used them in order to deal with post-traumatic stress disorder, law enforcement said.

Gray was medically cleared and taken back to the detention center where he was booked and placed on suicide watch until he could be seen by a counselor.

Gray is being held without bond.

Inmate allegedly violates protective order 38 times

An inmate in the Nye County Detention Center added more charges to the ones he is currently in custody for by allegedly violating a protective order placed against him several times while incarcerated.

Jeffery Stevens, 46, who was taken into custody on Dec. 17 after allegedly ambushing a Nye County Sheriff’s Office deputy, is facing several charges, including aggravated stalking, resisting a police officer with the use of a firearm, while violating a protection order.

Stevens and the person who placed the protective order against him made contact while he was in the detention center 38 times from Dec. 22 through Feb. 25, police said.

A sergeant with the sheriff’s office alerted a deputy that Stevens was making contact with the applicant of the protective order and to further investigate the claims.

Upon initial investigation of the 38 documented times that the two interacted, 14 were via recorded phone calls and 24 were recorded video visitations between the two or through a third party, police said.

According to the sheriff’s office, the majority of the visits were conducted directly between Stevens and the protective order applicant.

All 38 recorded incidents were burned onto a DVD disk and submitted into evidence.

As a result of the incidents, Stevens was rebooked into the Nye County Detention Center on March 3 on 38 counts of violation of stalking/ harassment extended protective order, and is being held without bail.

Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. Follow @mickakers on Twitter.

Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.