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District Attorney’s report

• Ernest Joseph Ruis III was charged on Nov. 17 with child abuse and neglect, two counts, a felony.

• Darrin Niccolas Kirk was charged on Nov. 16 with burglary in violation of protective order, and unlawful use of a controlled substance, both felonies; violation of order for protection against domestic violence; and theft, two counts, both misdemeanors.

• Kiana Florencia Escudero was charged on Nov. 19 with unlawful use of a controlled substance, two counts; and possession of a controlled substance, all felonies.

• Cindy Theiu was charged on Nov. 19 with unlawful use of a controlled substance, three counts; and possession of a controlled substance, all felonies.

• Donessa Carol Harden was charged on Nov. 19 with battery by a prisoner, a felony.

• Krystal Marie Lexner-Chavez was charged on Nov. 18 with child abuse and neglect, a felony.

• Ian Daniel Cross was charged on Nov. 18 with child abuse and neglect, a felony.

• Kenneth Patrick Frizzell was charged on Nov. 17 with offense involving stolen property, a felony.

• Blair Vaughn Martin was charged on Nov. 17 with offense involving stolen property, a felony.

• Kevin Gryniewicki was charged on Nov. 17 with offense involving stolen property and burglary, both felonies; and possession of drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor.

• John Stonkus was charged on Nov. 13 with theft by false pretense, a felony.

• Melissa Nicole Lee was charged on Nov. 9 with offense involving stolen firearm, a felony.

• Cory Edward Holliday was charged on Nov. 9 with battery by a prisoner, a felony.

• Joseph Michael Provenza was charged on Nov. 5 with ex-felon in possession of firearm(s), a felony.

• Devon Ashley Stokes was charged on Nov. 6 with offense involving stolen vehicle, a felony.

• Thomas John Cooney was charged on Nov. 17 with violation of temporary harassment/stalking protective order, a misdemeanor.

• Karen R. Jones was charged on Nov. 16 with driving without a valid license, a misdemeanor.

• Jesse Robert Taylor was charged on Nov. 5 with driving under the influence of alcohol, a misdemeanor.

• Eric Daniel Ray Alvarez was charged on Nov. 18 with driving under the influence of alcohol and/or controlled substance and/or prohibited substance; and vehicle entering intersection marked 'stop' or 'yield', both misdemeanors.

• David Dean Wilkinson was charged on Nov.19 with obstructing a public officer and resisting public officer, both misdemeanors.

• DJ McLaren was charged on Nov. 17 with driving under the influence of alcohol, second offense and failure to maintain traffic lane, both misdemeanors.

Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.