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District Attorney’s report

• Deanna Tovar was charged on Dec. 31 with engaging in business or submitting bid without contractor's license, third offense, a felony.

• Clifton Frank Trute was charged on Dec. 15 with driving under the influence of alcohol, third offense, a felony; unsafe turn; driving without a valid license; failure to surrender registration certificate upon demand; security for payment of tort liabilities required; having open container of alcoholic beverage within passenger area of motor vehicle while on highway; drinking alcoholic beverage while driving motor vehicle, a misdemeanors.

• David Bandazian was charged on Dec. 29 with possession of a controlled substance, three counts and habitual criminal, both felonies; and possession of less than an ounce of marijuana, a misdemeanor.

• Jessica Leann Hamlet was charged on Dec. 30 with obtaining or possessing credit card or debit card or identifying description of credit card, credit account or debit card without consent of cardholder, five counts; unlawful use of a controlled substance; possession of a controlled substance, all felonies; and possession of instrument with burglarious intent, a gross misdemeanor.

• Alexander Michael Cook was charged on Dec. 29 with unlawful use of a controlled substance, a felony; and possession of drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor.

• Joseph David Erickson was charged on Dec. 29 with theft, a felony.

• Jason Arthur Altheide was charged on Dec. 30 with battery by a prisoner, a felony.

• James Franklin Carroll Sr., was charged on Dec. 28 with battery and driving under the influence of alcohol (second offense), both misdemeanors.

• Antonio Soltero Reyes was charged on Dec. 28 with failure of convicted person to notify local law enforcement officer of change of address, a misdemeanor.

• Peter Dion Williams was charged on Dec. 28 with petit larceny, a misdemeanor.

• Jill Walker Guittard was charged on Dec. 28 with reckless driving, a misdemeanor.

• Michael Wayne Folk was charged on Dec. 28 with unlawful trespass upon land and disturbing the peace, both misdemeanors.

• Aaron Seavey Sanchez was charged on Dec. 28 with possession of less than an ounce of marijuana, first offense; and having open container of alcoholic beverage within passenger area of motor vehicle while on highway; drinking alcoholic beverage while driving motor vehicle, both misdemeanors.

• Thomas Michaeli Mascaro, Jr., was charged on Dec. 28 with basic speed and driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended, both misdemeanors.

• Derrick Michael Duesing was charged on Dec. 28 with battery, a misdemeanor.

• John Frank DiLauro was charged on Dec. 28 with unlawful use or possession with intent to use drug, chemical, poison or organic solvent to induce euphoria or hallucinations, a misdemeanor.

• Lance Anthony Nelson was charged on Dec. 30 with obstructing a public officer, a misdemeanor.

• Taneka Julianne Wynne was charged on Dec. 30 with obstructing a public officer, a misdemeanor.

• Earl Alan Hayes was charged on Dec. 29 with battery, a misdemeanor.

• Tara Mae Hazle was charged on Jan. 6 with obstructing a public officer, a misdemeanor.

• Michael Phillip Simer was charged on Dec. 31 with domestic battery, a misdemeanor.


Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.