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Evictions in USDA housing halted through end of 2020

Updated September 8, 2020 - 5:12 pm

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has ordered a halt in residential evictions through Dec. 31 to tenants meeting certain criteria in USDA multifamily housing properties.

The order was announced by Bette Brand, the deputy undersecretary for rural development at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

All adults in the household must have attempted to obtain any available government assistance for rent, and household income limits are $99,000 per individual or $198,000 per couple. The household must be unable to pay full rent because of a loss in household income or extraordinary medical expenses, timely partial payments must have been attempted, and eviction would likely make the household homeless or force members into an unsafe shared living arrangement to be eligible.

Tenants must certify they meet the above conditions to be safe from eviction under the CDC guidance.

If properties are experiencing financial hardship because of COVID-19 and tenant inability to pay, USDA will continue to accept forbearance requests under the 2020 CARES Act through Dec. 31.

To review previously posted multifamily housing questions and answers on the CARES Act forbearance and COVID-19 in general, visit the Rural Development COVID-19 Response website.

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