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Guinn Memorial scholarship opportunity opens

A scholarship opportunity for students has opened.

Students majoring in elementary or secondary education and have an intent to teach in Nevada can now apply to the Kenny C. Guinn Memorial Scholarship through the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office. Four $5,000 scholarships are up for grabs to Nevada students.

To qualify, students must be entering their last year of college at an eligible institution.

The list, though not comprehensive, of institutions, includes University of Nevada, Reno or University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Great Basin College; Nevada State College; Sierra Nevada College; or a nonprofit university that awards bachelor’s degrees to Nevada students, including Western Governor University.

Students must maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or above. As well, students must be enrolled in, and must remain in, a course of study leading to licensure in elementary or secondary education, along with stating a commitment to teaching in Nevada once they graduate. in addition, students must satisfy the requirements of the Millennium Scholarship, according to the treasurer’s office.

The Guinn scholarship was created in 2011 after it passed both houses in Nevada and was subsequently signed into law by then-Gov. Brian Sandoval via Senate Bill 220.

The legislation created a scholarship fund from donations receive by the treasurer’s office following the death of former Governor Kenny C. Guinn in July 2010.

The number of award winners was increased during the 2019 Legislature after Senate Bill 414 passed. That bill also added the number of institutions that were eligible.

For information on how to apply, contact the Millennium Scholarsfohip Office at millenniumscholars@nevadatreasurer.gov or call 1-888-477-2667.

Applications, due by April 5, can also be found at http://www.nevadatreasurer.gov/GGMS/How_to_Apply/

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