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IN PROFILE: Dave Ortiz

BUSINESS: Owner Accredited Manufactured Housing Repair

AGE: 46

BACKGROUND: “I was a supervisor for Tropicana Orange Juice in California before I moved here and went to work with my dad. When he retired from this business, I got my licenses and took the courses I needed to become accredited and took it over.”

FIRST JOB: “I worked stuffing Sunday papers with ads at the LA Times.”

YEARS IN BUSINESS: “I moved to Pahrump in 1996 and have been working repairing manufactured homes since then. I’m a member of the Elks Lodge. I’ve never had any of the charities approach me for donations.”

PERSONAL: “I love metal detecting … treasure hunting with a metal detector. I’m the guy you see at Petrack Park at 4 in the morning the day after harvest festival with my metal detector. I find a lot of change. I found a piece of a meteorite at Dumont Dunes not too long ago.

BUSINESS CLIMATE: “Business during the housing boom was great. Everyone suffered when the economy went downhill but I survived because of the exceptional word-of-mouth referrals here. I made some loyal customers who remember me when they need something. It’s a small town and everyone knows everyone else. I had to build my own reputation for good service when I took over my father’s business. If I could tell people one thing, it would be to trust a licensed contractor. They took the time to go to school, establish themselves and build a reputation.”

Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.