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Last month to apply for the Nevada Promise Scholarship

High school seniors planning to attend Great Basin College in fall 2018 have less than a month to apply for the Nevada Promise Scholarship, the college announced.

The goal of Nevada Promise is to allow graduating Nevada high school seniors to complete a certificate or associate degree at no cost to the student.

The program begins with the high school graduating seniors of the 2017-2018 school year.

An application workshop and training for the Nevada Promise Scholarship will be held at all GBC locations at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 19.

Students and parents are encouraged to attend to learn more about filling out the application as well as applying for other types of financial aid.

Locations include Elko High Tech Center, room 138; Ely GBC Center, room 108; Pahrump GBC Center, room 109 and Winnemucca GBC Center, Room 108.

Nevada Promise is a scholarship and mentoring program in which the state intends to pay the cost of attending classes at Nevada community colleges that are not otherwise funded by federal aid, the Millennium Scholarship or the Silver State Opportunity Grant.

In addition to covered class fees, Nevada Promise students will be assigned a GBC mentor who will assist them with the scholarship requirements, as well as the admissions and financial aid processes. Completion of 20 hours of community service no later than April 30, 2018, is one of the scholarship’s requirements.

For information about Nevada Promise at GBC, visit http://www.gbcnv.edu/scholarships/nvpromise/

To become eligible, apply no later than Oct. 31.

Former officials weigh interest in town board

Pahrump voters approved the proposal to disband the town board by a 7,294 to 7,063 margin in 2012.

Letters to the Editor

It is possible that many residents have forgotten why we no longer have an elected town board. Let me refresh your collective memories.