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Law enforcement to address dangers of social media

If you’re a parent of a teenage child and don’t feel up-to-date on the latest technology, especially social media, you are encouraged to attend a presentation on the subject next week.

Sergeant Raymond Spencer of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s sexual assault unit discuss the “Dark Side of Social Media” at the NyE Communities Coalition Activities Center, 1020 E. Wilson Road, Thursday April 23, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Spencer will be available to speak with parents and children alike about the dangers online.

“The presentations premise is to make sure that parents and guardians keep their children safe by talking to them about Internet use,” Kim Johnson of the coalition said. “Teaching them about any online dangers that may exist, and just learning everything you can about the Internet so parents and guardians can make safe decisions for their children.”

While the Internet can be a tool that children can use to study, play games and connect with friends, it can also leave them vulnerable to cyber predators.

According to the Crimes Against Children Research Center one in 25 children received an online sexual solicitation where the solicitor attempted to make offline contact.

With new smart phone apps popping up almost daily, some may not be suitable for teenagers, and with some parents not being in tune with the latest technology, it can can be tough for them to monitor subject matter they aren’t educated on.

“There are a lot of apps that children may have knowledge about, that perhaps their parents or guardians do not,” Johnson said. “They may not always be the most appropriate (apps) types of communications and experience for children to be exposed to and that is why we thought this social media presentation was real informative.”

In addition to addressing cyber predators, another issue that has become a real problem in teenagers, cyber bullying, will be spoken about as well.

For more information on the presentation contact Kim Johnson or Alicia Lewis by phone at 775-727-9970 ext. 214, or by email at kim@nyecc.org or alicia.nyecc@gmail.com.

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