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Letters to the Editor

Pahrump family provides free cookies with light show

We always deck our house out with lots and lots of Christmas decorations. This year, because of the pandemic, we would like to make it a little special for the kids in Pahrump Valley.

On December 19th, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., we will be giving out sugar cookies that will be donated by Drago Sisters Bakery in Las Vegas. We have a drive-thru driveway so you can get up close and see all the lights and hear Christmas music.

Just pull up and we will bring individually wrapped cookies to your sweet kids. We will be wearing masks to your vehicle for your protection and ask that masks be worn when the window is rolled down to receive the cookies. The address is 821 W. Calvada Blvd.

Please bring the kiddos and allow us to see the joy that Christmas lights hold for these young ones! Hope to see all of you there!

Tanya S. Thomas

Voter shares predictions regarding America’s future

Let me see if I have the correct facts. Obama was elected president in 2008 and sworn in January 2009. My union hall was sending travelers out for calls up to the time that Obama took office, then the number of calls dwindled (for all of us), to almost nothing for the following eight years. The economy, under Obama, went stagnant. Millions of U.S. citizens lost their jobs, lost their homes, lost their health insurance, lost their retirement. For eight long years, there was very little work available. Folks were working two and three jobs, and considered themselves to be very lucky but they were just barely keeping their heads above water. It was a dismal eight years of “Obamanomics.”

Then Trump announced his candidacy, and the trouble started. The entire Obama administration started a campaign to destroy Trump, and he hadn’t been elected. For four long years we citizens watched an endless parade of false charges, false evidence, and falsifications of FISA court applications and endless impeachment attempts that ended in failure. As we look back on the history of the Obama era, they were doing what they accused Trump of doing. The entire Obama administration was trying to impeach Trump before he was elected, or sworn in.

But something happened when Trump entered the White House: the economy was better; more people were working than had been employed in 60 years. We were sending travelers off of Book II, unheard of in the Obama era. We became an oil exporting nation, as opposed to the “doom and gloom” of 47 years ago when we were told, “The oil wells will run dry in two years if we don’t implement the 55 mph speed limit.” I asked the question, “Would our government lie to us?” I already knew the answer, for Bo Gritz taught me, “Know the answer before you ask the question.” Sound advice. I listen to Biden and he is already trying to take credit for the possible vaccine that Trump has been pressing for. Amazing, for Biden and the residue of the Obama administration claimed the Wuhan virus was a political ploy by Trump and tried to thwart his efforts to restrict travel from China to the U.S. Pelosi gave her famous freezer/Chinese dinner speech about the unlawful acts of Trump, to stem the flow of the Wuhan Chinese flu infestation.

What is not so strange is: the virus is not as bad as we were told, in the beginning. At first we were advised that up to 20% of the population would die from the Wuhan virus. The latest fatality rate figures (315 million citizens/220,000 deaths), show a fatality rate of 0.07%. That is minimal. This has become the BIG lie. We have had viruses in the past and we shall have viruses in the future, in spite of Biden.

I see nothing good coming out of the Biden presidency. We shall end up, as planned, with the first woman president, who not surprisingly had nothing but bad things to say about Biden. Then I see Obama sliding in as vice-president. Trump should explore and conduct every avenue of lawful challenges against the Biden presidency. The Obama “hangers-on” did so for four long years. I believe that Trump’s accusations are quite correct. Time will tell which direction this nation is headed: success under Trump or third world under Obama/Biden.

Wayne Brotherton

Biden’s new cabinet choices may be past bureaucrats

As I listen to a number of ‘news’ sources saying things like “the dream team” of cabinet and advisers Biden is assembling, a quick historical study tells quite a different story. It’s much closer to a revolving door of past government bureaucrats, lobbyists, representatives from Wall Street, fund managers, big Pharma, big tech, other big businesses, and or their legal representatives.

Many of these same people directly or indirectly moved jobs out of the U.S. in favor of bigger profits to be made in places not so ‘friendly’ to the U.S. Like China where were became dependent on their production in even vital areas, which showed its true ugly face for the last year. In addition, some of these same people saw no problems with the UIS picking up the largest tab for things like NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, while these and others undermined our national Interest.

Then there are a number of people who thought it was a great idea to bail out a nearly collapsing terrorist government with at best their promise to ‘delay’ their nuclear bomb. Now again some of these same people are pushing for even more policies to relinquish U.S. autonomy to world bodies we get no voice in the name of “world equality.” Soon, U.S. elections will have even less meaning than the 2020 election did.

David Jaronik

Nye still a “non-sanctuary” county

The commission has reaffirmed its stance on illegal immigration enforcement.

Lady Trojans bats stay red hot against Democracy Prep

After defeating the Blue Knights 15-0 on Monday, the Lady Trojans improved to 3-3 overall on the season and now have recorded back-to-back shutout pitching performances.

Letters to the Editor

As I stated in my first “Where is Our Government” letter, wake up, get involved, and save our town.