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Letters to the Editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

More donations do not mean the better candidate

I just have one quick question! Why is it necessary in all elections to prove that you can get the most money donated?

I fail to see how spending millions of dollars to outdo your opponents is a valid reason to elect someone.

Our national debt is out of sight and the money spent could be used to lower that instead. At least it will be put to good use!

Judy Pierce

Do supplemental plans make Medicare more vulnerable?

Moderate Democrats are so much aligned with Republican idealogy, it is difficult to make a distinction between the two.

For example, moderate Democrats support private health insurance companies, just like Republicans. They would disagree, but what they say and what they actually do results in private insurance companies getting stronger. The stronger private insurance companies get, the more vulnerable Medicare becomes. Private insurance companies are undermining Medicare by offering senior citizens Medicare Advantage plans.

When a senior citizen chooses an Advantage plan instead of a traditional Medicare plan, Medicare revenue is diverted to private health insurance companies.

Private health insurance companies are parasites. Medicare advantage plans are the host that these parasites feed on. These parasites will continue to feed on Medicare until they eventually kill it. That is their main objective.

This threat will cease to exist when a Medicare For All health care program in implemented.

Millions of Americans are finally realizing the United States must have a progressive Democratic president in 2021.

President Bernie Sanders. Power to the people.

Fred L. Lodge

Reader responds and voices her thoughts on Biden affair

This is in response to Gary Duarte’s and Dana Savino’s letters to the editor in the Pahrump Valley Times. Gary wonders why the media will not investigate Hunter Biden’s job a Burisma.

It wasn’t just Hunter. Joe’s brothers, Frank and James made a lot of money off of U.S. government contracts. If James Biden had changed his name to Jesse he would have a lot in common with Frank and Jesse James, the outlaws. The James brothers robbed banks – the Biden brothers enriched themselves at taxpayers’ expense. Joe’s sister and daughter also got in on the action. It was a family affair.

Dana Savino wonders if we will have open borders. Bernie and Liz have vowed to tear down the wall. Forty-four House Democrats have sponsored a bill called the New Way Forward Act. This bill would end deportation of people convicted of felonies and U.S. taxpayers would have to pay for the return of those already deported for criminal behavior. Alexandria Cortez’s squad approves of this bill.

As someone else said, Pete Buttigieg is a flimsy cardboard of a candidate but the other candidates are so radical that he looks semi good.

And the Democratic candidates say this is an Obama economy and yet, on the other hand, they say it is a bad economy. Please explain!

Karen Stone

Infringements on Second Amendment need to be stopped

I see where Gov. Sisolak wants more money for his personal security. Funny, he steps all over the citizens’ Second Amendment, which he is sworn to uphold, then wants more armed guards for himself. Sound like something you have heard before.

I believe all the infringements on the Second Amendment have been knee-jerk reactions to events or is what the “Party” wants, which is not what Americans want.

All the facts are in and gun laws do nothing but hurt law-abiding citizens. Time to take all the infringements on the Second Amendment off the books before something happens.

Barkley Burker

Nye still a “non-sanctuary” county

The commission has reaffirmed its stance on illegal immigration enforcement.

Lady Trojans bats stay red hot against Democracy Prep

After defeating the Blue Knights 15-0 on Monday, the Lady Trojans improved to 3-3 overall on the season and now have recorded back-to-back shutout pitching performances.

Letters to the Editor

As I stated in my first “Where is Our Government” letter, wake up, get involved, and save our town.