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Man dies after being found unconscious in truck

A 40-year-old man died last month under after being found unconscious inside of the tractor trailer he was driving.

On Oct. 22, the reporting party stated that they were on the phone with the male prior to him being found unconscious and during their conversation, the male suddenly stopped talking and a gurgling sound came over the phone. The reporting party drove to the location on G Ranch Road at Ponderosa Dairy after their phone conversation and found the male.

The driver was identified as Michael Henderson by the Nye County Sheriff's Office.

Nye County Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to a medical call in Amargosa Valley with reports of a white male not breathing at 1:12 p.m. The caller told dispatch that the man's lips were blue, that he was unresponsive and that he was slumped over in the driver's seat of a tractor trailer located on G Ranch Road.

Dispatch told deputies that CPR was being administered to the man, with the dispatcher walking the reporting party through the procedure.

Deputies were alerted that the male was breathing again at one point of their travel from Beatty to the scene in Amargosa Valley.

Dispatch told the reporting party to place the male in the recovery position until the Amargosa ambulance arrived.

As deputies continued their drive to the scene they were told that CPR was started again, as the male again stopped breathing and was unresponsive.

When the deputies arrived at the scene they saw CPR was being performed on the male, who was lying on the gravel roadway on his back with his upper chest area exposed.

Deputies were told that four cycles of CPR had been performed on the male and while automated external defibrillator pads were placed on the man's chest in the correct configuration, the AED was not recommending shock while the male was flatline.

After requesting that CPR be stopped on the male, deputies checked him for life signs, to which none were present and he was pronounced dead at 1:45 p.m.

Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. Find him on Twitter: @mickakers.

Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.