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Monday last day to file income tax returns

As the Federal Income Tax deadline looms next week, those who still need to file their income tax returns have until Monday to do so.

Tax day this year is April 18, and although the post office locations in town are running under normal business hours, those who need the extra time to file can go to the main post office in Las Vegas, 1001 E. Sunset Road, as it will remain open until midnight to assist customers.

The IRS deadline for filing Federal Income Tax returns requires a postmark by 11:59 p.m. Monday evening.

There will be an express, drive-through lane for pre-stamped, pre-addressed envelopes to ensure maximum customer convenience.

Additionally, the “Post Office on Wheels” retail van will be open to serve customers at the Mandalay Bay parking area on April 18 from noon until 8 p.m. The drive-through drop-off boxes will also be available for customers at this location.

All other retail locations will maintain regular operating and collection hours.

USPS tips for customers mailing their tax returns:

Mail early. If you are mailing a lot of documents, use a suitable envelope or box. Priority Mail envelopes are available from the lobby of your local post office.

Be sure to use sufficient postage. Does it weigh more than one ounce? Tax returns without enough postage will be returned. If you are unsure about the postage, it’s best to add extra stamps or take your mailpiece to the post office to ensure sufficient postage.

Write clearly. Print labels or neatly write both the destination and return addresses.

Double check your envelope. Customers who wish to validate that their return was received by the IRS are encouraged to consider proof of mailing services such as Return Receipt, Certified Mail, or Certificate of Mailing Service.

Avoid the rush. Consider mailing your tax return in a collection box that has a pick-up time before the deadline.

Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. On Twitter: @mickakers

Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.