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Balloon Fest and Little League come to an agreement

UPDATE: "The Board of County Commissioners meeting scheduled for Tuesday morning, April 27th, has been canceled after an agreement regarding field usage during the upcoming balloon festival was reached.
Representatives from the Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce and Pahrump Valley Little League met late Monday afternoon and agreed to share field space at Ian Deutch Memorial Park this week.
The Chamber-sponsored Balloon Festival will go forward as planned from April 29th to May 2nd, and Little League will be able to hold practices and games during that timeframe."

5:30 p.m.

The Nye County Commission is set to meet on Tuesday to deliberate rescinding the outdoor festival license for the Balloon Festival.

The Balloon Festival, set to kick off on Thursday, would lose its home at Ian Deutch Park.

Commissioners approved the license on April 6, taking Pahrump Valley Little League off the docket. But now the item is back on Tuesday’s agenda for a possible return to PVLL.

The chamber put a notice out on social media on Friday with the announcement of the meeting.


A small group has petitioned the County Commissioners to rescind/reconsider...

Posted by Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce on Friday, April 23, 2021

Also on Tuesday’s docket is a request by PVLL to recover its lost costs:

The county docket reads, “1) Reimbursing each player’s registration fee for approximately 256 players with an average registration fee of $170.00 totaling $43,520.00; 2) Reimbursing insurance fees and background check fees; 3) Reimburse costs to remove and store snack bar items totaling $1,350.00 for pickup, delivery, storage and cleaning; 3) Pay staff time for removal and restocking of snack bar items for 4 staff members totaling $600.00; 4) Reimburse the cost to remove and reinstall the Little League fencing for up to 6 staff members for up to 8 hours of work totaling $900.00; and 5) Reimburse lost revenue to the Little League Snack Bar for being closed each week day totaling $500.00 and for each weekend totaling $1,000.00.”

The meeting is set to begin at 9 a.m. on Tuesday and can be viewed at https://www.nyecounty.net/ at that time.

Attendees can also call in at 1-888-585-9008 and entering conference room number 255-432-824.

2021.04.27.Teleconference by Pahrump Valley Times on Scribd

Purple Sage public meeting held

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Nevada dairy farm could become solar facility

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