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Primary voter turnout thus far stands at 17%

Today, Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske announced early turnout numbers for the June 9 primary election that is being conducted primarily by mail-in ballot. As of Wednesday, June 3, 276,456 of the 1,829,050 ballots mailed to Nevada voters have been cast. An additional 636 voters have cast a ballot in person during the early voting period.

Currently, turnout for the primary election is at 17 percent of active registered voters. Turnout for the 2018 primary election was 23 percent, while turnout for the 2016 primary election was 19 percent. In recent years, the highest turnout percentage for a primary election occurred in both 2006 and 2010 when 30 percent of active registered voters cast a ballot.

Four Nevada counties currently have turnout above 30 percent: Lincoln at 40%, White Pine at 34% and Douglas and Humboldt at 33% apiece. Turnout in Clark and Washoe counties is at 15 and 18 percent, respectively.

“We continue to see an increase in the number of mail-in ballots returned to our county election offices,” said Wayne Thorley, deputy secretary of state for elections. “We encourage all Nevadans to return their mail ballots to ensure that their vote is counted.”

Of all the ballots cast so far, 43 percent have been cast by registered Democrats, 41 percent have been cast by registered Republicans and 16 percent have been cast by registered nonpartisans or voters registered with a minor political party.

Turnout by registered Democrats is currently at 19 percent, while turnout by registered Republicans is at 21 percent. Turnout by voters registered as nonpartisan or with a minor political party is at 10 percent.

Of the 1,829,050 ballots mailed to registered voters, 248,868 have been returned to the county election official by the U.S. Postal Service as undeliverable. This represents nearly 14 percent of all ballots mailed.

Of the 276,456 mail ballots that have been cast so far, 6,136 require a signature cure. A signature cure is required when the voter either forgets to sign the ballot return envelope or the voter’s signature on the ballot return envelope does not match the signature on file for the voter at the county election office. Voted ballots requiring a signature cure represent just more than 2 percent of all the mail ballot returned to date.

These numbers will change on a daily basis. Before being counted, all returned mail ballots are verified to ensure the voter information and signature matches the voter registration data on file.

Nevada’s primary election has three options to cast a vote: mail-in, designated drop-off location or by personal appearance at limited polling locations in each county. Voters appearing in person to cast their ballot will be given a paper ballot, except in Washoe County where voting machines will be used.

In addition, early voting is available now in all counties until Friday, June 5. Those registering to vote by Thursday, June 4, the last day to register or update existing information online at www.RegisterToVoteNV.gov and be eligible to vote in the primary, must vote by personal appearance at a polling location. After Thursday, voter registration will be available only in person June 5 and June 9 at any county polling location.

Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by June 9. Ballots returned in person at a drop-off location must be received by 7 p.m. that day. Also on June 9, there will be limited voting by personal appearance available for those who are not able to vote by mail ballot.

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