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Taxable sales in the county up in December

County sees small gain in taxable sales

Taxable sales in the county saw a slight increase in December, ending the year with a 1.5 percent gain on December 2014.

According to the numbers released by the Nevada Department of Taxation on Friday, Nye County saw $50.02 million in taxable sales, up from $49.27 million.

Motor vehicle sales rebounded from a down November, with a 14.2 percent increase with $5.1 million in taxable sales.

Furniture and home furnishings stores saw a solid gain with a 27.7 percent, seeing taxable sales of $265,082 in December.

Restaurants and bars saw a slight decrease dropping 3.5 percent with $3.33 million in sales.

Statewide taxable sales jumped 5.3 percent over the same time period last year, with $5.1 billion in taxable sales in December, up from the $4.9 billion in December 2014.

Letters to the Editor

A civic center will not pay, however. Make space to recruit a business that will create jobs and help taxpayers pay the costs or at least put it to vote to fix our roads. Or have a civic center.