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Upcoming Events and Area Happenings

The regularly scheduled weekly activities have resumed, along with one notable surprise.

Nye County SxS (side by side), a growing Pahrump ATV, RZR, Slingshot, and Buggy off-road recreational vehicle community, has scheduled a late morning ride this Saturday — destination Crystal, Nevada. They’re meeting here in town at the Horizon Market gas station at the corner of North Blagg and Simkins roads, planning to leave at 11 a.m. to caravan out to Crystal to the Short Branch Saloon. Saturday is a celebration of life for Kathy Bragg, proprietor of the saloon. This off-road vehicle group “is all about embracing the thrill of the ride, diving into fun-filled adventures, and forging new friendships along the way.” Watch for future rides to be organized for the first Saturday of each month.

Get a little out there in this new year!


Car enthusiasts gather weekly at the Circle K at 2980 Gamebird at 5 p.m.

Steak Night at VFW Post #10054 from 5 to 7 p.m. 4651 Homestead Rd. 775-727-6072.

An evening of fiddle music with Lindsey Boyajian at the Wine Down Nevada from 6 to 8 p.m. 250 S. Highway 160, Suite 8. 775-307-9463.


Dream car enthusiasts gather at the French Bakery on 1231 E. Basin Ave. beginning at 8 a.m.

A Kids Workshop is scheduled at the Home Depot Saturday between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. This month’s project is a piggy bank. Register your 5- to 12-year-old children at www.homedepot.com/workshops. 301 N. Highway 160. Call 775-751-6004 for more details.

Nye County SxS monthly ride starts at Simkins and Blagg Horizon Market gas station, leaving at 11 a.m. Destination: Short Branch Saloon in Crystal.

Guitarist Jeff Duncan One Man Show performs live rock music at Mountain Springs Saloon from noon to 4 p.m. 19050 NV-160. 702-875-4266.

Laurie Cook and The Heat perform pop, country, and rock at The Hubb Bar &Grill beginning at 8 p.m. 3720 W. Bell Vista Ave. 775-764-1299.


Sunday breakfast at VFW Post 10054 from 8 to 11 a.m. 4651 Homestead Rd. 775-727-6072.

Sunday open jam session with at Nevada Treasure RV Resort inside the Venue from 3 to 7 p.m. “Come jam with us!” 301 W. Leslie St. 775-751-6640.

Kelly and the Keepers perform all genres of live rock and country music from the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s at Mountain Springs Saloon from noon to 4 p.m. 19050 NV-160. 702-875-4266.

Music Bingo every Sunday at 5 p.m. at Dry Creek Saloon. $10 per ticket, different genre every week. 1330 E. Fifth St. 775-505-5161.


Line Dancing lessons for beginners and all skill levels with Ms. Boots (Sherry) every Monday from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Nevada Treasure RV Resort. Bring water, sweat headband, and happy feet. No particular attire, no special shoes or boots required. $5 per person. 301 N. Leslie St. Ms.bootslinedance@gmail.com.


Taco Tuesday at VFW Post #10054 from 5 to 6 p.m. 4651 Homestead Rd. 775-727-6072.


Bingo at Our Lady of the Valley. Doors open at 1 p.m., and bingo begins at 2. Must be 21 or older. 781 E. Gamebird Rd. 775-727-4044.

Italian Night menu at 5 p.m. at VFW Post 10054. Karaoke beginning at 7 p.m. 4651 Homestead Road. 775-727-6072.


Dream car enthusiasts gather at Rubalcaba’s Mexican Restaurant beginning at 2 p.m. 1500 Red Butte St.

Free bingo at Coyote’s Den Bar every Thursday at 6 p.m. for prizes. 3971 E. Kellogg Rd. 775-727-5233.


Cocktails and Canvas with Laurie McCaslin at the Pahrump Senior Center Saturday, January 11, begins at 1 p.m. and runs until 4 p.m. Paint a sunrise with trees. All ages welcome; no experience necessary. $25 cash or check; pay when you arrive. Phone or text Laurie at 775-209-6200 to reserve your spot. 1370 W. Basin Ave.

Artesian Cellars is hosting an informative class entitled “Sip, Learn, and Master Your Smartphone” on Wednesday, January 15th from 1 to 3 p.m. Tickets are $9 each and include a wine tasting. The course will provide tips and tricks to navigate your device like a pro, whether organizing your apps, snapping the perfect photo, or exploring hidden features. Presented by AT&T, it is geared toward all skill levels. Bring your smartphone. Reserve your seat today. 1731 S. Highway 160. 775-600-7144.

A free Radon Awareness Class is being conducted by University of Nevada Reno at the Nye County Extension office on Thursday, January 16th at 10 a.m. Attendees will not only learn about the risks of radon gas and its connection to lung cancer but will also receive a FREE RADON TEST KIT to ensure their home is safe. Seating is limited to 30 participants. 1651 E. Calvada Blvd. RSVP to 775-336-0252, or email Chrisk@unr.edu.

Email your events to fburdzinski@pvtimes.com

Nye still a “non-sanctuary” county

The commission has reaffirmed its stance on illegal immigration enforcement.

Lady Trojans bats stay red hot against Democracy Prep

After defeating the Blue Knights 15-0 on Monday, the Lady Trojans improved to 3-3 overall on the season and now have recorded back-to-back shutout pitching performances.

Letters to the Editor

As I stated in my first “Where is Our Government” letter, wake up, get involved, and save our town.