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Last week my opponent wrote an interesting editorial and started with, “a few facts”. Unfortunately that was as far as he got with facts. My intent here is to correct the record once. I will not continue in responding to every misstatement he wishes to make during this campaign season.

Let me first take his twisting of my words when he quoted me as saying, “We haven’t done anything,” since he used it a few times. What I said was, “We don’t do anything ourselves.” And that was to indicate that as a Commissioner I have to work well with others and get at least two others to agree with me to get anything done that I am supporting.

He stated that he, “feels everyone has the right to be heard at the ballot box,” and then takes issue with me supporting a sales tax increase that was voted on by the people. So maybe he only likes it when the vote goes his way?

The lawsuit that the town persists in will, if found in their favor, overturn the vote of the people.

Their basis for the suit is the “allegation”, not fact, that the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) did not follow the law when putting that question on the ballot. I made the motion for that and I stated my “determination” at that time. There was a second and unanimous vote to “let the people be heard at the ballot box.”

Two town board members stated in that meeting that they did not have a problem with letting the vote happen. After it didn’t turn out the way they wanted they decided to try and find fault with our proceedings.

Having done my homework I do find that the gasoline tax which has been 4 cents a gallon since the 1980’s does need to be raised, but once again I am asking for a vote of the people to raise it, not raising it on my own. This is something the BoCC can do without a vote, but I am committed to “letting people be heard at the ballot box.”

My point on incorporation was not directed at the Town Board as I am well aware they cannot do it on their own. The NRS states there must be a petition signed by 30% of the voters and then it has to go to the State to determine if it is viable. Then the BoCC can take up the issue. (Maybe that is why he wants to be on the BoCC)

The Town has, in the past, set up committees to look into incorporation and has even tried to get a charter from the State.

More importantly my opponent, on January 18, of 2011, demanded the BoCC to put it on the ballot without going through the process lined out in the NRS, after the District attorney made it very clear the BoCC did not have the authority. (See, I do research.)

Why he won’t just be up-front with his fixation on incorporation is a mystery to me. He is even a member or vice chair of the League of Cities which he touts often.

Although he did not vote for the last property tax increase he does have deep ties to the progressive Democrats and the vote passed with 3 votes before he voted. This leads us to his other “fact” that the county needs the town’s money, and that the county is somehow in financial ruin.

If he had done any real research he would have found that the county did not raise property tax by 53% to fix their budget deficit, it was the Town of Pahrump. Also the County cannot “take” the Town’s money just like we cannot take Beatty or Gabbs or any Town’s money.

When I spoke of “our” money I meant you and me as I still see myself as a citizen first, not someone who is above it all. Which would lead us to the “regular job” comment that was “twisted” by my opponent.

If my opponent had any idea of the job he is running for he would know that we do not punch a clock or have just one boss. I have nearly 8,000 bosses and I can only direct two county employees. (The County Manager and the Public Works Director.) So this is nothing like a “regular job” but that doesn’t mean I do not appreciate the trust the people have put in me and that is why I spend so much time doing my job.

Lastly, he seems fixated on my campaign manager. When I ran last time I didn’t have this job so I didn’t have someone to help me campaign. She helps me schedule and also gives me advice which I sometimes take; sometimes not. She told me a month ago that I need to cut back on my duties as my job was to get re-elected. To this I replied, “My job is to do the job I am currently holding.”

If I was just fixated on winning this seat again then I would be just like all politicians (something I never want to be) and I will not let the work suffer for me to win this seat. I have started many things to benefit the people of District 5 in the past 3 years that I would like to see through.

I will not blow my own horn here and list all I have done and am doing as this was just to answer some of the “twisted” things my opponent has tried to pass off as facts. If he will take my words so far out of context just to win this seat I am afraid what he will do when he runs for the next office above this one.

Yes he will no doubt do that as he has run for many positions while I have and will only run for this seat as I believe in Nye County and Pahrump and I want my grandchildren to be able to find work when they grow up.

In the future when my opponent throws another tantrum in the paper please email me if you want to hear the other side as I will not do a tit for tat every week. Why? Because I thought he meant it when he said he wanted a clean campaign. I will not take his words so far out of context like he did mine and I do not have the time to play politics as I have a job to do.

Contact me at WWW.Dan4District5.com

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