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Letters to editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Former commissioner is taken to task for column

Well, well… Dan you just cannot exit without a parting shot. The reason for the lawsuit is not a temper tantrum. It’s that a huge number of people voted for Dennis on his issues. Water was number one. Saving people’s water wells was another. It’s not a personal thing Dan. It’s an issue thing….Having someone the exact opposite on all but the Second Amendment is a disenfranchised vote. We know we now have an establishment Oscarson Mini-Me instead of our freedom warrior Dennis Hof.

Your slanderous shot at a dead man is so you. Dennis was an international celebrity. He was an easy target and some woman saw the target. He was never charged with anything and you know it. He was an honorable and kind man who you just couldn’t beat no matter how hard you tried, and you tried!

Republicans/conservatives are independent people, unlike Democrats, who are herd animals. They are sheep. We are like herding cats. Your hate for Dennis won’t stop, even with his death. I heard many people say that Dennis lives in your head. I guess they are right on. Get over it. Sadly we lost our good friend and a man who loved freedom, his country and the people of Nevada.

Thank you Ed Goedhart for standing for freedom and the voters of District 36. We appreciate your efforts.

Tina Trenner

Editor’s note: This letter was edited for space.

The Children’s Theatre performance well attended

Once again, the return visit of the Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) to Pahrump was a rousing success! The performances on Saturday of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” at PVHS were met with lots of applause and laughter, with a full audience at each performance. The audition was attended by 61 children, and each child received a role in the play. It’s an amazing week of rehearsals and commitment, but what a learning experience for the kids and a bonding experience for our community!

The Pahrump Arts Council has sponsored the MCT visits to Pahrump for several years now. We do it with the help of many folks and organizations. Thanks to PAC volunteers and Board of Directors, PVHS staff, Preferred RV, Linda Kass, Heather Phillips, Anthony Jaynes, and Brian Humecky for helping to make this all possible.

The cost of bringing this valuable program to town is often a scramble to cover. We invite local companies to contribute to help continue bringing this arts experience to our children. Please go to our website -www.pvpac.org-to learn how to donate.

Teresa Skye

Youth Arts Coordinator

Pahrump Arts Council

A simple solution to the border crisis

I am writing in response to an editorial in the January 16th edition of the Pahrump Valley Times written by Thomas L. Knapp concerning the shutdown and who’s to blame. .Mr. Knapp goes into great detail explaining why the Republicans have to vote the way they do and why the Democrats have to vote the way they do. I am writing to suggest that there is another way to approach the problem other than from a partisan viewpoint. I am registered as a “non-partisan.” There is little that I can agree upon in the positions of both parties..I vote for the one who best represents the positions I hold to. Party politics is crippling our country.

Instead of viewing everything from a partisan perspective, and putting everything in a political frame, why not deal with these issues with the idea that we must do what is best for our nation. From that very frame of reference it would take politics out of the decision and put our nation first. And it wouldn’t matter who got the credit for it.

When I vote to send someone to represent me in D.C., I do not do it with the thought that they are going there to represent their party first, but that they are there to represent me and our nation first. And, oh, by the way, I am not against legal immigration. From this point of view here are some suggestions:

It is a national security issue..It is imperative that we keep our borders safe and protect the citizens of this great nation. And I surely want those living along the border to be safe and protected. To suggest that it is not a security issue is the height of ignorance and progressive group-think and not based in fact or reality.

It is a matter of law. When we allow criminals and MS-13 gang members into our country just because they have found some loophole in the system and/or are unvetted, then our representatives bear the responsibility. That is their obligation to make laws that keep us safe. (Unfortunately some of them even coach illegals how to come in and beat the system). If we don’t have and enforce our laws, soon we will not have a nation.

Our country should be open to only those who qualify and enter legally. Legal immigration is what has made this nation great and brought us to where we are. If we do not succeed in closing our borders to illegal immigrants we will be experiencing the same consequences that France, Germany and England and other countries in the EU are now facing, with rioting, vandalism and lawlessness rampant in the streets. The people will only take so much and when they see their elected officials not looking out for them they will revolt. (It is not a matter of lawlessness so much as it is a matter of self-preservation.)

We must seal the border from illegal drugs. The cost to our nation through the consequences of drug abuse is staggering. Those who would sell us on the idea of legalization of drugs do not tell us the cost to our society. They tell you that we can tax it and it would be a great source of income for our states, counties and cities. What they don’t tell you is that the cost for the treatment to the individual, the family, marriages and our communities and society far surpasses any benefit from tax revenue. Look at the reports from states that have legalized marijuana. Just the consequences on the highways are astounding. DUIs have risen exponentially, and accidents have increased at an alarming rate. Driving under the influence of drugs is just as dangerous as under alcohol, and probably more so because they have this sense of invincibility.

It is also imperative to close our borders to sex-trafficking..The cartels were making most of their money on the drug trade, but since many of our states have legalized marijuana, and the profit is not there, they cannot compete with the low cost to the consumer here in the U.S., they have switched to harder drugs and now the product of choice is selling children, both boys and girls, in the sex trafficking business. Adults will kidnap children or pay someone for their child to take them across the border and sell them. They pass them off as their own children to get them through the border and into the country. It is then that their life of hell begins. Precious children who should be loved and protected are subject to inconceivable abuse and torment and end up broken and kept from realizing a life of love and fulfillment.

We must close our borders to criminals and terrorists. Criminals and terrorists have pretty much an open door into our country. They come in undocumented, unvetted and without any identification and ask for political asylum. They are coached on what to say and what not to say, what to bring and what not to bring. They are instructed to say they are fleeing from political oppression and if they would return their lives would be in jeopardy. If we do not close this loophole we will not only continue to have illegals committing crime here, but terrorists carrying out terror attacks within our borders. The open borders advocates are playing into the hands of the criminals and terrorists. That is a price that is not acceptable for America.

I realize that these suggestions are things that most people would agree with. So, since these things are a no-brainer, maybe our politicians can quit playing politics and put our country first. Let’s take care of the crisis on the border and do what it takes to make sure our borders are secure. This is not a political issue but one that deals with national security and morality.

J. Paul Taylor

Local animal shelter is inadequate, outdated

Our population is rising again. Estimates are around 40,000 residents. I am reaching out to responsible animal owners, animal lovers as well as people who don’t like animals.

A new animal welfare center would help all of us residents. Remember the animals roaming and causing problems will decrease with a decent animal shelter owned by the county and run by animal welfare professionals.

From what I have read, the outdated small shelter was built thanks to a resident many, many years ago. It consists of one building with 31 runs. These runs are not up to standard. No isolation rooms, one small room for cats.

Why are our pets not considered worthy of decent conditions? Simply because it is not budgeted? State law requires animal control but not a shelter to put them in.

The county used to spend $260,000 per year for them to run the existing shelter. A bid went out and was awarded to an animal welfare group for $225,000. County had two and a half paid workers, a private group employed eight. Tiring but rewarding. Our Pahrump animals got noticed, adopted, pampered etc. Adoption rates were great, euthanasia went down. However, most of the county officials still would not build a new shelter. So when you get 30 to 60 animals all at one time it is a fruitless, impossible task. Donna Cox and Frank Carbone saw the need and agreed but were lost in the shuffle of “meetings,” “committees,” etc. Most never happened.

To all our new residents, welcome. We hope you are part of the solution. Speak to your district county official so we can get this done. Time is running out. Let’s start the New Year right. We will all celebrate.

Susan Cronin

Letters to the Editor

I am writing to thank the person who stole the clothing rack secured by the front door of our store.

Letters to the Editor

Vern Jewett’s recent letter espousing solar farms has me scratching my head for so many reasons.

Investing in Health Access for Nevada’s Rural Communities

Rural living means we face unique challenges that urban areas often don’t, especially when it comes to accessing essential services like health care.

Letters to the Editor

Why is it that those with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) will never take the time to research the other side of an issue before opening mouth and inserting foot?

Letters to the Editor

In Wednesday’s Letters to the Editor, two letters were inadvertently combined. Our apologies to both writers. Here they are in their correct form.

A tribute to a great town and travel buddy

Just like towns, our lives are boom and bust, and this holiday season I’m just thankful for the time that we had together.

Letters to the Editor

Dr. Waters does not speak for the majority of military veterans when he disparages Donald Trump.