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Letters to editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Educating today’s youth different from past

Have you ever wondered why young adults graduating from high schools are unable to express themselves verbally or in written composition, ignorant about how their body works and without a clue about the working of various levels of government?

Before I offer an answer to those issues, I suggest considering a few questions contained in an eighth-grade final examination given in Salina, Kansas circa 1895, and as an addendum, when this test was in use, anyone writing a passing grade on this exam was eligible to become a teacher. (The following questions were selected from a Google search… Final Exam, 8th grade. Salina, Kansas. 1895)


2. Name the Parts of Speech and define those that have no modifications.

4. What are the Principal parts of a verb? Give Principal Parts of do, lie, lay and run.


3. If a load of wheat weighs 3,942 lbs., what is it worth at 50 cts. per bu., deducting 1,050 lbs. for tare?

6. Find the interest of $512.60 for 8 months and 18 days at 7 percent?

U.S. History

3. Relate the causes and results of the Revolutionary War?


2. What are elementary sounds? How classified?

6. Give two uses of silent letters in spelling. Illustrate each.


3. Of what use are rivers? Of what use is the ocean?

8. Why is the Atlantic Coast colder than the Pacific in the same latitude?

I doubt very few readers, regardless of their education, can answer each of the example questions correctly. (Incidentally, neither can I). It is obvious a complete answer to my above question could require a very large and lengthy history book; but due to space limitations of this column I can only offer a very brief overview.

Approximately two hundred years ago a small group of men in Bavaria concluded individual nation-based laws and religious doctrines were stifling their potential. They decided to create a One World Order having only one government, one religion and one currency. This New World Order would be ruled by a few progressive elites and supported by a working caste having been intellectually reduced to a minimum functional level. The world’s population would also be reduced and kept at a calculated sustainable level.

These men, (hereafter referred to as globalists) recognized several generations were required before their goal reached fruition; in the meantime a motivated “Enlightened Elite” must be created. The effectiveness of this Enlightened Elite depended upon a complete reversal of individual thinking and thusly their minds required reprogramming. Their religion would become belief in the fallen angel Lucifer, the “Light Giver” or the “Enlightened One”; via a new culture - the Illuminati… The Illuminati religion has no desire-defeating doctrine. It encourages self-determination and pleasures of the flesh; just do whatever feels good and mete out wrath to those deserving of such treatment.

The globalists’ goal for reaching their utopia has four objectives. One of those objectives requires gaining control of education curriculum. This objective is on track as evidenced by elementary and secondary schools curriculum being gutted of basic physiology, civics, geography, history, arts and P.E.; but retains competitive centered sports.

The U.S. Department of Education was created in 1867 to collect information on schools and teachings. Since its formation, the Dept. of Education has consistently been modified with the ulterior motive of ‘dumbing down’ the populace. The latest Common Core standards are part of that original objective and uses government funding as a carrot to encourage Common Core acceptance.

If one has the nerve and rational thinking to evaluate the quality, of education’s progress from early country schools to this year’s elementary and high school graduates, such an evaluation should call to mind the basic meaning of an often-mentioned quote about war. “War is too important to be left to generals.” “Perhaps criteria for educating our children are too important to be overseen by PhD educators.”

Dwight W. Hunter

Benefits of former county employees questioned

I read your article, Nye County approves its final budget, in the Times dated Friday, June 7, 2019. I do not understand this financial liability, that of the county’s other post-employment benefits program. Why does the county budget for medical insurance for former Nye County employees, including health, dental and vision once one has retired?

As a retiree from the City of Las Vegas, I have coverage through Medicare, which offers various programs. Why are we paying for former Nye County employees to have post-employment benefits?

Thank you for your time.

Linda H. Brady

Letter writer is tired of inconsiderate drivers

Why is it that some drivers believe that when they make a turn that they have the right to any lane they choose as opposed to the rule (law) of the road that you turn from lane to lane? …. that means if you turn right onto a multiple lane roadway you are required by law to turn into the first lane closest to you, not turn and wander across several lanes to the center lane!

Why is it that some drivers assume that other drivers are psychic and automatically know what you plan to do and that you need not use a signal to indicate you are turning or changing lanes???

Why is it that owners of ATVs, UTV’s, or whatever they are called, feel that they can drive on our public roadways without any license, registration, or insurance? Should I do so with my vehicle, I would get stopped, get a huge ticket (at the least) and most likely have my vehicle impounded.

Walter Dennis

Yucca Mountain is not the best choice for site

I believe in the ‘law’ of common sense and how to get the biggest bang for my tax dollar, and Yucca Mountain as a repository site doesn’t make common sense nor is it a good investment of tax dollars.

The nation already has a site for the long-term storage of high-level nuclear waste and it’s been in use for decades. It is the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico. The site is superior in stable natural material (salt) as opposed to the permeable material (volcanic rock) at Yucca Mountain. Yucca Mountain is located in a Level 4 earthquake and volcanic zone, the highest zone there is.

What you want is the best rock choice at the best location, with the best natural systems as a long-term storage site. You pick a site that has been naturally stable for a long, long time and where it’s likely to remain like that for a long, long time into the future. Not a site that requires an engineered approach that attempts to subdue nature. That ‘best’ site describes the existing New Mexico site.

Politics has driven the selection process of storage sites, which is precisely why Yucca Mountain was chosen. Not the ‘best’ site, but rather the site in a state with the least political muscle. Nevada in the early 1980’s had far fewer people when the site selection process took place. Nevada had far fewer members of Congress and therefore the perfect state to be bullied when a choice was made. And Las Vegas, the nearest large city, was not the growing metropolis it is today, with an enormous economy that needs protected from any potential threats from nuclear transportation accidents or a breach of the storage site.

Turning to cost, which is important to folks like me, those who believe we should receive the best storage site at the least cost, the New Mexico site wins hands down.

Recent reports from the (GAO) Government Accounting Office, pegs the cost to complete the Yucca Mountain site at a whopping $400 billion, up from the original estimate of $80 billion. The Nuclear Waste Policy Act established a 0.1 cent per kilowatt-hour users’ fee on nuclear-generated electricity, to fund long-term storage of high-level waste from nuclear power plants. Through 2014 this fund had accumulated $100 billion, an amount that is $300 billion shy of the estimate to complete Yucca Mountain. To prepare the New Mexico site, the superior geologic storage option, is estimated by the GAO to cost $30 billion. If getting the biggest bang for your tax dollar is important, then it is a ‘no-brainer’, and where the government and nuclear power industry needs to focus.

I suggest we follow the best available science, at the best cost, and reject licensing the Yucca Mountain site, in favor of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico.

Dwight Lilly

Thanks for attending dementia education session

My thanks to the community members who attended our Dementia Friends of Pahrump Education session on May 29th. We gathered at the Valley Conference Center to view a film about dementia and learned from Senator Valerie Wiener about the state position on many items of interest related to dementia.

Our chairperson, Jennifer Carson, held our attention as always with her knowledge of dementia in everyday life. Barbara Payne gave us information about her Alzheimer’s Support group held here twice a month. Our local media provided invaluable support of our program.

Thank you all very much.

For more information and books about dementia, please call me at 775-253-5791.

Jan Lindsay,

RSVP and Dementia Friendly Pahrump.

Opioid epidemic spinning into worse problem

The opiate crisis is continuing to get worse in the United States and is now being considered a “syndemic,” after graduating from being an epidemic. A syndemic is when two or three other epidemics start playing off of each other. Right now, besides the opiate epidemic, we also have the benzodiazepine epidemic and the methamphetamine epidemic as well. What’s happening is that all three epidemics are fueling each other. The opioid crisis has been around for quite some time, as well has the benzodiazepine problem, and the methamphetamine problem has recently reappeared in the last few years. The opioid epidemic came first and can be said to have spun the other problems alongside it. What we have happening now is that these three problems have created major increases in new HIV infections, Hepatitis C infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and infectious endocarditis. I knew that if we didn’t really step up and get a handle on this problem, it was going to get worse, and it has. The opioid epidemic that has claimed thousands upon thousands of lives has now grown into a different, scarier monster.

For more information on the opiate syndemic, visit http://www.narconon-suncoast.org/blog/opioid-crisis-now-considered-a-syndemic.html If you are in need of a referral to a treatment center, call us at 877-841-5509

Jason Good

Letters to the Editor

I am writing to thank the person who stole the clothing rack secured by the front door of our store.

Letters to the Editor

Vern Jewett’s recent letter espousing solar farms has me scratching my head for so many reasons.

Investing in Health Access for Nevada’s Rural Communities

Rural living means we face unique challenges that urban areas often don’t, especially when it comes to accessing essential services like health care.

Letters to the Editor

Why is it that those with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) will never take the time to research the other side of an issue before opening mouth and inserting foot?

Letters to the Editor

In Wednesday’s Letters to the Editor, two letters were inadvertently combined. Our apologies to both writers. Here they are in their correct form.

A tribute to a great town and travel buddy

Just like towns, our lives are boom and bust, and this holiday season I’m just thankful for the time that we had together.

Letters to the Editor

Dr. Waters does not speak for the majority of military veterans when he disparages Donald Trump.