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Letters to editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

The government cover-up

Remember how the internet is supposed to be for free information for everything as long as one pays their bill? Well, this is not true anymore, at least for non-expensive cancer cures. Let me explain …

While looking for researched cancer cures or control information about Mebendazole for people and its sister animal cancer cure Fenbendazole, the website has been deleted. By who? You can bet it was done by the FDA, pressured by the “big pharma” and the American Medical Association because it would nearly, if not completely, decimate the standard big money costing procedures that give one a 5 to 15 percent chance of curing one of cancer.

Fenbendazole cures worms and cancer the same way in animals and for some people who in desperation have tried it when the standard treatments failed.

Most veterinarians have it to treat any animal for worms and thus cure them of cancer if they have it.

Mebendazole was known 20 years ago in human testing and controlled the cancer and in some cured them of cancer. But the AMA industry kept it quiet and is still controlling the information.

This is the most egregious act of our government’s FDA, (whose job it is to protect us from harm) and the cancer cure industry run by the AMA.

Think about it a bit. Big pharma makes all sorts of “medicines” that have killed 100,000 to 200,000 people a year, some by overdosing, others by shutting down the human body’s ability to help itself naturally. “Science” is supposed to advance the human race, not harm it.

It’s up to us to get back to healing ourselves naturally if possible and to promote the good things science actually develops.

Hopefully, more of us will stop being sheep and following destructive propaganda put out by “science for profit” organizations.

Also, kudos to Karen Stone.

Henry Hurlbut

A big reason for the dust in Pahrump

The article on dust is for sure in effect in unit 14.

However, when you look at the roads you clearly understand the reason for the dust.

The road graders have over the years taken all the gravel off the roads and graded it to the shoulder, leaving the roads now bare dirt. The summer it is dust, with winter you almost need mud and snow tires to make it.

Make the road graders take road grading 101.

John Eastin

EDITORIAL: Abortion rights are already protected in Nevada

Abortion rights are already codified in state law, thanks to overwhelming voter approval in 1990 of a referendum that legalized abortion through the first two trimesters.

Letters to the Editor

Voter worries about who is really running the country

Letters to the Editor

Protecting our desert home: Why solar is bad for us

Letters to the editor

Trump can be bombastic, crude, and rude, at the same time feel very fortunate and proud to be fortunate enough to be part of this country that made it possible for him to make a fortune.

Letters to the editor

I want to thank the wonderful members of our community who braved the heat to come out and support the Nevada Silver Tappers’ USO Show.