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Letters to editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Firefighters praised for quick reaction to emergency in Pahrump

We always knew we lived in a great neighborhood. But on Dec. 6, 2019 when our house caught fire, you, our friends, neighbors and emergency personnel proved we are extremely blessed.

From calling the fire department to bringing us food, loaning a generator and lights, helping to restore power and water to our camper and offering your homes and bathrooms, you have been there when we needed you.

We are so grateful for the state fire marshal, Nye County Sheriff, and the Pahrump fire department for their swift reaction during our emergency. Without the fire department’s quick response, the results could have been so much worse. They were able to contain the fire and kept it from spreading to several other buildings on our property as well as to our neighbors’ homes.

We cannot find the right words to express how grateful we are for the dedicated personnel who helped during our emergency. We lost our home, but the firefighters went into an unstable structure several times to retrieve important documents and medical information.

They also returned several times throughout the night and several days later to check on us. Please accept our heartfelt appreciation and thanks one again for all you do for our community.

All of you showed what community means and Pat and I are grateful we live among you.

Lewis (Pat) and Martha Patterson

There is still progress and unity on many fronts

We’re informed that the House of Representatives has completed its portion of the impeachment process, although at this point a Senate trial seems unlikely.

Whatever your feelings on the matter, few would dispute that this episode has been one of the most divisive in our history. Worldwide, America’s reputation has been tarnished and the stain will doubtless linger for a time.

There are learned observers of the national scene who believe our troubled nation is in decline. I for one choose not to accept that negative view and will not allow my faith in our Constitution to diminish.

That treasured and enduring document is by no means outdated or irrelevant. Since the earliest days of the republic, our country has faced all manner of challenges.

It is reasonable to expect that the unpredictable nature of humanity and the environment will ensure a variety of struggles lie ahead.

Even so, in the mix of good and bad to come, the future may also be marked by progress and unity on many fronts. I’d like to think that term limits for elected members of the Congress will be among them…Go ahead. Chuckle if you wish, but it really could happen. Moving along.

On a brighter note, there is an important example of local progress to consider. Applause should be directed toward those men and women who continue to labor with highway construction over the Spring Mountain pass on Highway 160.

Every time my wife and I drive to Las Vegas, we never fail to notice the improvements that continue along the route. It’s worthy of recognition that from the start of this major project, traffic delays have been kept to a minimum, and to my knowledge serious mishaps have been avoided because the Nevada Highway Patrol, as well as contractors, maintain constant vigilance.

Nevada DMV and all who are involved in the effort to increase efficiency and safety on the highways, deserve our thanks for their professionalism. Keep up the good work—-and happy holidays to everyone.


Just a couple of observations with the new year starting

Socialists and their planned programs:

How about we in the USA list our affiliation to the IRS so those who want free this and that can be taxed at higher rates than those who don’t want their programs and don’t pay or use them? What a change we would see at voting time!

Their programs punish everyone, much like students were punished for the actions of a few in grade school – anyone remember? Or at home when no one owned up to the problem one caused and parents punished everyone. Remember how unfair we thought it was?

Thus, they (socialists, progressives, etc.) could enjoy their “free” programs until “their” money ran out and not penalize we who believe in conservatism and will pay for what we need without FED money. Just a thought …

Abortion rights by taxpayers:

Where in our Constitution does it say this? When there is consensual sex and fertilization, it should be those two people’s responsibility for ALL costs involved with aborting and/or bringing to life a newborn and its upbringing. No taxpayer money should be used.

I personally believe there should be taxpayer money for rape or extreme problems with fetus health, as written by at least two doctors, including the reason of danger to the woman’s life., but unfettered abortion on demand with taxpayers’ money, no way!

How many agree? Hopefully most.

Henry Hurlbut

Why should Pahrump residents vote Republican?

I have tried throughout my life to base my decisions on logic that told me how to benefit the most when it came to national elections.

For example, how did the huge tax cuts for billionaires like the Kochs, the Murdochs, and the Trumps benefit the residents of Pahrump? Especially when Trump and McConnell said, “We are going to have to take away the health care for the people to pay for the tax cuts.” I am certain that the Kochs, Trumps, and Murdochs have many more millions of net worth, but does the average Pahrump citizen even have $10,000 more in his/her bank account after the tax cuts for the rich?

To the contrary, I know Republicans who live in mobile homes, and live paycheck to paycheck. They don’t live here in fancy Manhattan residences, and probably 98% of them aren’t even millionaires. I also know some who drive around in hot old cars because they can’t even afford to have their air conditioners repaired.

One of them said, “I don’t like Hillary and will never again vote for a Democrat.” There have been many more felons arrested under Trump than under Clinton and Obama combined. If Hillary was so bad, how come the Republicans could find no wrong on her part after spending over $50 million of our tax dollars while doing 13 separate investigations? Even the Benghazi story was a lie put out only by Fox News and not verified by any other major and worthy news station.

Some say, “Look at the economy.” OK. Trump is running a deficit of nearly a trillion dollars, almost double that of Obama. Our national debt is expanding at 6% while our economy is increasing at only 2%. Let me explain this to Republicans. Trump is running our economy on a credit card. We all know how this will likely end.

But, most important, this election is not about Democrat vs. Republican. It is about defending our Constitution from being violated again by Trump, despite the fact that Republicans in the

Senate have vowed to prevent a fair trial for the people. Can you imagine a trial in Pahrump whereby the judge would not allow witnesses testify to the facts? All of us have pledged allegiance to our republic. Why should we vote for one who has violated our Constitution?

Jim Ferrell

Letters to the Editor

Our U.S. representatives and U.S. senators work for us, not us for them.

Letters to the Editor

As a military veteran, I cannot (after in-depth consideration) support the 45th president, Donald Trump.

Letters to the editor

I rarely write a letter to the PVT but there’s a matter that I feel must be addressed.

Review-Journal endorsement: Nevada’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Steven Horsford, a Democrat, has held Nevada’s 4th Congressional District seat since 2018. Former state lawmaker and North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee hopes to flip the seat for Republicans.

Letters to the editor

The Utah Republican Party recently squealed like a stuck pig about the possibility of foreign influence infecting Utah’s sacred populist initiative process.

Letters to the Editor

Many of my neighbors are asking for us to walk a signed petition and send it to the attorney general’s office for help.

EDITORIAL: Lithium fires a major roadway hazard

A fire that didn’t burn out was once considered a miracle. Now it’s a hazard faced by Nevada motorists.