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Letters to the Editor

Lack of diligence may have cost us loss of our liberties

By our heritage and by our laws we are a constitutional representative republic. As a “government by and for the people”, we the people are to elect our representatives. Our 2020 election has shown that this is no longer the case in America. Representatives have been selected by political entities controlling the voting process rather than by lawful votes of the citizens. They are being protected in this breach of the law by a judiciary that is functioning as political special interest groups rather than judicial entities sworn to uphold our laws.

Can we call ourselves a constitutional republic if we ignore our laws? Can we call ourselves a representative republic if we are not permitted to select those who will represent us? These are the characteristics of dictatorships. Have we so quickly and so quietly abandoned our liberty and acquiesced acceptance of this? Have we abandoned what our nation was born to be, what so many have given their lives to defend? The answers will become apparent as events unfold in the mere weeks ahead.

We have reached this state of affairs because we have only used exposure of politically motivated law breaking to influence voting choices. Not prosecuting it has emboldened enemies of liberty into unprecedented levels of lawlessness capable of ending our status as a constitutional representative republic and replacing it with what is, in effect, a dictatorship.

We may not have drained the swamp soon enough to preserve our liberty. What a terrible price to pay for lack of diligence in upholding proven principles of good governance.

Richard Heller

Political world has finally quieted down, a little

I have noticed a certain “Zimmerman Letter” seems to have ruffled a lot of people’s feathers. I have heard about it (including letters to this newspaper, however I have not seen it.

I am quite sure Teutonic Stormtroopers have gone the way of Anglo Confederate soldiers in the past. True, each of our political sides cannot trust each other (for good reason) but our planet has quieted down, politically, a degree or two.

The Brown Shirts and the Johnny Rebs have taken their final bow and left the world stage.

Now, about those Zionists.

Janice Gilmour

Election was example of ‘you can’t fix stupid’

Liberal progressives, in lockstep with one another, have an uncanny ability to not concede there might be an “other” side to an issue. It is not coincidence that this cadre of mostly Democrats access and speak from a set of talking points that repeated over and over again, eventually replace truth and reasoning.

I recently opined on the stolen election, and yes, it was stolen, but since the reasoning offered did not fit the legal standard of the left, it was with left-handed eloquence dismissed as, well, pretty much drivel.

Someone with much more word prowess than I once described a fool, and I am paraphrasing, as someone who does the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. That said, I won’t reiterate the very solid evidence supporting the fact that the election was a total sham. As another person of great wit said, you can’t fix stupid.

David Perlman

The pursuit of justice cannot be compromised

Did the founders of our Constitution intend that a president should not be impeached if he committed a crime against our people and our government in the last three weeks of his presidency because there would be insufficient time to carry out an impeachment trial while the president was still in office? If this is true, what is there to prevent any future president from committing crimes against his own people with impunity during the last days of his presidency? The Constitution does not specify time limits. Ultimately, the question most likely will be answered through our legal process.

The question is left to us. Our Congress impeached Trump while he was the president, so why should he escape the judgement of the Senate? I can see merit on both sides of the argument. Some also argue that an ex-president cannot be held accountable for crimes he committed while he was president.

In my opinion we should pursue justice for our people with a Senate trial as we are doing. Trump may very well not be convicted, but we, the people, deserve to hear the facts, and expose as many co-conspirators as possible, and allow justice to take its course for all those found to have been involved. This is not “vindictiveness,” as George Cross wants us to believe. It should not even be a partisan issue. Our sacred capitol was attacked and vandalized by thugs, which were incited by a psychopathic president who was determined to have power at any cost, which included breaking our laws on several fronts. Five people, including a former police officer, are dead. Moreover, many of our people inside our capitol were assaulted and battered by Trump’s mob. Several were hospitalized, notwithstanding that many, Republicans and Democrats, were traumatized beyond belief..

We, as all Americans, including Republicans and Democratss, need to remember that if we do not hold criminals accountable, including Trump, they will come back again with an even greater vengeance. Representative Schiff warned us at Trump’s first impeachment that if “we don’t stop him now he will commit another crime against our nation.” Appeasement does not work.

Jim Ferrell

International corporations gaining control in the US

The changes in this country and the world, in general, are taking place at an exponential pace. With a little analysis, most may find have more negative effects on individual freedoms especially. The ‘World Economic Forum, which just took place in Davos Switzerland, with the Theme of The “Great Reset” which is part of The “New World Order” which comes to the forefront every so often, but planned and refined for a very long time. It needs an in-depth study and discussion by everyone everywhere. In the USA the new administration it seems is fully supportive of it and most of its policies, but we have a very stubborn blockade that should stop much of it and if enough people pay attention, called our Constitution.

But there are those working to make ‘end-runs’ around it. For example, many politicians today have discovered if they partner with the very power in the private sector, they can get particularly financial support and cover by saying these are private corporations and they can do as they please if they don’t break our laws. These corporations, most of which are international, get access to government powers, mostly legislation and enforcement, which include a level of protection from competition, giving them a level of insurance of profits. Much of this reminds me of W.E.D. Du Bois who coin the words The “Talented Tenth”, believing that only about 10% of any group of people were smart enough to be ‘leaders’, the rest had to be followers. Thoughts such as these have come to the forefront of many in positions of power or those seeking power again today. Whether they themselves or their supporters fully understand the very possible results that such thinking is likely to bring does not matter because history is full of the end results of such attempts of dominating masses of people.

David Jaronik

Letters to the editor

I rarely write a letter to the PVT but there’s a matter that I feel must be addressed.

Review-Journal endorsement: Nevada’s 4th Congressional District

Rep. Steven Horsford, a Democrat, has held Nevada’s 4th Congressional District seat since 2018. Former state lawmaker and North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee hopes to flip the seat for Republicans.

Letters to the editor

The Utah Republican Party recently squealed like a stuck pig about the possibility of foreign influence infecting Utah’s sacred populist initiative process.

Letters to the Editor

Many of my neighbors are asking for us to walk a signed petition and send it to the attorney general’s office for help.

EDITORIAL: Lithium fires a major roadway hazard

A fire that didn’t burn out was once considered a miracle. Now it’s a hazard faced by Nevada motorists.

Letters to the Editor

Nevada’s State Ballot Question 3 would establish a ranked-choice general election system.

EDITORIAL: Abortion rights are already protected in Nevada

Abortion rights are already codified in state law, thanks to overwhelming voter approval in 1990 of a referendum that legalized abortion through the first two trimesters.

Letters to the Editor

Voter worries about who is really running the country