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Letters to the Editor

Administration’s plans will likely change America

The April 28 speech by the president could be viewed as quite an accomplishment for those who prepared him, for lasting that long without any major gaffs. It was well crafted, designed with typical vague narratives and insinuations to stimulate emotional responses that support the administration’s actions while ostracizing any group or individual that even dares to question any part of those actions. It was delivered by an unthreatening, really boring person that’s been labeled a centrist.

Biden, after half a century in public life, has never displayed profound leadership skills and in his best cognitive days was an assuming weathervane that moved according to his perception of wind direction, so it’s doubtful if there was much he contributed to his speech’s thyme. The literal pre-written words are less important than some of the covert meanings delivered that were said to lessen the possible shock much of this nation may soon experience. The gathering of “trusted” media sources may have been more revealing than the speech itself, which was leaked. In that ‘gathering’ Biden seemed to hope those “trusted” sources would help shore up slipping support for his administration, also help selling the plans already implemented and those they wish to implement.

Biden previously said “timing is everything” and those who are directing him have taken advantage of events to impose long-awaited plans and even untested experiments that would have been unfathomable not long ago.

He also told his “trusted” media people that he’s “not sure the U.S. can keep up with other countries in the world”, like China and Russia, due to our structure and Constitution, which though he says he “believes in”, slows accomplishing critical things down too much.

So he hopes they can help ‘sell’ some major changes in his administration’s plans that some may find consortial.

Maybe things like increasing the number of states in the union, which also automatically increases the number of U.S. senators, easing or eliminating restrictions on a wide number of voting issues, even increasing voters through massive immigration policies, and the court “packing” with carefully chosen allies.

Many of these changes are likely to make elections moot and will likely change America itself drastically, that some of the proposals that essentially punish work, innovation, productivity, and frugalness, while rewarding, at least initially, loyalty to the state, re-enforcing this loyalty in advance to ‘groups’ labeled ‘victims’ even if there are a great number of multi-millionaires and powerful in these groups. We’ve already had many chances thrust on us, it just hasn’t become apparent to most yet.

David Jaronik

Well, there are racists and then there are racists

There are two kinds of racists. The first are those who believe that they are somehow superior to others based strictly on skin color. It has been been my experience that these people are very few and far between.

Not so the second kind. Those obsessed with and consumed by race. Those who use race as a cudgel to intimidate and divide.

They are all over social media and one may see them daily on the news spewing hatred and Orwellian logic. These people are by far the worst kind of racist.

Tom Lindsey

DMV offering more online vehicle registration options

The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles is rolling out a new online feature allowing required documents for most vehicle registrations to be uploaded online.

EDITORIAL: No taxes on tips? Watch for unintended consequences

“For those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy, because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips,” Mr. Trump said.

DMV upgrade could cost Nevada extra $300M amid rollout woes

The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles’ modernization of its computer system could take longer than anticipated and cost the state more than $300 million in additional funding.