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Letters to the editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Yucca and the racetrack: Food for thought

It simply amazes me how the people the voters put in office can be of a mindset when it comes to Yucca Mountain. “It’s just a political thing” or something of that nature – or “I’m busy” when asked if they (the people we put in office) want to join the group going to see and hear the info about Yucca as a safe (or not) repository.

It reminds me of a college piece I had in English class. It goes like this: “Round and round in a circle supposin’ goes, while in the middle the secret knows.” In other words, until you enter the information zone you will forever speculate.

Open your minds to the information so you can say why you do or don’t agree with a repository at Yucca.

Also, it seems to me that by being able to add another five miles to the racetrack and claim to be the globe’s longest racetrack would benefit the local community.

At present, Death Valley is about all we have to get tourists to come out this way through our town, at least those from other countries. Yes, we do have events that draw interest but usually from those within a 250-mile radius.

Hopefully, we as locals will back the expansion as it will bring more jobs to the area and be good for Nye County taxes.

Besides, when it is done it should provide us locals with new places to eat, movies, beach and possibly international races to watch. What do you think?

Henry Hurlbut

Good economy no excuse for Trump’s criminal acts

Some have praised Trump for the good economy while not pointing out some very important facts.

First, it doesn’t take a genius to put us in debt up to our eyeballs and spend it to create more jobs. Reagan also did the same thing. For the first time we will have a fiscal deficit of one trillion dollars, a huge debt which our future generations will have to pay.

Secondly, we cannot excuse Trump’s criminal acts of obstructing justice, conspiring with the Russians, and being a bold-faced liar, any more than our forefathers could have excused Al Capone the mobster, because he fed many hungry people during the Great Depression.

No, Trump has not yet been legally found guilty, but if he is so innocent, why won’t he sit down for an unrestricted interview with our Republican justice investigator, Robert Mueller? Trump will eventually get what he deserves.

As Abe Lincoln, one of the first Republicans, said, “You can fool some of the people all the time, you can fool all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”

Jim Ferrell

Resident thanks Flight for Life for flyover

My name is Lisa Browning. My family would like to give a personal thank you to Flight for Life. I live in Pahrump and my dad had to be rushed to Desert View Hospital, where they found he had to be flown to Vegas. My mother wasn’t able to even go with him to Desert View due to her being sick herself.

When we found he had to be flown, my sister Jackie Och asked if they can fly over my mom’s house so she can wave goodbye to him and they did just that, shining a spotlight on her as she waved goodbye.

We are so grateful. Unfortunately, my dad didn’t make it but we were able to get her down there before he passed.

We just thought they should be noticed for their kindness. Thank you.

Lisa Browning

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.

EDITORIAL: The blue state blues

If blue states want to stop losing residents to red states, they should adopt red state policies.

Letters to the Editor

Vaccines have saved over 174,000 lives over the past 15 years.