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Letters to the editor of the Pahrump Valley Times

Reader suggests writer watch mainstream news

Mr. Hunter wrote, “I do not watch TV news,” and then went on to question details from mainstream TV news, puzzling some of us to ask Mr. Hunter, how can you know so much about what TV news reports when you claim you never watch mainstream media? At best, Mr. Hunter is getting his information about TV news from a secondary source. Perhaps most disturbing is that he made assumptions which were intellectually unsound.

For example, he asked, “Why … so little mention made about … the taming of North Korea?” For Mr. Hunter, a former military man, to be suggesting that we should not be highly concerned about North Korea’s nuclear threat is shocking to say the least. Our own intelligence service has reported that North Korea is further developing its nuclear capability since the Trump/Kim summit. Trump was duped by Kim. He further stated, “The … Russian dossier … was proven a fake.” That is news I have not heard. To the best of my knowledge, none of the Russian dossier has been proven to be false. I know there were some questions as to the legality on how it was obtained, but nothing false that I know about. If Mr. Hunter has facts, dates, names, places, and prime evidence on the dossier being a fake, I would like to see it, but please don’t give me blowhard from Fox news. Moreover, Mr. Hunter tried to whitewash the attacks against the FBI, CIA, and our rule of law.

He claimed those attacks were against only the leaders. Then why did Hannity on Fox news refer to the FBI as “storm Troopers” and “gestapo troops?” Again, why did Hannity call the Mueller investigation a “witch hunt?” An investigation headed by a gentleman and a Republican with a distinguished and celebrated military career. Another shocking question by Mr. Hunter, “Why does mainstream media feel it so important for Russia to be our nation’s top enemy?” Mr. Hunter, do you even know who Putin is? The leader of Russia, who has murdered who knows how many people. He has invaded the Ukraine, illegally taken Crimea, and broken numerous treaties that Russia has made, and according to you, we shouldn’t be concerned about the threat he poses to the West.

When writing we can only write in three broad categories, facts, opinions, and false narrative. I never write something which I believe is false, and for Mr. Hunter to suggest there is a “sliver in (my) veracity”, is over the top, and I don’t claim “political neutrality.” Finally, let me suggest to Mr. Hunter that he would be much better informed if he watched mainstream media.

Jim Ferrell

Resident’s family

thanks town for

electing administrator

Death is never pleasant for anyone and it always seems to happen much too soon as was the case of my brother, who was found deceased on June 4, 2018. The other unfortunate issue is the distance between the deceased and family.

My association with Nye County resulted after the passing of my brother, Leonard Padios. Len’s longtime friend, who lives in Pahrump, called me the night of June 4 to inform me that she found my brother deceased in the home he rented. She had not heard from him in several days so decided to drive over. Survivors are Len’s mother, Olga Padios, 99 years old; Brenda Ramsey, sister, Ryan and Brent Ramsey, nephews; and four children from the nephews.

Given the distance and with no obvious will or trust in effect, Ryan and I decided to work together and let Nye County administrate everything.

For the past month and a half, I have had the extreme pleasure of working with your elected public administrator, Ginger Stumne. How fortunate for Pahrump to have a staff person like her on board. She is professional, easy to talk with, knows her “stuff” from A to Z and if she cannot answer a question on the spot, she finds the answer quickly. I have not had to deal with a situation like this in the LA area and doubt that there is anyone around who has the expertise of Ginger.

On behalf of myself, my son Ryan Ramsey and my mother Olga Padios, we highly commend the town of Pahrump for electing Ginger to handle these touchy situations. Would I want her job? NO WAY. She appears to love her job and I hope she is well compensated and rewarded for her above normal efforts.

This letter is non-solicited because “WE” wanted everyone to know how much we appreciate the efforts of Ginger and Nye County for the work they have done and continue to do.

Thank you again for having such a reliable staff in your town/county.


Brenda Padios Ramsey, Ryan Ramsey, Olga Padios

Reader comments on lack of participation for Yucca

Did anyone notice how the three Nevada Democratic people involved in politics had conflict of schedules, wouldn’t participate because it’s a taxpayer-funded junket, and just a political stunt by a Trump-appointed chairman of House Energy and Commerce for Environment?

It would seem to me since they all work for Nevada taxpayers they would have been there so they could give voice to Nevadans to assure Yucca is a safe repository for spent fuel rods and radioactive materials.

The information in the paper appeared to show it would be a good site for storage.

The main thing Nevadans should be interested in is the mode and path of transportation. Possibly an air strip for flights in overpopulated areas, railway via the least populated areas with a lead vehicle to ensure the stability of the rails, or new roadways bypassing populated areas. Finally, security for each mode of transportation.

Nevada could benefit financially, helping to fund state, counties, communities and benefit our country by providing a secure, safe repository for many years to come. What do you all think?

Henry Hurlbut

Letters to the Editor

President Johnson previously held the record for pardons, with about 7,000. Joe Biden broke that record with over 8,000 pardons.

EDITORIAL: Regulatory thicket will dog victims of California fires

If Gov. Newsom wants to facilitate reconstruction, he might also request technical help from those running states and municipalities who actually know how to encourage development rather than relying on those expert in killing it.

Letters to the Editor

I am proud of the role RPEN – Retired Public Employees of Nevada – had to congressional bill H.R. 82

Letters to the Editor

Hope all Nye County residents are going to enjoy your gift from the BOCC. You say, “what gift?” Your stocking contained the ever-not-desirable solar fields.

Letters to the Editor

Basically, what they are doing is taking away what we have saved for the winter months and not compensating us for what they have taken from us.

Letters to the Editor

This is a follow-up letter congratulating reporter Selwyn Harris for a job well done.