Beatty finds Adelson bats too hot
The Hornets found the Adelson bats too hot to handle as they posted an 18-5 loss on Tuesday to the visiting Lions.
Beatty’s coach, Leo Verzilli, said his defense needs a lot of work.
“Routine plays have got to be routine,” Verzilli said. “We had bad throws to first and we misjudged fly balls. The other team only earned maybe eight of the 18 runs, but we have a young team.”
Verzilli said of the nine starters, only 6 of them played last year. There are 15 players on the team and that is less than half with experience.
The coach said his goal is to get the errors to just two per game.
The top hitters on the team are Daniel Jacobs, Armando Gonzalez and Hugo Mendoza.
In addition to having a bad defensive day, the hitting was also bad.
“Against Adelson our bats went cold,” Verzilli said.
The team has the following five pitchers: Saul Damian, Armando Gonzalez, Nick Zamora, Jacob Henry and Hugo Mendoza.
At the moment, the top pitchers for the team are Saul Damian, who had a good outing against Adelson, and Nick Zamora, who had a good one against Trona.
The Hornets catcher is Matt Reetz, third baseman is Hugo Mendoza, shortstop is Nick Zamora, second baseman is Isaias Femat, first baseman is Daniel Jacobs, left field is Josh Hopper, center field is Samuel Cardenas and right field is Jacob Henry.
Stats from Adelson:
Daniel Jacobs 2 hits, Armando Gonzalez 2 hits, Josh Hopper 1 hit.
The Hornets play again at Adelson on April 7 at 3 p.m.